
Conv_Q3I1a_Text.xml」(2008/03/09 (日) 01:46:30) の最新版変更点



<?xml version="1.0"?> <TextLibrary> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_NAME1]">女王エラーナ</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0000]">そなたに頼みたいことがある。我がアイスガードに任せてもよいのじゃが、砦の守りを手薄にするわけにもゆかぬしな。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0001]">そなたに頼みたいことがある。我がアイスガードに任せてもよいのじゃが、砦の守りを手薄にするわけにもゆかぬしな。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0002]">そなたに頼みたいことがある。我がアイスガードに任せてもよいのじゃが、砦の守りを手薄にするわけにもゆかぬしな。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0003]">そなたに頼みたいことがある。我がアイスガードに任せてもよいのじゃが、砦の守りを手薄にするわけにもゆかぬしな。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0004]">何をすればよいのでしょう、陛下。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0005]">何をすればよいのでしょう、陛下。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0006]">何をすればよいのでしょう、陛下。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0007]">何をすればよいのでしょう、陛下。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0008]">北の山にあるわらわたちの鉱山が、アンデッドどもに制圧されてしまったのじゃ。さほど重要な拠点ではなく、将軍たちも兵を送るのに二の足を踏んでおる。ともかく心配なのは、アンデッドどもが貴重な鉱物を持ち去り、よからぬことに用いておるのではないかということじゃ。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0009]">北の山にあるわらわたちの鉱山が、アンデッドどもに制圧されてしまったのじゃ。さほど重要な拠点ではなく、将軍たちも兵を送るのに二の足を踏んでおる。ともかく心配なのは、アンデッドどもが貴重な鉱物を持ち去り、よからぬことに用いておるのではないかということじゃ。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0010]">北の山にあるわらわたちの鉱山が、アンデッドどもに制圧されてしまったのじゃ。さほど重要な拠点ではなく、将軍たちも兵を送るのに二の足を踏んでおる。ともかく心配なのは、アンデッドどもが貴重な鉱物を持ち去り、よからぬことに用いておるのではないかということじゃ。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0011]">北の山にあるわらわたちの鉱山が、アンデッドどもに制圧されてしまったのじゃ。さほど重要な拠点ではなく、将軍たちも兵を送るのに二の足を踏んでおる。ともかく心配なのは、アンデッドどもが貴重な鉱物を持ち去り、よからぬことに用いておるのではないかということじゃ。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0012]">奴らは私の国からも金属を盗んでいきました。おそらく軍備に用いているのでしょう。奴らの行いは必ずや止めてみせます。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0013]">奴らは私の国からも金属を盗んでいきました。おそらく軍備に用いているのでしょう。奴らの行いは必ずや止めてみせます。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0014]">奴らは私の国からも金属を盗んでいきました。おそらく軍備に用いているのでしょう。奴らの行いは必ずや止めてみせます。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0015]">奴らは私の国からも金属を盗んでいきました。おそらく軍備に用いているのでしょう。奴らの行いは必ずや止めてみせます。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0016]">そなたの助力に感謝する。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0017]">そなたの助力に感謝する。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0018]">そなたの助力に感謝する。</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0019]">そなたの助力に感謝する。</Text> </TextLibrary>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <TextLibrary> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_NAME1]">Queen Ehlanna</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0000]">We have a quest for you. We would send our Iceguard out to deal with this but they are all employed in the defense of Iceguard Keep.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0001]">We have a quest for you. We would send our Iceguard out to deal with this but they are all employed in the defense of Iceguard Keep.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0002]">We have a quest for you. We would send our Iceguard out to deal with this but they are all employed in the defense of Iceguard Keep.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0003]">We have a quest for you. We would send our Iceguard out to deal with this but they are all employed in the defense of Iceguard Keep.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0004]">Just tell me what you need, your Majesty.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0005]">Just tell me what you need, your Majesty.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0006]">Just tell me what you need, your Majesty.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0007]">Just tell me what you need, your Majesty.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0008]">In the mountains to the north we have a mine. The Undead have captured it. It is not a vital strategic location and our generals are loath to commit troops there. We worry, however, that the Undead have some foul use for all the precious metal they are taking.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0009]">In the mountains to the north we have a mine. The Undead have captured it. It is not a vital strategic location and our generals are loath to commit troops there. We worry, however, that the Undead have some foul use for all the precious metal they are taking.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0010]">In the mountains to the north we have a mine. The Undead have captured it. It is not a vital strategic location and our generals are loath to commit troops there. We worry, however, that the Undead have some foul use for all the precious metal they are taking.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0011]">In the mountains to the north we have a mine. The Undead have captured it. It is not a vital strategic location and our generals are loath to commit troops there. We worry, however, that the Undead have some foul use for all the precious metal they are taking.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0012]">They were taking metal from my people too. We think they are using it to forge weapons for their army. I&apos;ll put a stop to it for you.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0013]">They were taking metal from my people too. We think they are using it to forge weapons for their army. I&apos;ll put a stop to it for you.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0014]">They were taking metal from my people too. We think they are using it to forge weapons for their army. I&apos;ll put a stop to it for you.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0015]">They were taking metal from my people too. We think they are using it to forge weapons for their army. I&apos;ll put a stop to it for you.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0016]">We are grateful for your help.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0017]">We are grateful for your help.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0018]">We are grateful for your help.</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q3I1a_0019]">We are grateful for your help.</Text> </TextLibrary>

