SuperNOVA 2 (U) Custom Module List

「SuperNOVA 2 (U) Custom Module List」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

SuperNOVA 2 (U) Custom Module List - (2007/10/18 (木) 22:17:32) のソース

*Module Details
|&CENTER:Module Type|&CENTER:Module Name|&CENTER:Module Effect|
|BGCOLOR(#ffffcc):COLOR(#ffff00):|VIEW 1|The letter grade will show up on the in-game screen and will be updated in real-time during play (like the one in Disney MIX).|
|BGCOLOR(#ffffcc):COLOR(#ffff00):|VIEW 2|Enlarges the visual effects that are shown when judgments were made.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffffcc):COLOR(#ffff00):|VIEW 3|Removes the judgment and the combo counter from the in-game screen.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffffcc):COLOR(#ffff00):|VIEW 4|Removes the Dance Meter and the score bar from the in-game screen.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffffcc):COLOR(#ffff00):|CENTER|Moves the position of the step zones and note displays horizontally to the center of the screen (the position for Double Play).|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|FAST DOWN 1||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|FAST DOWN 2||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SLOW UP 1||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SLOW UP 2||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|LOW START 1|The mission will start with a 5% full Dance Meter or, if the mission has the challenge Dance Meter with more than 4 lives set on default, starting lives will be reduced to 4.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|LOW START 2|The mission will start with a nearly empty Dance Meter that cannot survive any misstep or a challenge Dance Meter with 1 life.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|CHALLENGE 1|Turns the standard Dance Meter into a challenge Dance Meter with 4 lives available.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|CHALLENGE 2|Turns the standard Dance Meter into a challenge Dance Meter with 1 life available.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|HARD JUDGE 1|The Dance Meter will be decreased (or, in case of a challenge Dance Meter, a life will be lost) upon receiving judgments that are neither "MARVELOUS", "PERFECT" nor "O.K.".|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|HARD JUDGE 2|The Dance Meter will be decreased (or, in case of a challenge Dance Meter, a life will be lost) upon receiving judgments that are neither "MARVELOUS" nor "O.K.".|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SPEED 1||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SPEED 2||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SPEED 3||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|SPEED 4||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|BOOST 1||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|BOOST 2||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|BOOST 3||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|BOOST 4||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|APPEARANCE 1|Randomly picks 2 or 3 different directions and enables the "SUDDEN" option on all notes coming in those directions.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|APPEARANCE 2|Randomly picks 2 or 3 different directions and enables the "HIDDEN" option on all notes coming in those directions.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|APPEARANCE 3|Randomly picks 2 or 3 different directions and enables the "HIDDEN+SUDDEN" option on all notes coming in those directions.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|APPEARANCE 4||
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|STEPZONE|Rearranges the step zones and note displays so that LEFT notes and RIGHT notes will show up on each others' default lane; in missions that require 8 panels, LEFTs on the 1P side will be switched with RIGHTs on the 1P side, and 2P LEFTs will be switched with 2P RIGHTs.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|STAIRS|Rearranges the height of the step zones so that UP notes on the 1P side and DOWN notes on the 2P side will reach their step zone a beat earlier then RIGHT notes on the 1P side and the LEFT notes on the 2P side, 1P DOWNs and 2P UPs 2 beats earlier, and 1P LEFTs and 2P RIGHTs 3 beats earlier.|
|BGCOLOR(#ffcccc):COLOR(#ff0000):Challenge|EXPERT|The "EXPERT" chart of the song will be played instead of the chart set by default, but the mission will always fail, even if the objective of the mission was completed. (This "auto-fail" property is also an effect of this module, so if this module was automatically disabled in a mission, the player can clear the mission normally.)|

***Editor Notes
+. There is a slot for this item, but no info on how to obtain it.