

論文一覧 - (2023/04/09 (日) 16:57:25) のソース

* お役立ち情報
** スケジュール
- http://csconf.net/deadlines
- http://www.conferencelist.info/upcoming.html
- http://community.dur.ac.uk/tom.friedetzky/conf.html
- http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~hermann/conf.html

** 国際会議・雑誌
- MSAR field ratings (2014) http://www.conferenceranks.com/visualization/msar2014.html
- Computer Science Conference Rankings https://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~zaiane/htmldocs/ConfRanking.html
- The top journals and conferences in data mining / data science http://data-mining.philippe-fournier-viger.com/the-top-journals-and-conferences-in-data-mining-data-science/
- 中国计算机学会推荐 https://www.ccf.org.cn/Academic_Evaluation/By_category/
- 頂尖國際會議表列 https://www.csie.ncu.edu.tw/file/98ef5b203937077d24098c335abcf0ca
- Acceptance ratio of some Theoretical Computer Science Conferences https://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/~sikora/ratio/confs.php
- https://knuu.github.io/pages/ml-dm-ai_jp_papers.html
- https://github.com/lixin4ever/Conference-Acceptance-Rate
- https://perso.crans.org/genest/conf.html
- https://www.aminer.org/ranks/conf
- Ranking of CS Departments based on the Number of Papers in Theoretical Computer Science https://projects.csail.mit.edu/dnd/ranking/
- Computer Science Conference Rankings https://dsl.cds.iisc.ac.in/publications/CS_ConfRank.htm
- Journals (etc.) in Discrete Mathematics and related fields http://www.math.iit.edu/~kaul/Journals.html
- List of TCS conferences and workshops https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/7900/list-of-tcs-conferences-and-workshops
- https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~bennani/CSRank.html
- GII-GRIN-SCIE (GGS) Conference Rating http://www.consorzio-cini.it/gii-grin-scie-rating.html
- 计算机学术期刊排名 https://sites.google.com/site/luzhaoshomepage/Home/journal-list/ji-suan-ji-xue-shu-qi-kan-pai-ming-computer-science-journal-rankings
- 清华大学计算机学科群 推荐学术会议和期刊列表 https://numbda.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~yuwj/TH-CPL.pdf

** まとめサイト
- Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996)
-- http://jeffhuang.com/best_paper_awards.html
- データベース勉強会Wiki
-- http://www.kde.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/dbreading/
- Statistics of acceptance rate for the main AI conferences
-- https://github.com/lixin4ever/Conference-Acceptance-Rate
- Hot Topics on Big Data: Algorithms, Analytics and Applications
-- https://www.cse.ust.hk/~leichen/courses/comp6311D/
-- http://akoide.hatenablog.com/
- http://www.orgnet.com/hijackers.html
- http://11011110.livejournal.com/260838.html
- http://www.ipsj.or.jp/journal/info/75NC.html
- 専門知識の仕入れ方 by 吉田さん http://research.preferred.jp/2011/09/how-to-learn/
- 岩間研の輪講 http://www.lab2.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/fswikiout/wiki.cgi?action=LIST
-  Laplacian Linear Equations, Graph Sparsification, Local Clustering, Low-Stretch Trees, etc. https://sites.google.com/a/yale.edu/laplacian/
- Combinatorial Reconfiguration Wiki http://reconf.wikidot.com/
- Connected Papers https://www.connectedpapers.com/
- 英語論文の査読表現集 https://staff.aist.go.jp/a.ohta/japanese/study/Review_ex_top.htm
-  Computational Intractability: A Guide to Algorithmic Lower Bounds https://hardness.mit.edu/
- What Books Should Everyone Read? https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/3253/what-books-should-everyone-read

** 講義
*** Counting and Sampling
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (2006, Eric Vigoda) https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~vigoda/MCMC_Course/
- CSE 599: Counting and Sampling (2017, Shayan Oveis Gharan) https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~shayan/courses/sampling/
- CS 294: Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Foundations & Applications, (Alistair Sinclair) https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~sinclair/cs294/f09.html
- CS294-180: Partition Functions: Algorithms & Complexity (2020, Alistair Sinclair) https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~sinclair/cs294/f20.html
- CSE 599: Polynomial Paradigm in Algorithm Design (2020, Shayan Oveis Gharan) https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~shayan/courses/polynomials/
- Math 270: The Geometry of Polynomials in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Probability (2015, Nikhil Srivastava) https://math.berkeley.edu/~nikhil/courses/270/
- Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization (2017) https://simons.berkeley.edu/programs/optimization2017
- Geometry of Polynomials https://simons.berkeley.edu/programs/geometry2019
- Counting and Sampling (2020, EPFL) https://www.epfl.ch/schools/ic/tcs/counting-and-sampling-2020/
- Markov Chains and Counting (Alan Frieze, book) https://www.math.cmu.edu/~af1p/Teaching/MCC17/MC.html

