
Politics - (2007/10/18 (木) 06:06:00) のソース

*[Political analysis]

**1. Political Analysis
There are four factors determining the political feasibility of political change(Reich 2002).  They are (1)Player, (2)Position, (3)Power, and (4)Perception.

**2. Public-Private Relationship

**3. Modernization vs Dependency Approaches

**4. Pharmaceutical Donation/Drug Policy

[[Michael Reich Publication>http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ezp1.harvard.edu/sites/entrez?Db=PubMed&Cmd=Search&Term=%22Reich%20MR%22%5BAuthor%5D&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVCitation]]

*[Health System]

**[Getting Health Reform(2004)]
[[Health Sector Reform>http://www.dosh.gm/conferences/hsr/course/index.html]]
[[Country Case>http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ihsg/region.html]]


**[World Health Report(2000)]

Finkle, J and Mclntosh(2002)"UN Population Councile"
Grindle, M(1991)
Reich, M(2002)"The politics of reforming health policies"
Blumenthal, D and Hsiao(2005): Decentralization in China
Getting Health Reform Right(2004): Introduction
World Health Report(2000)

**Political Economy
Reich, M(2002) "Reshaping"
Reich, M(1994) "Political economy of health transition in third world"
Reich, M(1995) "The politics of agenda setting in international health"
Reich, M(1999) "An Assessment of US Pharmaceutical Donation"
Reich, M(2000) "Public-private partnership for pubic health"
Reich, M(1995) "The politics of health sector reform in developing countries: three cases of pharmaceutical policy"
Reich, M(2002) "The politics of reforming health policies"