「Allies Chapter 3: Heidelberg」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Allies Chapter 3: Heidelberg - (2008/12/10 (水) 12:57:10) のソース

*Allies Chapter 3: Heidelberg 〜ハイデルベルグ〜
&color(gray){MOVIE:AFS03_DESC=Agent Tanya learns of the Soviet HQ in Germany. Now it's up to the Commander to take it out.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_01=*[1:1.1]Good job, Commander.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_02=*[2.3:4.2]The Allied leaders have been liberated and you've driven the Soviet army out of France.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_03=*[6.9:4.3]Tanya is currently working undercover and acquiring the latest intel on the situation.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_04=*[13:3]If I knew anything, I would tell you!}



&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_07=*[19:1.2]Lieutenant Eva!}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_08=*[21.7:2.7]Out here in the field things get a little messy sometimes.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_09=*[24.4:2.7]Not so neat and tidy like they are back in the office.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_10=*[28:2.4]Can you please brief the commander on our current situation?}


&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_12=*[31.6:1.5]The Reds hold Heidelberg.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_13=*[33.1:2.9]I'm gonna get Sergei here to give up the location of their headquarters.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_14=*[36:2.6]The only thing I can't do is take it out for you.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_15=*[38.7:2.8]That you're gonna have to do on your own.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:AFS03_16=*[43.9:1.3]Njet! Please! (cut off)}