Criss Sexx

「Criss Sexx」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Criss Sexx - (2018/07/25 (水) 17:27:33) のソース

< member >
***Unreleased and Unplugged

**Bastard Barbie ( 2008 ver. )
2008年 ( N )
1. Wasted Generation / 2. Alleycat Spoiled Tail / 3. Grab Her By The Tail / 4. Spider Sarah / 5. High Skull Lovers / 6. Pills / 7. Razorblade Kiss / 8. Devil Or Angel / 9. Beverly Kills / 10. Love Gun [ cover of [[KISS]] ]

"SNOW Sessions" 2005 ( #7~#9 )

**Bastard Barbie
1. Wasted Generation
2. Alleycat Spoiled Tail
3. Grab Her By The Tail
4. Spider Sarah
5. High Skull Lovers
6. Pills