*** PCP and hardness of approximation
- CSE 533: The PCP Theorem and Hardness of Approximation (2005, Venkatesan Guruswami & Ryan O'Donnell) https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse533/05au/
- CMSC 39600: PCPs, codes and inapproximability (2007, Prahladh Harsha) https://www.tifr.res.in/~prahladh/teaching/07autumn/
- On Dinur's Proof of the PCP Theorem https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2007-44-01/S0273-0979-06-01143-8/S0273-0979-06-01143-8.pdf
- PCPs and Limits of approximation algorithms (2014―15, Prahladh Harsha) https://www.tifr.res.in/~prahladh/teaching/2014-15/limits/
- Course 236603: Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (2007, Eli Ben-Sasson) https://eli.net.technion.ac.il/files/2013/03/notes_2007_Fall.pdf
- Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of Approximation (2013, Ola Svensson   & Alantha Newman) https://theory.epfl.ch/osven/courses/Approx13/
- Approximability of Optimization Problems (Madhu Sudan) http://people.csail.mit.edu/madhu/FT99/course.html
- CS359: Hardness of Approximation (Tim Roughgarden, 2007) https://timroughgarden.org/w07b/w07b.html
- 15-854(B): Advanced Approximation Algorithms (2008, Anupam Gupta & Ryan O'Donnell) https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~anupamg/adv-approx/
- CS 294: PCP and Hardness of Approximation (2006, Luca Trevisan) https://cs.stanford.edu/people/trevisan/pcp/
- https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/45/what-are-good-references-to-understanding-the-proof-of-the-pcp-theorem

- 15-859T: A Theorist's Toolkit (2013, Ryan O'Donnell) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~odonnell/toolkit13/
- Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs (2014/2019, Erik Demaine) https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-890-algorithmic-lower-bounds-fun-with-hardness-proofs-fall-2014/index.htm http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.892/spring19/lectures/

- CS395T: Pseudorandomness (2017, David Zuckerman) https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~diz/395T/17/
- Pseudorandomness (Salil Vadhan, monograph) https://people.seas.harvard.edu/~salil/pseudorandomness/

*** Expander graphs
- Expander Graphs and their applications (2020, Irit Dinur) https://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~dinuri/courses/20-expanders/index.htm
-  Expander Graphs in Computer Science (2010, He Sun) https://resources.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/d1/teaching/ws10/EG/WS10.html
- Course 67659: Expander graphs and their applications (2002, Nati Linial & Avi Wigderson)

*** Others
- Parameterized Complexity (2019, Saket Saurabh) https://sites.google.com/view/sakethome/teaching/parameterized-complexity
- Proofs, beliefs, and algorithms through the lens of sum-of-squares https://www.sumofsquares.org/public/index.html
-  Stat260/CompSci294: Topics in Spectral Graph Methods (Michael Mahoney) https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~mmahoney/s15-stat260-cs294/
- Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: An Algorithmist's Toolkit (Jonathan Kelner) https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-409-topics-in-theoretical-computer-science-an-algorithmists-toolkit-fall-2009/
- 6.889: Algorithms for Planar Graphs and Beyond (Fall 2011) http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.889/fall11/lectures/
- 15-855: Graduate Computational Complexity Theory (2017, Ryan O'Donnell) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~odonnell/complexity17/

** その他
- Journals with quick reviewing - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/8335/journals-with-quick-reviewing
- Backlog of MathematicsResearch Journals https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/201810/rnoti-p1289.pdf
- Online TCS Seminars https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/46930/online-tcs-seminars
- Algorithms Randomization Computation https://sites.google.com/di.uniroma1.it/arc/home
- Felix Reidl https://tcs.rwth-aachen.de/~reidl/
- https://rjlipton.wordpress.com/2014/12/21/modulating-the-permanent/
- https://barthesi.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/personal-website/dpps/2018-26-11-dpps_intro/
- Thirty-Three Miniatures: Mathematical and Algorithmic Applications of Linear Algebra https://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~matousek/stml-53-matousek-1.pdf
- Research in Progress https://researchinprogress.tumblr.com/


* 情報拡散
** 投票者モデル
- A model for spatial conflict
-- Biometrika 1973
- Ergodic theorems for weakly interacting infinite systems and the voter model
-- Annals of Probability 1975.

