「The second Golden period (1936~)」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The second Golden period (1936~) - (2008/01/17 (木) 02:24:03) の最新版との変更点



*The second Golden period (1936~) &bold(){Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built many of his masterpieces, in this period.} &bold(){He kept his unique invention and powerful energy for architecture, till the end.} ***&color(blue){Falling Water} ***&color(blue){Taliesin West} ***&color(blue){Johnson Wax building} ***&color(blue){Guggenheim Museum} **Falling Water (1936) ***It harmonized beautifully with around landscapes,&br() forest, brook, stones and so on. #image(fw70.jpg) Wright said, ***"Falling Water is a one of the great blessings that&br() we can experience in this world." #image(fwpic80.jpg) ***Interior |&image(fwin180.jpg)|&image(fwli80.jpg)|&image(fwst80.jpg)| -red color interior and unique furniture -effective indirect lighting -The stair is a symbol of connection between river and living room **Taliesin West (1937) *** It is the greatest architecture of Wright’s prairie style |&image(west.jpg)|&image(tww50.jpg)| ***It beautifully harmonizes with view&br() and it seems like an oasis in a desert. &bold(){Interior & Exterior} |&image(twin40.jpg)|&image(twout40.jpg)| -continuous geometric pattern -desert raw stones wall **Johnson Wax building (1939) ***It is a rare office building among Wright's architecture. #image(jw.jpg) Wright thought that, ***"beautiful and comfortable space not only raised company employees but also enriched their life." &bold(){Interior} |&image(wax.jpg)|&image(waax.jpg)| -the pillar like mushroom -the ceiling consists of the pillar top like a lotus leaf -lights from ceiking and red and cream color **Guggenheim Meuseum (1959) ***Last art of Frank Lloyd Wright #image(gu80.JPG) Wright said, ***"This Museum exists to make beautiful and continuous symphony of pictures and architecture." #image(guggen.jpg) ---- [[FLWFoundation>http://www.organichouse.jp/gallery/index.htm]] fw [[参照>http://orie.fc2web.com/fallingwater.html]] [[画像>http://www.9months.jp/fallingwater.htm]] TW [[about Taliesin>http://homepage1.nifty.com/uraisan/yakata/a04.html]] [[image>http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Taliesin_West.html]] JW [[画像>http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~space/JonsonOfficeandLaboratory.html]] [[good!>http://www.yodoko.co.jp/geihinkan/himitu/tanbouki03/index.html]] Guggen [[building>http://www.guggenheim.org/the_building.html]] -[[TOP]]
*The second Golden period (1936~) &bold(){Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built many of his masterpieces, in this period.} &bold(){He kept his unique invention and powerful energy for architecture, till the end.} ***&color(blue){Falling Water} ***&color(blue){Taliesin West} ***&color(blue){Johnson Wax building} ***&color(blue){Guggenheim Museum} **Falling Water (1936) ***It harmonized beautifully with around landscapes,&br() forest, brook, stones and so on. #image(fw70.jpg) Wright said, ***"Falling Water is a one of the great blessings that&br() we can experience in this world." #image(fwpic80.jpg) &bold(){Interior} |&image(fwin180.jpg)|&image(fwli80.jpg)|&image(fwst80.jpg)| -red color interior and unique furniture -effective indirect lighting -The stair is a symbol of connection between river and living room **Taliesin West (1937) *** It is the greatest architecture of Wright’s prairie style |&image(west.jpg)|&image(tww50.jpg)| ***It beautifully harmonizes with view&br() and it seems like an oasis in a desert. &bold(){Interior & Exterior} |&image(twin40.jpg)|&image(twout40.jpg)| -continuous geometric pattern -desert raw stones wall **Johnson Wax building (1939) ***It is a rare office building among Wright's architecture. #image(jw.jpg) Wright thought that, ***"beautiful and comfortable space not only raised company employees but also enriched their life." &bold(){Interior} |&image(wax.jpg)|&image(waax.jpg)| -the pillar like mushroom -the ceiling consists of the pillar top like a lotus leaf -lights from ceiking and red and cream color **Guggenheim Meuseum (1959) ***Last art of Frank Lloyd Wright #image(gu80.JPG) Wright said, ***"This Museum exists to make beautiful and continuous symphony of pictures and architecture." #center(){#image(gugge.jpg)} &bold(){Interior} |&image(gugg50.jpg)|&image(gug80.JPG)| -spiral structure and beautiful curvilinear line -light from ceiling -geometric patterns and curvilinear line ***Wright never saw the completion of the Guggenheim Museum, opened in October 1959. ***He died on April 9,1959. **Excursus &bold(){About 50 or 100 years has passed since Frank Lloyd Wright built a lot of great architecture.} &bold(){People still stay carefully at house designed by him.} &bold(){We are still fascinated by him works. } &bold(){In future, it will never change. } ---- -[[TOP]] ---- LINKS,references -[[FLW Foundation>http://www.organichouse.jp/gallery/index.htm]] Falling Water -[[FLW F>http://orie.fc2web.com/fallingwater.html]] -[[image>http://www.9months.jp/fallingwater.htm]] Taliesin West -[[about Taliesin>http://homepage1.nifty.com/uraisan/yakata/a04.html]] -[[image>http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Taliesin_West.html]] Johnson Wax -[[image>http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~space/JonsonOfficeandLaboratory.html]] -[[site>http://www.yodoko.co.jp/geihinkan/himitu/tanbouki03/index.html]] Guggenheim Meuseum -[[about building>http://www.guggenheim.org/the_building.html]] -[[site>http://ny.saltious.net/guggen/guggen.html]] -[[TOP]]

