「LEGO RB 実績」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

LEGO RB 実績 - (2009/10/13 (火) 09:16:36) の1つ前との変更点



|New to the Scene|Complete your first gig on the World Tour&br()ワールドツアーで最初のギグを終らせる|10| |Tour de Force|Play at every venue on the World Tour|20G| |Veteran Performer|Complete all gigs on the World Tour (except for the Rock Marathon Setlist and Endless Setlist)|50G| |Long-Distance Rocker|Complete the Rock Marathon Setlist on the World Tour|30G| |Endless Shameless|Complete the Endless Setlist on the World Tour|50G| |Got Wheels|Purchase the 2nd vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Sea Legs|Purchase the 3rd vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Rotary Club|Purchase the 4th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Open Road|Purchase the 5th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Walking on Air|Purchase the 6th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Into the Deep|Purchase the 7th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Jet Setter|Purchase the 8th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Teleportation Nation|Unlock the Teleporter on the World Tour|10G| |Rock the House Down|Complete the Wreck 'n' Roll Rock Power Challenge|10G| |Pencil Pusher|Hire a Band Manager|10G| |You're Hired!|Hire an Entourage member|10G| |#1 Boss|Hire all Entourage members|40G| |Hovel, Sweet Hovel|Purchase one item of rock den furniture|10G|
|New to the Scene|Complete your first gig on the World Tour&br()ワールドツアーで最初のギグを終らせる|10G| |Tour de Force|Play at every venue on the World Tour|20G| |Veteran Performer|Complete all gigs on the World Tour (except for the Rock Marathon Setlist and Endless Setlist)|50G| |Long-Distance Rocker|Complete the Rock Marathon Setlist on the World Tour|30G| |Endless Shameless|Complete the Endless Setlist on the World Tour|50G| |Got Wheels|Purchase the 2nd vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Sea Legs|Purchase the 3rd vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Rotary Club|Purchase the 4th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Open Road|Purchase the 5th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Walking on Air|Purchase the 6th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Into the Deep|Purchase the 7th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Jet Setter|Purchase the 8th vehicle on the World Tour|10G| |Teleportation Nation|Unlock the Teleporter on the World Tour|10G| |Rock the House Down|Complete the Wreck 'n' Roll Rock Power Challenge|10G| |Pencil Pusher|Hire a Band Manager|10G| |You're Hired!|Hire an Entourage member|10G| |#1 Boss|Hire all Entourage members|40G| |Hovel, Sweet Hovel|Purchase one item of rock den furniture|10G| |House Proud|Spend 100,000 studs on rock den furniture|20G| |Luxury Living|Spend 1,000,000 studs on rock den furniture|40G| |Bare Essentials|Purchase an item of clothing|10G| |Appetite For Apparel|Spend 100,000 studs or more on items of clothing|20G| |Fashion Victim|Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on items of clothing|40G| |Gear Head|Purchase an instrument|10G| |Instrumental|Spend 1,000,000 studs or more on instruments|40G|

