Tax and trade

「Tax and trade」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Tax and trade」を以下のとおり復元します。

[[File:Tax_rate.jpg‎|180px|thumb|right|Tax rate]]
==How do I tax my peasants?==
Click on the popularity panel to show the tax rate controls.

Clicking the - button will “bribe” your Peasants. This means you will lose gold, but gain a much higher popularity increase.

Clicking the + button will tax the Peasants. This increases your overall Gold intake.

==How can I tax peasants but still be popular?==
Taxes are definitely not popular with your peasants but you can offset the popularity hit by giving them extra food or ale.

==Apart from tax how else can I earn gold?==
You can also earn gold from trading goods in the market.

==How do I get a market?==
You must hold the rank of Villein (6) and research Merchant Guilds (in the Education research tree) which will allow you to place a market building in your village. Markets allow you to send goods to other villages and trade with parish capitals.

You will also need to buy traders in the units screen (scout icon), you will need a free peasant and gold available.

==Can I place more than one market?==
Yes. Placing an extra market will increase the amount of goods you can buy and sell.
[[File:011_parish_trade.jpg‎|150px|thumb|right|Select market]][[File:013_stock_exchange.jpg|150px|thumb|right|Stock exchange]]

==How do I trade with a parish capital?==
Select the parish capital and click Market. Select the goods and amounts you wish to trade then click the buy/sell buttons to finalise the trade.

==I am unable to trade with a market outside my parish?==
If the market is not within your own parish, you need to research commerce in the research tree.

==Why isn’t my market cart moving any faster after research?==
If you finish research after the cart has started moving on the map, the research will not affect them. 




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