* Influence Maximization 関連

** バイラルマーケティング
- [[Mining the Network Value of Customers]]
- [[Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites for Viral Marketing]]

** 元ネタ
- Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network

** 理論的結果
- [[On the Approximability of Influence in Social Networks]]

** 影響最大化/影響力推定の爆速アルゴリズム
*** シミュレーション
- [[CELF++: Optimizing the Greedy Algorithm for Influence Maximization in Social ...]] WWW 2011
- [[Efficient Influence Maximization in Social Networks]] KDD 2009
- [[StaticGreedy: Solving the Scalability-Accuracy Dilemma in Influence Maximization]] CIKM 2013
- [[UBLF: An Upper Bound Based Approach to Discover Influential Nodes in Social ...]] ICDM 2013
- [[An Upper Bound based Greedy Algorithm for Mining Top-k Influential Nodes in ...]] WWW 2014
- [[Extracting Influential Nodes for Information Diffusion on a Social Network]] AAAI 2007
- [[IMGPU: GPU-Accelerated Influence Maximization in Large-Scale Social Networks]] TPDS 2014
- [[Influence Maximization in Big Networks: An Incremental Algorithm for ...]] IJCAI 2015
- [[Influence at Scale: Distributed Computation of Complex Contagion in Networks]] KDD 2015
- [[Outward Influence and Cascade Size Estimation in Billion-scale Networks]] SIGMETRICS 2017

*** RIS
- [[Maximizing Social Influence in Nearly Optimal Time]] SODA 2014
- [[Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency]] SIGMOD 2014
- [[Social Influence Spectrum with Guarantees: Computing More in Less Time]] CSoNet 2015
- [[Influence Maximization in Near-Linear Time: A Martingale Approach]] SIGMOD 2015
- [[Cost-aware Targeted Viral Marketing in Billion-scale Networks]] INFOCOM 2016
- [[Stop-and-Stare: Optimal Sampling Algorithms for Viral Marketing in ...]] SIGMOD 2016
- [[Revisiting the Stop-and-Stare Algorithms for Influence Maximization]] PVLDB 2017
- [[Why approximate when you can get the exact? Optimal Targeted Viral Marketing ...]] INFOCOM 2017
- [[Importance Sketching of Influence Dynamics in Billion-scale Networks]] ICDM 2017

*** ヒューリスティクス
- [[Scalable Influence Maximization for Prevalent Viral Marketing in Large-Scale ...]] KDD 2010
- [[Scalable Influence Maximization in Social Networks under the Linear ...]] ICDM 2010
- [[IRIE: Scalable and Robust Influence Maximization in Social Networks]] ICDM 2012
- [[Simulated Annealing Based Influence Maximization in Social Networks]] AAAI 2011
- [[On Approximation of Real-World Influence Spread]] PKDD 2012
- [[Scalable and Parallelizable Processing of Influence Maximization for ...]] ICDE 2013
- [[Simpath: An Efficient Algorithm for Influence Maximization under the Linear ...]] ICDM 2011
- [[Probabilistic Solutions of Influence Propagation on Networks]] CIKM 2013
- [[Community-based Greedy Algorithm for Mining Top-K Influential Nodes in ...]] KDD 2010
- [[Efficient algorithms for influence maximization in social networks]] KAIS 2012
- [[CINEMA: Conformity-Aware Greedy Algorithm for Influence Maximization in ...]] EDBT 2013
- [[A Novel and Model Independent Approach for Efficient Influence Maximization ...]] WISE 2013
- [[Influence Spread in Large-Scale Social Networks - A Belief Propagation Approach]] ECML PKDD 2012
- [[IMRank: Influence Maximization via Finding Self-Consistent Ranking]] SIGIR 2014
- [[ASIM: A Scalable Algorithm for Influence Maximization under the Independent ...]] WWW 2015
- [[Holistic Influence Maximization: Combining Scalability and Efficiency with ...]] SIGMOD 2016

