Event planner

「Event planner」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Event planner - (2012/04/07 (土) 23:46:32) の1つ前との変更点



*Type [タイプ] -Message [メッセージ] -War [戦争] -Disaster [災害] -Terrorist attack [テロ攻撃] -Trouble [トラブル] -Relationship between two countries [2国間関係] -Opinion on a character [個人の意見] -Character's popularity [個人の人気] -Creating a scandal [スキャンダルの作成] Head of state |CENTER:項目|CENTER:訳語| |proof Intention to conduct war operations|戦争行為を意図する証拠| |suspicions Nuclear weapons tests|核兵器実験の疑い| |suspicions Development of a Nuclear weapons program|核兵器開発の疑い| |suspicions Production of nuclear missiles|核ミサイル生産の疑い| |suspicions Production of chemical weapons|化学兵器生産の疑い| |suspicions Intention to conduct war operations|戦争好意を意図する疑い| |proof Nuclear weapons tests|核兵器実験の証拠| |proof Development of a Nuclear weapons program|核兵器開発の証拠| |proof Production of nuclear missiles|核ミサイル生産の証拠| |proof Sale of nuclear missiles to foreign powers|他国への核ミサイル販売の証拠| |proof purchase of nuclear missiles from foreign powers|他国からの核ミサイルの購入の証拠| |proof Production of chemical weapons|化学兵器生産の証拠| |proof Financial aid to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への金融支援| |proof Supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への武器支援| |proof Supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への武器支援| -その他 |CENTER:項目|CENTER:訳語| |breaking the speed limit|速度違反| |scandal/drunk in public|飲酒| |consumption of soft drugs|ソフトドラッグの使用| |fighting/assault and battery|殴り合い/脅迫や暴行| |old secret[incriminating photos]|過去の秘密[写真による告発]| |old secret[lies CV/diplomas]|過去の秘密[履歴/資格免許の偽り]| |old secret[old misdemeanour]|過去の秘密[昔の軽罪]| |moral harassment|モラルハラスメント| |prostitute|売春婦| |public defamation/verbal slips|公の中傷/失言| |addiction to gambling|賭博への熱中| |doping|ドーピング| |embezzlement|横領| |swindling|詐欺| |fictitious job|架空勤務| |tax swindle|税金詐欺| |corruption|贈収賄| |real estate scams|不動産詐欺| |money laundering|マネーローンダリング| |dead voters|死後投票| |misappropriation of party funds|政治資金の横領| |discrimination/racist language|差別/人種差別主義者発言| |foul crime|不正な犯罪| |adultery|不貞| |collusion with mafia|マフィアとの共謀| -End a conflict [戦争の終結] -Annexing a country [国家の併合] -Kick off elections [選挙の開始] -End unrest [不満の終結] -Victory[end of the match] [勝利条件[ゲーム終了]] -Defeat[end of the match] [敗退条件[ゲーム終了]] ---- *condition [条件] |項目|変数|翻訳| |Date X has been reached||日付Xになった| |Date X has passed||日付Xが過ぎた| |Date X hasn't been reached yet||日付Xにまだなっていない| |Country X has been conquered||国家Xが征服される| |Country Y's X variable is above Z||国家Yの変数XがZよりも高い| |Country Y's X variable is below Z||国家Yの変数XがZよりも低い| |Country Y's X variable has been multiplied by Z since the start of the game||国家Yの変数Xがゲームの開始時からZ倍になった| |Country Y's X variable has been increased by Z since the start of the game||国家Yの変数Xがゲームの開始時からZ増加した| |The response to event X is Y||イベントXに対する返答がYであった| |Event X has started||イベントXが開始した| |Event X hasn't started||イベントXが開始しなかった| |Country X is at war against Y||国家XがYと戦争中である| |Country X is not at war against Y||国家XがYと戦争中でない| |There's been an attack in Country X||国家Xで攻撃が起きた| |There's a scandal involving person X||個人Xにスキャンダルが起きた| |The regime in country X is Y||国家Xの政権がYである| |Country X has Y political leanings||国家XがYの政治傾向である| |Country X's troops are in country Y||国家Xの軍隊が国家Yにある| |Country X's troops are in region Y||国家Xの軍隊が地域Yにある| |Country X's troops are in the city Y||国家Xの軍隊が都市Yにある| |Countries X and Y have set a meeting||国家XとYが会合を設定した| |Countries X and Y have signed a contract||国家XとYが契約に調印した| |Countries X and Y have signed a military treaty||国家XとYが軍事条約に調印した| |Country Y has financed a political party in country X||国家Yが国家Xの政党に融資した| |Country Y has financed a terrorist group in country X||国家Yが国家Xのテロリスト集団に融資した| |State of emergency in country X||国家Xでの非常事態| |Martial law in country X||国家Xでの戒厳令| |The event X was triggered Y days ago||イベントXがY日前に発生した|
