

雑多な情報 - (2010/04/29 (木) 17:22:18) のソース

* 東大工学部建築学科教員 アニリール・セルカン博士の経歴・業績に関わる疑惑の検証


** &bold(){【4:雑多な情報】}


** 【4-1 Wikipediaのセルカン氏に関する記事】




>2007年 宇宙エレベーター 科学者の夢みる未来の監修
>2008年 ローマ大学客員教授、ナポリ大学客員教授

>2002年 清水建設宇宙開発部研究 グループ研究員



>2009年 モントリオール大学客員教授


[[2009年7月8日 ユーザ"Anilir"による編集>http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Serkan_Anilir&diff=301005655&oldid=301002670]]




>トルコからの初の宇宙飛行士候補(candidate astronaut)であることの出典を求められていたが、ここにトルコ語の新聞記事を追加



>以下はWikipediaトルコ語版によるセルカン氏紹介記事(2009年9月6日時点)の英訳である(英語版blog http://dranilir.blogspot.com/ より転載)。記述内容についてはWikipedia日本語版、Wikipedia英語語版との差異が多々目立つが、その理由については不明である。

Serkan Anilir (born 22 March 1973) , Turkish scientist, physicist, academician, the first Turkish astronaut candidate, JAXA Technological Development Department President, lecturer at University of Tokyo. Serkan Anilir was born in 1973 in Cologne, Germany. Eldest of a worker family's three children. Graduated from [Istanbul] Yildiz Technical University's Faculty of Architecture in 1996 and was admitted to Germany's Bauhaus Academy during the same year for post graduate [study]. In 1997, entered as assistant to the same university's computerized design department and directed the space station design of European Space [sic. and Aviation] Agency. Realized his engineering graduate study on high technology structures. In 1999, upon invitation from Japan, came for doctoral study to University of Tokyo. The same year, was employed by the Kajima Company's design division, where he directed the design of the 800-meter high DIB200 building, which was planned to be constructed in Japan. Upon reverberations the project brought about, was invited in 2000 to NASA's Space Elevator Study Program and was appointed to head the project during the same year. Two months later, renewed the Space Elevator Project under the name of ATA and headed a group comprised of 58 experts and students at JAXA. To date, played roles in the designh of JAXA's Hayabasu Satellite and the development of the Kibo Module, which is planned to be annexed to the International Space Station. Besides the ATA Space Elevator, prepared annenna designs with his own group for Solar Antennae Project, again one of the most important technology programs of JAXA. The designs prepared as part of the satellite and antennae designs have also been turned into toys by the Bandai company. In May of 2005, gained his assistant professorship [dozent-ship] by designing [accommodation] units, while maintaing the concept of Buildings That Do Not Require Infrastructure - Infra-Free concept, through transferring space technology to the Earth, enabling aid to survivors following natural disasters and permitting habitation in the Third World without any need for infrastructure. Thereby, became the youngest and the only foreign lecturer at the University of Tokyo. In 2004, won Cambridge University's Physics Award by his Space In the 11th Dimension Theorem, which he wrote during his years toward a doctorate degree, and in 2005 the American Medal of Honor for Science and Technology. On the same subject, published his first book in Japan titled Outside of Space. Dr. Anilir, who served as guest professor at Princeton, Hong Kong, Roma, Naples, Munich and Montreal universities, also participates in research in NASA Johnson Space Center and NASA Ames Reseach Center. Having assumed the responsibility of training and technology [operations] of the Design and Engineering Committee at the American Space Aviation Institute [?NASA], Dr. Anilir has more than 100 international publications, and he is included in the Scientists of the Century Encyclopedia published by the Marquis Group. Since 2005, heads the presidency [directorship] of JAXA's technology development and transfer group and serves as an academician at the University of Tokyo. Dr. Anilir is also the first Turkish astronaut canditate, one of [our] select scientists that promote Turkey in the international arena in the field of science and technology. In 2006, has been chosen as the [sic] youngest brain that guides science in Japan. And through his television and radio programs which commenced in 2007, continues to represent our country [Turkey] in the far-east. In 2006, transferred his ATA Space Elevator project to cinematic screen. In 2007, drew and directed the scenes about Infra-Free systems within the 28-part Real Drive animation series, which was broadcast on Nihon Television. In 2008, his third book he wrote in Japan, Time Machine, was also made into a movie, and premiered at EXPO Center in the city of Tsukuba. Dr. Anilir is one of the most recognized foreigners in Japan. Today, continues his endeavours in his country [Turkey] through a project called Let's Become A Scientist For A Day. In 2009, opened his own school called Serkan College in Tokyo and began to give education on advanced technologies.

** 【4-2 出典不明の記事を執筆?】
- http://43749831.at.webry.info/200811/article_2.html
によると、JALの機内誌「SKY WARD」(2007年12月号)にセルカン氏が執筆した記事「トルコ 400年前の手紙」が掲載されている。


** 【4-3 シュメール語が使えるというのは本当か?】

(&color(red){4/29 追記あり。盗用元判明})





>253 名前: Nanashi_et_al. [sage] 投稿日: 2009/11/28(土) 02:05:03 
>1. NA4.KIS^IB Ha-za-a-il IR3-x m.Ia-di?-il 
>2. KU3.BABBAR s^a m.Ha-za-a-il 
>3. x(-x) IGI md.NA3!-za-qip-SIG 
>1. Iadil(?)の奴隷(?)Hazailの印鑑 
>2. Hazailの銀(は) 
>3. Nabu-zaqip-ens^iの面前において・・・ 

>254 名前: Nanashi_et_al. [sage] 投稿日: 2009/11/28(土) 02:06:06 
>a. 1行目第一字はNA4。したがって次の文字はKIS^IBと読んだほうがいい。 
>b. 2行目のs^aというのはアッカド語で「ーの」という単語(アッシリア語、バビロニア語も同様)。 
>c. 2行目はほぼ確実だそうで、意味は「Hazail(人名)の銀」 
>d. 2行目はアッシリア語でkaspu s^a Hazailと読む 
>e. 3行目のmd.NA3が正しいとすれば(自信がないそうでw)、ここはNabu-zaqip-ens^i 

>255 名前: Nanashi_et_al. [sage] 投稿日: 2009/11/28(土) 02:07:07 
>イ. 文字がランダムに選択された可能性は非常に低い 
>ロ. 文章の形式から債務文書のようなものらしい 
>ハ. 文字からみて新アッシリア時代に書かれたアッシリア語の粘土板のコピーである可能性が高い 
>ニ. 「普通」に読むと「東大」や「みんな」などの語彙は確認できない 
>ホ. そもそもシュメール語の文法的特長は見当たらない 
>ヘ. コピーの字は非常にすばらしい。一般の人間が転写したものである可能性は低い 

>257 名前: Nanashi_et_al. [sage] 投稿日: 2009/11/28(土) 02:11:47 

** 盗用元判明

ドラゴン桜16巻掲載のシュメール語文書の盗用元が判明。"Manchester Tablet"と呼ばれるアッシリア語の古文書の一部であるとのこと。


>358 名前: 名無し象は鼻がウナギだ! 投稿日: 2010/04/28(水) 04:24:39 0
>A.R.Millard ”Some Aramaic Epigraphs” 
>Iraq ,vol.34,no.2(1972)p131-137 
>この『Iraq』誌に掲載されたA.R.Millard氏の論文「Some Aramaic Epigraphs」の中の、 
>p135(原文)、p136(翻字、翻訳)で紹介されている古文書Manchester tabletとそっくりだなw 
>多分このManchester Tabletからコピーしてきたみたいだね。 


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