*** 影響拡散高速計算
- [[Efficient influence spread estimation for influence maximization under the ...]]
- [[Exact Computation of Influence Spread by Binary Decision Diagrams]] WWW 2017
- [[Computing and maximizing influence in linear threshold and triggering models]] NIPS 2016

*** その他
- [[Influence Maximization in Undirected Networks]] SODA 2014
- [[Debunking the Myths of Influence Maximization: An In-Depth Benchmarking Study]] SIGMOD 2017

*** 謎
- [[Maximizing the Spread of Cascades Using Network Design]] UAI 2010
- [[The complexity of influence maximization problem in the deterministic linear ...]] JCO 2012

** 目的関数が違う
- [[Personalized Influence Maximization on Social Networks]]
- [[Stability of Influence Maximization]]
- [[Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a ...]]
- [[On minimizing budget and time in influence propagation over social networks]]
- [[Minimizing Seed Set for Viral Marketing]]
- [[Online Influence Maximization]]
- [[Minimum-Cost Information Dissemination in Social Networks]]
- [[Robust Influence Maximization (He-Kempe)]]
- [[Robust Influence Maximization (Chen+)]]
- [[Robust Influence Maximization (Lowalekar+)]]
- [[Spheres of Influence for More Effective Viral Marketing]]

** 変種設定
*** インターネット広告
- [[Real-time Targeted Influence Maximization for Online Advertisements]] VLDB 2015
- [[Viral Marketing Meets Social Advertising: Ad Allocation with Minimum Regret]] VLDB 2015
- [[Revenue Maximization in Incentivized Social Advertising]] VLDB 2017

** 疎化・粗大化
- [[Sparsification of Influence Networks]]
- [[Fast Influence-based Coarsening for Large Networks]]

** 予測
- [[Prediction of Information Diffusion Probabilities for Independent Cascade Model]]
- [[Learning Continuous-Time Information Diffusion Model for Social Behavioral ...]]
- [[Learning Influence Probabilities In Social Networks]]
- [[Learning Stochastic Models of Information Flow]]
- Predicting Information Diffusion on Social Networks with Partial Knowledge
- [[Latent Feature Independent Cascade Model for Social Propagation]]
- [[Learning Diffusion Probability based on Node Attributes in Social Networks]]
- [[Topic-aware Social Influence Propagation Models]]
- [[Uncovering the Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion Networks]]

** モデリング
*** 時間
- [[A Data-Based Approach to Social Influence Maximization]]
- [[Time-Critical Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Time-Delayed ...]]
- [[Time Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[Uncovering the Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion Networks]]
- [[On Influential Node Discovery in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- [[Influence Maximization with Novelty Decay in Social Networks]]
*** トピック・カテゴリ
- [[Topic-aware Social Influence Propagation Models]]
- [[Diversified Social Influence Maximization]]
-- モデルは同じ,目的関数が違う
*** トピック・カテゴリのアルゴリズム
- [[Online Topic-aware Influence Maximization Queries]] EDBT 2014
- [[Real-time Topic-aware Influence Maximization Using Preprocessing]] CSoNet 2015
- [[Online Topic-Aware Influence Maximization]] VLDB 2015
*** 負/競合
- [[Competitive Influence Maximization in Social Networks]] WINE 2007
- [[Word of Mouth: Rumor Dissemination in Social Networks]] SIROCCO 2008
- [[Threshold Models for Competitive Influence in Social Networks]] WINE 2010
- [[Influence Maximization in Social Networks When Negative Opinions May Emerge ...]]
- [[Influence Blocking Maximization in Social Networks under the Competitive ...]]
- [[Maximizing Influence in a Competitive Social Network: A Follower's Perspective]] ICEC 2007
- [[New Models for Competitive Contagion]]
- [[Opinion maximization in social networks]]
-- 意見
- [[Maximizing Influence in an Ising Network: A Mean-Field Optimal Solution]]
-- Isingモデル
*** 投票者モデル
- オリジナル
-- Ergodic Theorems for Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model
-- A Model for Spatial Conflict
- [[A Note on Maximizing the Spread of Influence in Social Networks]] WINE 2007
- [[Influence Diffusion Dynamics and Influence Maximization in Social Networks ...]] WSDM 2013
- [[Maximizing the Long-term Integral Influence in Social Networks Under the ...]] WWW 2014
*** 適応的二段階アプローチ
- [[Scalable Methods for Adaptively Seeding a Social Network]] WWW 2015
*** その他
- [[How to Influence People with Partial Incentives]]
- [[Mining Social Networks Using Heat Diffusion Processes for Marketing ...]]
- [[Influence Maximization with Viral Product Design]]
- [[Profit Maximization over Social Networks]]
- [[On Budgeted Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[In Search of Influential Event Organizers in Online Social Networks]]
- [[Linear Computation for Independent Social Influence]]
- [[Efficient Location-Aware Influence Maximization]]
- [[Dynamic Influence Maximization Under Increasing Returns to Scale]]
- [[Online Influence Maximization]]
- [[Real-time Targeted Influence Maximization for Online Advertisements]] VLDB 2015