*Type [タイプ] -Message [メッセージ] -War [戦争] -Disaster [災害] -Terrorist attack [テロ攻撃] -Trouble [トラブル] -Relationship between two countries [2国間関係] -Opinion on a character [個人の意見] -Character's popularity [個人の人気] -Creating a scandal [スキャンダルの作成] Head of state |CENTER:項目|CENTER:訳| |proof Intention to conduct war operations|戦争行為を意図する証拠| |suspicions Nuclear weapons tests|核兵器実験の疑い| |suspicions Development of a Nuclear weapons program|核兵器開発の疑い| |suspicions Production of nuclear missiles|核ミサイル生産の疑い| |suspicions Production of chemical weapons|化学兵器生産の疑い| |suspicions Intention to conduct war operations|戦争好意を意図する疑い| |proof Nuclear weapons tests|核兵器実験の証拠| |proof Development of a Nuclear weapons program|核兵器開発の証拠| |proof Production of nuclear missiles|核ミサイル生産の証拠| |proof Sale of nuclear missiles to foreign powers|他国への核ミサイル販売の証拠| |proof purchase of nuclear missiles from foreign powers|他国からの核ミサイルの購入の証拠| |proof Production of chemical weapons|化学兵器生産の証拠| |proof Financial aid to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への金融支援| |proof Supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への武器支援| |proof Supplier of weapons to terrorist organizations|テロ組織への武器支援| -その他 |CENTER:項目|CENTER:訳| |breaking the speed limit|速度違反| |scandal/drunk in public|飲酒| |consumption of soft drugs|ソフトドラッグの使用| |fighting/assault and battery|殴り合い/脅迫や暴行| |old secret[incriminating photos]|過去の秘密[写真による告発]| |old secret[lies CV/diplomas]|過去の秘密[履歴/資格免許の偽り]| |old secret[old misdemeanour]|過去の秘密[昔の軽罪]| |moral harassment|モラルハラスメント| |prostitute|売春婦| |public defamation/verbal slips|公の中傷/失言| |addiction to gambling|賭博への熱中| |doping|ドーピング| |embezzlement|横領| |swindling|詐欺| |fictitious job|架空勤務| |tax swindle|税金詐欺| |corruption|贈収賄| |real estate scams|不動産詐欺| |money laundering|マネーローンダリング| |dead voters|死後投票| |misappropriation of party funds|政治資金の横領| |discrimination/racist language|差別/人種差別主義者発言| |foul crime|不正な犯罪| |adultery|不貞| |collusion with mafia|マフィアとの共謀| -End a conflict [戦争の終結] -Annexing a country [国家の併合] -Kick off elections [選挙の開始] -End unrest [不満の終結] -Victory[end of the match] [勝利条件[ゲーム終了]] -Defeat[end of the match] [敗退条件[ゲーム終了]] ---- *condition [条件] |CENTER:項目|CENTER:変数|CENTER:訳| |Date X has been reached||日付Xになった| |Date X has passed||日付Xが過ぎた| |Date X hasn't been reached yet||日付Xにまだなっていない| |Country X has been conquered||国家Xが征服される| |Country Y's X variable is above Z||国家Yの変数XがZよりも高い| |Country Y's X variable is below Z||国家Yの変数XがZよりも低い| |Country Y's X variable has been multiplied by Z since the start of the game||国家Yの変数Xがゲームの開始時からZ倍になった| |Country Y's X variable has been increased by Z since the start of the game||国家Yの変数Xがゲームの開始時からZ増加した| |The response to event X is Y||イベントXに対する返答がYであった| |Event X has started||イベントXが開始した| |Event X hasn't started||イベントXが開始しなかった| |Country X is at war against Y||国家XがYと戦争中である| |Country X is not at war against Y||国家XがYと戦争中でない| |There's been an attack in Country X||国家Xで攻撃が起きた| |There's a scandal involving person X||個人Xにスキャンダルが起きた| |The regime in country X is Y||国家Xの政権がYである| |Country X has Y political leanings||国家XがYの政治傾向である| |Country X's troops are in country Y||国家Xの軍隊が国家Yにある| |Country X's troops are in region Y||国家Xの軍隊が地域Yにある| |Country X's troops are in the city Y||国家Xの軍隊が都市Yにある| |Countries X and Y have set a meeting||国家XとYが会合を設定した| |Countries X and Y have signed a contract||国家XとYが契約に調印した| |Countries X and Y have signed a military treaty||国家XとYが軍事条約に調印した| |Country Y has financed a political party in country X||国家Yが国家Xの政党に融資した| |Country Y has financed a terrorist group in country X||国家Yが国家Xのテロリスト集団に融資した| |State of emergency in country X||国家Xでの非常事態| |Martial law in country X||国家Xでの戒厳令| |The event X was triggered Y days ago||イベントXがY日前に発生した|




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