

通報先リスト - (2012/03/18 (日) 12:45:52) の最新版との変更点



通報のご協力をお願いいたします {海外への拡散用英文} *A JAPANESE ROADRACER THROWS A CAT TO HAVE FUN *A Japanese roadracer named Kitagawa says he likes throwing cats because it's fun. *His friend, Daisuke Kaneko uploaded a photo on the Internet to share this horrifying act. *They are members of a team which belongs to a bicycle shop called nalsimafrend , owned by *Hideo Narushima, a famous cyclist in Japan. *When this was revealed, some people contacted the shop but the shopkeeper *who took the phone said -according to the caller - "well, they just wanted to have fun, they were *just playing, I don't see anything wrong... what's wrong with throwing cats?" *Unfortunately, in Japan, there are still some people who don't understand what ABUSE is. *Please understand, most people do and there are lots of people who are furious at them. *But they just don't seem to care. *Can you help? Can you please tell them why they are wrong? *And also, can you show them what sportsmanship is? *Apparently, it was not funny for the cat!! * *This is no joke and we need your help. 日本サイクリング協会 (JCA) ttp://www.j-cycling.org/index.html 東京サイクリング協会 (TCA) ttp://tokyo-cycling.web.infoseek.co.jp/ 日本自転車文化協会ホームページ ttp://www.jba-rw.org/index.html 自転車産業振興協会 ttp://www.jbpi.or.jp/ 株式会社イーネット(金子用) イーネットとは、銀行やコンビニエンスストア、リース会社などの企業が出資し、株式会社 イーネットが運営 プライバシーポリシーにも反している可能性あり 問い合わせ先 https://www.enetcom.co.jp/inquiry/ 動物の権利の世界宣言(1978年、ユネスコ本部、パリ) http://www.alive-net.net/law/gainen/kenri-sengen.html 公益社団法人 日本ユネスコ協会連盟 問い合わせ先 https://www.unesco.or.jp/inquiry/ バタシー ドッグズ&キャッツホーム 150年の歴史をもつ、イギリスで最も権威ある団体。バタシー出身の犬は「バタシードッグ」と呼ばれ、「私の犬はバタシードッグなの」といった風に人々は自慢するのだそう。 連絡先 ロンドン London 住所:4 Battersea Park Road London SW8 4AA Tel; +20-7622-3626 オールドウィンザー Old Windsor 住所:Priest Hill Old Winsor Winsor Berkshire SL4 2JN Tel: +1784-432929 ブランズハッチ Brands Hatch 住所:Crowhurst Lane Ash Brands Hatch Kent TN15 7HH Tel: +1474-874994 問い合わせ先 上記のセンターへ電話、またはメール info@battersea.org.uk
通報のご協力をお願いいたします {海外への拡散用英文} Aching become the butt of sequelae monkey of Hokkaido solo run tour, is should have no problem if Asosupantsu that are usually worn, use a medium type of guard Hokkaido intends Samukaro to below the knee. This pants a few years ago of Assos product in also material in the thin putt hard, direct long period of time to the skin like pedaling was impossible, death becomes a run of enduring the pain ass is Surimuke. Vehicle saddle until the evening massage clinic, hurt by falling rowing Chapter not sit. I Tchi ninja but not a Do this for the eyes




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