** 連続時間独立カスケード(CT-IC)モデル
- [[Uncovering the Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion Networks]] ICML 2011
- [[Influence Maximization in Continuous Time Diffusion Networks]] ICML 2012
- [[Scalable Influence Estimation in Continuous-Time Diffusion Networks]] NIPS 2013
- [[Tight Bounds for Influence in Diffusion Networks and Application to Bond ...]] NIPS 2014
- [[Anytime Influence Bounds and the Explosive Behavior of Continuous-Time ...]] NIPS 2015

** 汚染最小化
- [[Minimizing the Spread of Contamination by Blocking Links in a Network]]
- [[Blocking Links to Minimize Contamination Spread in a Social Network]]
- [[Negative Influence Minimizing by Blocking Nodes in Social Networks]]
- [[Finding Spread Blockers in Dynamic Networks]]

** 動的アルゴリズム
- [[Influence Maximization in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- [[Maximizing the Extent of Spread in a Dynamic Network]]
- [[On Influential Nodes Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- [[Real-Time Influence Maximization on Dynamic Social Streams]] PVLDB 2017

** 斉藤 和巳さん一派
- [[Tractable Models for Information Diffusion in Social Networks]] PKDD 2006
- [[Extracting Influential Nodes for Information Diffusion on a Social Network]] AAAI 2007
- [[Minimizing the Spread of Contamination by Blocking Links in a Network]] AAAI 2008
- [[Prediction of Information Diffusion Probabilities for Independent Cascade Model]] KES 2008
- [[Learning Continuous-Time Information Diffusion Model for Social Behavioral ...]] ACML 2009
- [[Selecting Information Diffusion Models over Social Networks for Behavioral ...]] ECML PKDD 2010 (ACML 09と同じ?)
- [[Blocking Links to Minimize Contamination Spread in a Social Network]] TKDD 2009
- [[Finding Influential Nodes in a Social Network from Information Diffusion Data]] SBP 2009
- Learning information diffusion model in a social network for predicting influence of nodes Intell. Data Anal. 2011
- [[Learning Diffusion Probability based on Node Attributes in Social Networks]] ISMIS 2011


* Uncertain Graphs
- [[On a Routing Problem Within Probabilistic Graphs ...]] INFOCOM 2007
- [[The Most Reliable Subgraph Problem]] PKDD 2007
- [[Frequent Subgraph Pattern Mining on Uncertain Graph Data]] CIKM 2009
- [[Fast Discovery of Reliable Subnetworks]] ASONAM 2010
- [[k-Nearest Neighbors in Uncertain Graphs]] VLDB 2010
- [[Finding Top-k Maximal Cliques in an Uncertain Graph]] ICDE 2010
- [[Fast Discovery of Reliable k-terminal Subgraphs]] PAKDD 2010
- [[Discovering Frequent Subgraphs over Uncertain Graph Databases under ...]] KDD 2010
- [[BMC: An Efficient Method to Evaluate Probabilistic Reachability Queries]] DASFAA 2011
- [[Efficient Discovery of Frequent Subgraph Patterns in Uncertain Graph Databases]] EDBT 2011
- [[Discovering Highly Reliable Subgraphs in Uncertain Graphs]] KDD 2011
- [[Distance Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs]] VLDB 2011
- [[Efficient Subgraph Search over Large Uncertain Graphs]] VLDB 2011
- [[Reliable Clustering on Uncertain Graphs]] ICDM 2012
- [[Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Finding Densest Subgraphs in Uncertain Graphs]] MLG 2013
- [[Clustering Large Probabilistic Graphs]] TKDE 2013
- [[The Pursuit of a Good Possible World: Extracting Representative Instances of ...]] SIGMOD 2014
- [[Efficient and Accurate Query Evaluation on Uncertain Graphs via Recursive ...]] ICDE 2014
- [[Fast Reliability Search in Uncertain Graphs]] EDBT 2014
- [[Top-k Reliable Edge Colors in Uncertain Graphs]] CIKM 2015
- [[Top-k Reliability Search on Uncertain Graphs]] ICDM 2015
- [[Assessing Attack Vulnerability in Networks with Uncertainty]] INFOCOM 2015
- [[Triangle-Based Representative Possible Worlds of Uncertain Graphs]] DASFAA 2016
- [[Truss Decomposition of Probabilistic Graphs: Semantics and Algorithms]] SIGMOD 2016
** ネットワーク信頼性
- [[A practical bounding algorithm for computing two-terminal reliability based ...]] Comput. Math. Appl. 2011
** OR系
- [[Minimum-Risk Maximum Clique Problem]]


