

Taxation - (2012/04/08 (日) 12:05:56) の最新版との変更点



*Revenue [歳入項目] -Value Added Tax| [消費税] -Income Tax [所得税] -Tax on large fortunes [巨富税] -Inheritance Tax [相続税] -Vehicle registration tax [車両登録税] -Real estate tax [固定資産税] -Audiovisual tax [視聴税] -Gun tax [銃税] -Airline ticket tax [航空券税] -tax on internet access [インターネット接続税] -pet tax [ペット税] -Employee social security payments [従業員社会保障費] -Employer social security payments [雇用者社会保障費] -Company tax [法人税] -Tax on company turnover [取引高税] -Tax on redundancies [解雇税] -Tax on financial transactions [金融取引税] -Tax on petroleum products [石油製品税] -Tabacco tax [たばこ税] -Liquor tax [酒税] -Wine tax [ワイン税] -Tax on gambling, Lotto, racing, casinos [賭博税] -Tax on the pornography industry [ポルノ税] -Tourist tax on entering the territory [入国税] -Tax on salt and animal fats in the agri-food sector [農産物分野における塩・獣脂税] -Deforestation tax [伐採税] -Tax on industrial pollution [産業公害税] ---- *Creation [創設] 税率が0%の場合この項目で設定する事になる。 ---- *Legislation [立法] -Change the level of tax investigation [税務調査レベル変更] -Declare a tax amnesty [免税宣言] -tax exonerations for investment in real estate [不動産投資における免税] -Tax exonerations for donations to charitable organizations [慈善団体への寄付における免税] -Tax exonerations for war veterans [退役軍人への免税]
*Revenue [歳入項目] -Value Added Tax| [消費税] -Income Tax [所得税] -Tax on large fortunes [巨富税] -Inheritance Tax [相続税] -Vehicle registration tax [車両登録税] -Real estate tax [固定資産税] -Audiovisual tax [視聴税] -Gun tax [銃税] -Airline ticket tax [航空券税] -tax on internet access [インターネット接続税] -pet tax [ペット税] -Employee social security payments [従業員社会保障費] -Employer social security payments [雇用者社会保障費] -Company tax [法人税] -Tax on company turnover [取引高税] -Tax on redundancies [解雇税] -Tax on financial transactions [金融取引税] -Tax on petroleum products [石油製品税] -Tabacco tax [たばこ税] -Liquor tax [酒税] -Wine tax [ワイン税] -Tax on gambling, Lotto, racing, casinos [賭博税] -Tax on the pornography industry [ポルノ税] -Tourist tax on entering the territory [入国税] -Tax on salt and animal fats in the agri-food sector [農産物分野における塩・獣脂税] -Deforestation tax [伐採税] -Tax on industrial pollution [産業公害税] ---- *Creation [創設] 税率が0%の場合この項目で設定する事になる。 ---- *Legislation [立法] -Change the level of tax investigation [税務調査レベル変更] --Weak and tolerant [弱く寛容] --Regular and repressive [規則的で抑圧的] --Frequent and very repressive [頻繁でとても抑圧的] -Declare a tax amnesty [免税宣言] --Small offenses [軽い違反] --All offenses [完全な違反] -Tax exonerations for investment in real estate [不動産投資における免税] --No exonerations [免税なし] --Exoneration [免税あり] -Tax exonerations for donations to charitable organizations [慈善団体への寄付における免税] --No exonerations [免税なし] --Exoneration [免税あり] -Tax exonerations for war veterans [退役軍人への免税] --No exonerations [免税なし] --Exoneration [免税あり]




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