
キャラクター - (2012/04/15 (日) 22:48:18) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


  • Miles Kilo
    同じエージェントであるJules Meritと共にユーロコープ社の仕事をこなす。

  • Lily Drawl
    ユーロコープ社のCEOであるJack Denhamは彼女が離反することを危惧している。


Wulf Western
Spelt Wulf-Westernとも呼ばれる、Coopモードプレイヤーキャラクター4人が秘密裏に所属する新興シンジケート(企業連合)の一つ。

Portrait マルチプレイで使用できるキャラクターの1人。
表向きはAspariのエージェントだが、Wulf Westernの二重スパイとして働いている。
Growing up an orphan in the downzones of Chiba City, Akume lived a life of minor crime to stay alive. As a Buraka, she met only discrimination and contempt from those around her, and learned to trust no one and always have an escape plan.

Aidan Fall
Portrait マルチプレイで使用できるキャラクターの1人。Wulf Westernのエージェント。
He quickly became to resent his syndicate masters, seeing them represent everything he didn't have. As he worked, he learned how to use explosives and found other allies that shared his resentment.

Quietly they began to plan what would soon become the Belgrade Uprising.

Emma Thalos
Portrait マルチプレイで使用できるキャラクターの1人。Wulf Westernのエージェント。
Emma Thalos became the youngest scientist to ever hold a position in Cayman Global's prominen research and development branch. A firm believer in transhumanism, she was soon experimenting with illegal body modification technology, but after a series of accidets, she was quickly barred from performing experiments on human subjects.

Continuing her experiments in secret on volunteers from her old unviersity, leaked stories of several frorced amputations and widely publicized fatalities forced Cayman Global to distance themselves from her. When her experiments didn't cease, she was summarily fired from Cayman Global R&D and all experimental results and resources were confiscated.

Burning through her family's considerable fortune, she began experimenting again, using her own body as a test platform. Teating herself with chemicals, hormones and even exotic bacteria, she quickly discovere dthat she was adapting exceptionally well to the technology implants that had killed some of her fellow students.

Once she started signing up for freelance combat missions across the globe, it didn't take long for her ruthlessness and unique cryo-modification technology to come to the attention of Wulf Western.

Tihomir Darius
Portrait マルチプレイで使用できるキャラクターの1人。Wulf Westernのエージェント。
Darius was a son of the working class, employed by EuroCorp in a munitions factory building grenades and cartridges. He quickly became to resent his syndicate masters, seeing them represent everything he didn't have. As he worked, he learned how to use explosives and found other allies that shared his resentment.

Quietly they began to plan what would soon become the Belgrade Uprising.

