「Raising Heartリスニングまとめ」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Raising Heartリスニングまとめ」を以下のとおり復元します。
*Raising Heartリスニングまとめ

Raising Heart


**&color(#a0ffff){ユーノ vs ヴァー}

&color(lightgreen){妙なる響き 光となれ 許されざる者を 封印の輪に}

Preparing to seal.

**&color(#a0ffff){Raising Heartとの出会い~変身}

&color(white){この手に魔法を。レイジングハート セーットアップ!}

Stand by Ready.Setup


Welcome the new user.


Your magic level qualifies to use me.
&color(#EE8EA0){Your magic level qualifies you to use me.}
>サブ追加。qualifies you to use meじゃね。

May I select optimum configuration for the barrier jacket and the device?
>configuration → decoration に聞こえた


All right.
Stand by Ready.
Barrier jacket Setup.



How much do you know about magic?


Then I shall teach you everything. Please do as I say.
&color(#EE8EA0){Then I show you everything. Please do as I say.}
>teachは聴こえたがI showも聴こえる。teachが正しいならshall teachくらいしか候補がないかな。
>↑shall teachであってる


Flier Fin.



No, it is not a living being.
It is an entity of Lost Logia.



Your magical powers are impressive.


To seal, either get closer to invoke sealing magic or use more powerful magic.
&color(#EE8EA0){To seal, either get closer and in both the sealing magic or use more powerful magic.}
&color(#EE8EA0){To seal, either get closer and invoke the sealing magic or use more powerful magic.}
>二番目のやつはandから始まる部分に動詞が無い気がする 可能性があるとすれば in both→invoke てか俺invokeってメモってたw
>use → invokeに修正
>3つ目追加。get colser and invokeだと思う。


Imagine your about to strike.


Hold out your strongest arm(one?).


Shoot bullet.
>このときのレイハの赤玉wには「Shoot Ba..」と表示されているように見える。Baより後の文字は読み取れない。






If that is what you desire.
&color(#EE8EA0){If that's for you desire.}

That's right. Focus your internal spiritual heat to your arms.

Mode change
Cannon mode



Shoot in buster mode.

Ignite fire when the targets locked.
&color(#EE8EA0){Ignite fire on targets locked.}
>Ignite your fire かも…Ignitely fireだと点火するが如く引金を引く?になっちゃう
>あとその後が when the target is locked. に聴こえる 単数は有り得ないかな?
>↑わたしは when targets locked. に聴こえた。Igniteのところは「インギンギン」って聴こえるww
>↑when the targets locked.と思う 前段は効果音で聞き取りにくい
>ignite the fire で the を θi 読みしてるかも… ネイティヴは割とルーズだったりするらしいしレイハさんたまにミッド語喋るし


Nice shot.



Internalize No.18, 20, 21.



Yes, I can hear you.


Yes, mostly.


But unfortunately, I can do little on my own.

In a sense, I'm merely a vehicle.

Without the driver, I can not fully display my capability.


If that is what you desire and you are willing to put in work.



&color(yellow){Get set.}

&color(yellow){Barrier jacket Set up.}

&color(yellow){Axe form.}

I will do everything in my power.

Stand by ready.

&color(white){レイジングハート!セーット アーップ!}




&color(yellow){Scythe Form.}









&color(yellow){Scythe Slash.}




&color(yellow){Arc Saber.}


&color(yellow){Saber Explode}




&color(yellow){Internalize No.16.}




Commencing image training.
&color(#EE8EA0){Commence image training}


Speed and power are essential in combat,

but there are more important things.

Do you know what it is?


Good answer, but what else.


Wisdom and tactics.

How to fly and shoot, and the theory and practice on aerial combat,

I will teach you these things.

&color(cyan){ウィンドウ:TRAINING READY?}



Stand by Ready.




&color(yellow){Grave Form, get set!}



Cannon mode.

Divine Buster.

&color(yellow){Spark Smasher.}




Device mode.








&color(yellow){Scythe Form.}





Cannon Mode Storm Setting.
>以前にスレでstun setting等色々意見が出てたが、stormには急襲という意味があるので俺はstormを推す あくまで予測だけどトリガー無しは全部storm settingなんじゃないかな ねこ戦でトリガー準備して後れを取ったから開発したのかも









&color(yellow){Recovery complete.}







Condition green.


All right, my master.




Restrict Lock.










&color(yellow){Scythe Form.}





All right



&color(white){レイジングハート、セーット アーップ!}

Stand by ready.





Divide energy.


Charging completed.




Cannon Mode



&color(yellow){Grave Form set up.}



Of course, master.






Release Jewel Seeds.


&color(yellow){Photon Lancer}


Divine Shooter


&color(yellow){Scythe Form.}


&color(yellow){Thunder Bullet}


She is more advanced than you.

You won't beat her easily.


All right, master!









Can you move, master?


Cannon Mode.





&sizex(7){Starlight Breaker!}








&color(cyan){Intruders has detected.}
&color(cyan){Many intruders now in garden.}


&color(yellow){Get set.}




&color(yellow){Recovery complete.}



&color(yellow){Thunder Rage.}

&color(gold){サンダー レイージ!}




&color(yellow){Get set.}

Stand by ready.





