


&color(#ff9999){FONTENOT: These files should be in some archive somewhere.}
&color(#ff9999){SCIENTIST: Huh? Why, what are they?}
&color(#ff9999){FONTENOT: Inteligence gathered on James Heller. Here in the Quarantine Zone.}
&color(#ff9999){SCIENTIST: And you're carrying it with you? Uh, pardon me. I need to be somewhere else right now.}

&color(#ff9999){PILOT: Ballista, this is Firehawk Four Three. Got that packet of intel on James Heller. You should read some of this, man. That guy is crazy.}
&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Four Three, what the fuck do you think you're doing reading classified documents?}
&color(#ff9999){PILOT: Was stuck on the landing pad for half an hour. What else was I gonna do?}
&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Don't you worry, Four Three. You're about to see my crazy up close and personal.}

&color(#ff9999){PILOT: Mayday! Mayday! This is Firehawk Four Three! My systems are crashed. I have--}

&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Damn, I really wanted to kill him.}
&color(#ff9999){BLACKWATCH RADIO: Ballista Four, this is Ballista. A Firehawk chopper carrying sensitive intel about James Heller's biological weaknesses just went down. Transmitting coordinates. We need those files! Ballista out.}
&color(#ff9999){HELLER: How the fuck are they getting this kind of intel on me?}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: Pfah! Intelligence on James Heller. I bet this will be fascinating reading.}
&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Get over here. I'll give you the condensed version.}

&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Hold still!}
&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: Come on, you can't be that slow.}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: This is getting kind of sad.}
&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Oh, fuck you.}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: Need to stop and rest, old man?}
&color(#ff9999){HELLER: After I break my foot off in your ass, yeah.}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: That's it! You're dead!}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: Keep your hands off me!}

&color(#ff9999){EVOLVED: I'll tear you in half for that!}

&color(#ff9999){HELLER: Next time, y'oughta mind your own fucking business.}


