「File Dialog for Android」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

File Dialog for Android - (2010/06/28 (月) 21:27:04) の1つ前との変更点



** What's this? Android SDK has no offering of standard FileDialog as it exists in Java SE. I thought it might help to make something simple available. [[Download>http://www37.atwiki.jp/pjkyt?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=15&file=FdExample_28Jun2010.zip]] ** What it does It works in four modes 1. Select file 2. Create file 3. Select directory 4. Create directory In mode 1 and 3, the file dialog have the user select existing file / directory. User can navigate through the file system up and down and tap on the desired the file. In case of selecting directory, user can press <Here> to specify the current directory. In mode 2 and 4, the file dialog have the user enter the new file / directory name that he wishes to create. User can navigate through the file system up and down and tap <Here> to designate where the file should be created. Then a text box dialog appears and asks for the new file / directory name.
** What's this? Android SDK has no offering of standard FileDialog as it exists in Java SE. I thought it might help to make something simple available. [[Download>http://www37.atwiki.jp/pjkyt?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=15&file=FdExample_28Jun2010.zip]] #ref(http://www37.atwiki.jp/pjkyt?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=15&file=FdScreenShot.png) ** What it does It works in four modes 1. Select file 2. Create file 3. Select directory 4. Create directory In mode 1 and 3, the file dialog have the user select existing file / directory. User can navigate through the file system up and down and tap on the desired the file. In case of selecting directory, user can press <Here> to specify the current directory. In mode 2 and 4, the file dialog have the user enter the new file / directory name that he wishes to create. User can navigate through the file system up and down and tap <Here> to designate where the file should be created. Then a text box dialog appears and asks for the new file / directory name.

