

宅配業者を困らせる人妻、OL「昼下がり」迷惑 - (2008/10/14 (火) 16:35:35) のソース


*Truckers deliver the goods to seductive ladies of the house

>Shukan Taishu (3/26)
>By Mark Schreiber
>Sunday March 11, 2001

>From June through October last year, Wada-san, 24, worked part time driving a parcel delivery van to save enough funds to let him perform with a theater troupe.
>During his five-month stint behind the wheel, the lanky and handsome youth was twice targeted for seduction by lusty female customers.
去年の6月から10月まで、和田さん((Wada-san 和田さん? 何故ここだけ「さん」がついている?))(24歳)は、劇団で活動するための資金稼ぎに小包配達用バンの運転手としてパートタイムで働いていた。
彼が運転手として((behind the wheel = at the wheel))仕事をした((stint = an allotted period of work))5ヶ月間に、痩身でハンサムな若者(である彼)は2度、強壮な(欲求の旺盛な)女性客の誘惑の対象にされた。
//behind the wheel : ハンドルを握って となっていましたが、意訳しました

>"The first time was about two months after I started," he relates to Shukan Taishu (3/26).
>"I had to drop something off at a condo, but nobody was home. 
>I was writing a nondelivery notice to drop in the mailbox downstairs when the lady of the house, who was around 30 and quite a looker, pulled up on her bicycle with a basket full of groceries."
「最初は私が(仕事を)始めてからおよそ2ヶ月後でした」 と、彼は週刊大衆(3/26)に語る。 
「私はあるマンション((condo = condominium))に配達しなくてはならなかったのですが、誰もいませんでした。
//condo の訳に?が付いていましたが、この訳で正しいと思いますので、?を消しました

>"When I asked her to sign the receipt voucher, I made the mistake of remarking that the apples she was carrying looked tasty, and she urged me to go upstairs to try one."

>Other customers had presented him with cans of juice before, but never invited him to sit at their kitchen table while they peeled and sliced fresh fruit.

>"She slid up right beside me in another chair and while talking, put her hand on my thigh," Wada recalls. 
>"I knew right then what was coming next."

>He was right. 
>Remarking how hot the day was, the customer stood up, pulled off her top garment and went to lock the front door from the inside.
>"Fortunately or unfortunately, I'd locked the van and taken the keys with me," Wada says. 
>"So I wound up reciprocating her gift of an apple with my 'banana.' "
「運良くか悪くか、私はバンをロックしており、鍵も持ってきていました。」 和田は言う。
「そこで私は結局自分の ’バナナ’で彼女の贈り物のリンゴへのお返しをする事になった。」((wind up doing : 結局~することになる wound(windの過去形)))
//熟語の意味を追加、これをふまえて修正しました 修正前:そこで私は野性的になって自分の ’バナナ’で彼女の贈り物のリンゴのお返しをしました。

>Their friendship was consummated with him seated at the kitchen table and her on his lap, her back turned toward him.

>"Let's keep it our little secret," she winked to him in parting.
「このことは私たちの小さな秘密にしましょう。」 彼女は別れ際に彼にウィンクした。

>"Wives these days are something else," a 42-year-old veteran driver relates with a chuckle. 
>"I bet they come on to the younger guys all the time. 
>But of course they don't pay any attention to middle-aged men like me."
「近頃の女房族てのは何か別物だね」 42歳のベテランドライバーはほくそ笑みながら語る。

>Such juicy tales apparently abound. 
>Another driver named Kato, 28, was making a delivery to a residential area of Kawasaki when he inadvertently interrupted what was apparently a noontime tryst between a housewife and her paramour. 
>When he returned for another delivery two weeks later, the wife recognized him.
//paramour  不貞行為の相手という意味合いを考え、修正しました 修正前:相方

>"Wait a minnit willya," she said. 
>"I wanna make sure that they got the order right."
>And she popped open the mailing envelope.
「ちょっとまってくれる?」 彼女は言った。

>"It was a two-piece negligee she'd ordered through the mail," Kato recalls.
>"She murmured, as if thinking out loud, 'Such a delicate item, yet so expensive.' "
「それは彼女がメールオーダーしたツーピースのネグリジェだった。」 加藤は回想する。 
「『こういうデリケートなものって、すごく高いのよね』 彼女は声に出して考えているように、ぶつぶつ言った。 

>The next thing he knew, Kato was sipping tea at the table. 
>Soon thereafter, she had literally bowled him over into a horizontal position.

>"The whole thing was straight out of a B-grade porno film," Kato grins.
「すべてはまるきりB級ポルノ映画だった。」 加藤はニヤリとする。

>Those entrusted with picking up shipments are also targeted by these female predators. 
>One driver, who regularly loaded shipments from a small native handicrafts workshop, found himself alone with the patron's wife when he suddenly felt her arms wrapped around his torso.
それらの集荷を任された者たちもまた、これらの女(雌)プレデターの標的にされる。((pick up には捕獲の意味もあり、predator と並べて食物連鎖のような表現をしているような印象を受けた。また predator は天敵・捕食者と訳すが、この場合映画「プレデター」のように容赦なく襲い掛かるもののニュアンスかと思う。 google自動翻訳では"predator : 性犯罪者"という訳になっていました。前述の乱暴なと共に、見下すようなニュアンスもあるのではないでしょうか))

>"Then I heard this hoarse whisper, 'I really like you,' beside my ear," he says incredulously. 
>"And her husband was there working in the shopout front; how brazen can you get?"
「その時私は耳元のかすれたささやきを聞いたんです、’あなたがほんとに好き’と。」 彼は信じられないとでもいうように言った。

>Parcel delivery services have become increasingly user friendly and convenient.
>But in the present dog-eat-dog business climate, Shukan Taishu concludes, it would seem some drivers can be really hard-pressed to provide that "extra something" to keep their customers satisfied.




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