「LEGO ROCK BAND」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

LEGO ROCK BAND - (2009/10/30 (金) 15:11:43) の1つ前との変更点



#image( &youtube({425,350} &youtube({425,350} &youtube({425,350} #video( XBOX360、PS3、Wii、DSで発売予定 2009年11月3日に北米で発売予定 難易度にSuper Easyを追加 ROCK BAND1,2 Guitar Heroの周辺機器に対応 &big(){&color(red){有料でRB1,2へのエクスポート可能}} PS3 約10$ Xbox360 800MSP #ref(lego1.jpg) Iggy PopとDavid Bowieが参戦 ---- より If you've worried about your youngsters being exposed to the evils of rock music, worry no longer: LEGO Rock Band is coming this holiday season on PS3, 360, Wii and DS to deliver us all from said evil. The game, currently being developed by TT Games and Harmonix, will use all the existing Rock Band/Guitar Hero peripherals. The family-focused version of the game will allow you to customize your "minifigure avatars" along with your road crew and managers. The kid-friendly song list hasn't been fully disclosed, but we know it'll include:
#image( &youtube({425,350} &youtube({425,350} &youtube({425,350} &veoh({540,438} XBOX360、PS3、Wii、DSで発売予定 2009年11月3日に北米で発売予定 難易度にSuper Easyを追加 ROCK BAND1,2 Guitar Heroの周辺機器に対応 &big(){&color(red){有料でRB1,2へのエクスポート可能}} PS3 約10$ Xbox360 800MSP #ref(lego1.jpg) Iggy PopとDavid Bowieが参戦 ---- より If you've worried about your youngsters being exposed to the evils of rock music, worry no longer: LEGO Rock Band is coming this holiday season on PS3, 360, Wii and DS to deliver us all from said evil. The game, currently being developed by TT Games and Harmonix, will use all the existing Rock Band/Guitar Hero peripherals. The family-focused version of the game will allow you to customize your "minifigure avatars" along with your road crew and managers. The kid-friendly song list hasn't been fully disclosed, but we know it'll include:

