
Chapter09 - (2012/05/19 (土) 18:53:42) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

ストーリーの翻訳>7.Feeding Time

7.Feeding Time
Blackwatch has been testing Gentek's monsters by releasing them on innocent civilians.


HELLER: Father?
  • 神父様?
GUERRA: I'm here, James. Listen, I've re-established contact with a source. She goes by "Athena." She told me about another place Blackwatch runs. A place where a lot of civilians go in, but nobody sees them coming out.
  • ジェームス、聞いてくれ。私はある情報源の人間とコンタクトを取りなおしていた。彼女は“アテナ”と呼ばれている。彼女がブラックウォッチの別の実験場を教えてくれた。そこにはたくさんの市民が連れ込まれているが彼らが出てくるのを目撃した者は誰もいないそうだ。
HELLER: I'll handle it.
  • 調べてみよう

BLACKWATCH RADIO: Doctor Connors, this is Python. We have another shipment of test specimens ready for delivery to Test Site Jefferson.
  • DrコナーズこちらPython。ジェファーソン実験場へ試験体用の積み荷の輸送準備が完了しました。
SCIENTIST: All right, we're nearly finished hosing out the last cell. Give us ten minutes and then you can unload the whiners.
  • 了解。こっちももうすぐ檻の洗浄が終了する。10分くれ。そうしたら泣き虫どもを降ろしてくれ。


CIVILIAN: Please, no, you can't do this! Please! My God!
  • 頼む、止めてくれ!頼む!あぁ神様。
SOLDIER: Come on, hurry it up.
  • 何してんだ、早くしろ。
HELLER: Heartless sons of bitches.
  • 残酷な鬼畜どもめ。

HELLER: What's a matter? You don't like it when a monster rolls up on your home turt?

HELLER: Enough fun and games. Time to get in there.


SCIENTIST: Doctor Blackburn, this is Doctor Connors. We've got the latest shipment scrubbed and deloused. They're ready for R&D.
CIVILIAN: Wh-why are you doing this? I'm ... I'm healthy. Ah- NO! I didn't do anything.
SOLDIER: Test subject is in position.
SCIENTIST: All scans online. Open chamber 2.

SCIENTIST: Reading ... 82% efficiency.
SCIENTIST: Prepare subject eleven.
HELLER: You wanna know what happens when you put people in a room with a monster? I'll show you.
SOLDIER: Shit, we got a hostile!
SCIENTIST: Captain, that's the escaped test subject!
SOLDIER: All units, move to engage hostile at my location!
SCIENTIST: You couldn't stop this guy from getting in? Why are you even here?
SOLDIER: Shut the fucking fuck-hole, you fucking geek!
SCIENTIST: How could you bullet-jockeys let something like this happen!
SOLDIER: Hey! you invented the fucking biometric security--don't look at me!
SCIENTIST: You guys are next to useless! Go bomb a third world country or something!
SOLDIER: Look, you just stay out of the way and we'll defend your fucking-science fair project!
SCIENTIST: Captain! Captain! That asshoe jusk killed Doctor Blackburn! You've got to do something!
SOLDIER: I'll give you a smack in the mouth, Doc, if you don't get the fuck off this channel!


COMMANDER: Python One Two, this is Cottonmouth. Infected biomass at your location is off the charts. Are you in need of any assistance, over? ... Python One Two? Python One Two? Shit. Suppression squad is inbound! Say again, Cottonmouth is Oscar Mike to Test Site Jefferson!
BLACKWATCH RADIO: Roger that, Cottonmouth--suppression is a go. Over.


HELLER: Oh yeah--you just try and hit me now!
COMMANDER: Python, this is Cottonmouth. We have arrived at the test site and are moving to suppress all hostiles, over.
SOLDIER: Cottonmouth, sir, the target just took a direct hit with no damage!
COMMANDER: All units, focus your fire! Break that fucker down!
COMMANDER: Python, this is Cottonmouth! Gettin' ready to call it here! Alert reinforcements!

BLACKWATCH RADIO: Rattler, this is Python. We have reason to believe the target will be exiting the facility momentarily. Be prepared and open fire as soon as you get a visual.
COMMANDER: Python, this is Rattler. Wilco. Over.


COMMANDER: All Rattler units, this is Rattler! Tango primary is a rogue infected. You are cleared hot. Over.

HELLER: Thanks for the new toys, dipshits.