「Empire Chapter 1: Vorkuta」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Empire Chapter 1: Vorkuta - (2009/01/09 (金) 14:54:52) のソース

*Rising Sun Chapter 1: Vorkuta ~ヴォルクタ~
&color(gray){The day of destiny has arrived. Emperor Yoshiro launches an unprecedented full-scale invasion into the Soviet Union.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_01=*[58:3.7]Today is the day that destiny has promised us.}

&color(gray){[61.9:5.9]No longer will we suffer the abasement and the corruption of the foreign barbarians.}

&color(gray){[67.8:6.1]For as they battled among themselves, we have resurrected our realm.}
&color(gray){creating a new Empire of Rising Sun.}

&color(gray){Commander, you are destined to reawaken Bushido, the way of the warrior.}

&color(gray){You will be part of a new Shogunate, uniting powerful leaders from all four corners of our Empire.}

&color(gray){Toghether we will first attack Soviet Russia and crush not only their armies, but their leaders, their spirit and their hope.}

&color(gray){My son, Crown Prince Tatsu, will assist us in this noble endeavor.}

&color(gray){Tatsu was instrumental in creating our new army--}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_02=*[113.4:1]Thank you, father...}

&color(gray){[114.4:3.2]Commander, our Nano-technology is second to none.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_03=*[117.5:6.6]Yes, but we must remember technology alone will not vanquish our enemies.}

&color(gray){[124.1:6.9]It will be our courage, our honor, and our self-sacrifice.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_04=*[131.3:5.7]Commander, allow me to introduce to you our chief logistical officer, Miss Suki Toyama.}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_05=*[137:1.2]It is an honor.}

&color(gray){[138.6:4.2]The Toyama family has served the Emperor for ten generations!}

&color(gray){SUBTITLE:JFS01_06=*[143.7:5.8]Yes, my father follows the ways of our ancestors and there is much wisdom in what he says.}

&color(gray){[149.7:3.9]But it is a new age, Commander. A new world.[154:3.1]Do what you must to be victorious!}
