
ザ・ニッカウヰスキー34年(1998) - (2012/07/15 (日) 12:36:43) の最新版との変更点



容量:750ml 度数:43% 種類:ブレンデッド 販売本数:1000本 発売時希望小売価格:60,000円(750ml) 販売期間:1998年6月2日 情報引用元 http://whiskies.exblog.jp/2759736/ http://www.nikka.com/web-service/nikka/bbs/view.psp.html?I=20041014223445901&T=000759&P=47 *表ラベル Real Vintage Whisky NIKKA WHISKY Aged 34 Years The whiskies used for this blend were Distilled in and before 1964 and have been Matured in oak casks for at Least 34 years, prior to the Blending and bottling in 1998. Exclusively for the purpose of providing a Real Vintage Whisky for the Connoisseurs to Appreciate. It has a Full Roundness with a Gently Sophisticated Oak Wood Flavour which Develops Into an Aromatic and Fruity Character. An Extraordinarily Smooth yet full Bodies taste on the Palate with an airy Sweetness Coupled with a Dry Finish. This Whisky is the Best Blend of This Year. &ref(thenikka34981.jpg) #comment()