* k-means
- [[Streaming k-means approximation]]
- [[StreamKM++: A Clustering Algorithm for Data Streams]]
- [[k-means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding]]
- [[Streaming k-means on Well-Clusterable Data]]
- [[A Local Search Approximation Algorithm for k-Means Clustering]]
- [[Fast and Accurate k-means For Large Datasets]]
- [[Hartigan's Method: k-means Clustering without Voronoi]]
- [[Hartigan's K-Means Versus Lloyd's K-Means - Is It Time for a Change?]]
- [[Using the Triangle Inequality to Accelerate k-Means]]
- [[Making k-means even faster]]
- [[Accelerated k-means with adaptive distance bounds]]


* PageRank
** 高速計算
- [[Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating PageRank Computations]]
- [[FAST-PPR: Scaling Personalized PageRank Estimation for Large Graphs]]
** 動的更新
- [[Link Evolution: Analysis and Algorithms]]
- [[Fast Incremental and Personalized PageRank]]
- [[PageRank on an Evolving Graph]]
- Efficient PageRank Tracking in Evolving Networks 私,前原貴憲,河原林健一
** バックボタン
- [[The Effect of the Back Button in a Random Walk: Application for PageRank]]
- [[BackRank: an Alternative for PageRank?]]


* Spectral Clustering
- A Random Walks View of Spectral Segmentation
- Kernel k-means, Spectral Clustering and Normalized Cuts
- http://ranger.uta.edu/~chqding/Spectral/
- https://arxiv.org/abs/0711.0189 A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering. Ulrike von Luxburg
- Laplacian https://sites.google.com/a/yale.edu/laplacian/


&html(<p><font size="+3">理論計算機科学</font></p>)

&html(<font size="+2">ACM <u><b>S</b></u>ymposium on <u><b>T</b></u>heory <u><b>o</b></u>f <u><b>C</b></u>omputing</font>)

*** STOC 2013
- [[Fast Approximation Algorithms for the Diameter and Radius of Sparse Graphs]]

*** STOC 2014
- [[The matching polytope has exponential extension complexity]]
- [[Approximation Algorithms for Regret-Bounded Vehicle Routing and Applications ...]]
- [[Approximate Distance Oracle with Constant Query Time]]
- [[Zig-zag Sort: A Simple Deterministic Data-Oblivious Sorting Algorithm ...]]
- [[Minimum Bisection is Fixed Parameter Tractable]]

&html(<font size="+2">IEEE Symposium on <u><b>F</b></u>oundations <u><b>o</b></u>f <u><b>C</b></u>omputer <u><b>S</b></u>cience</font>)

*** FOCS 2013
- https://sites.google.com/site/tcsreading/home/focs2013
- [[The Price of Stability for Undirected Broadcast Network Design with Fair ...]]
- [[Learning Sums of Independent Integer Random Variables]]
- [[OSNAP: Faster numerical linear algebra algorithms via sparser subspace ...]]
- [[Efficient Accelerated Coordinate Descent Methods and Faster Algorithms for ...]]
- [[Algebraic Algorithms for b-Matching, Shortest Undirected Paths, and f-Factors]]
- [[Improved approximation for 3-dimensional matching via bounded pathwidth ...]]
- [[Independent Set, Induced Matching, and Pricing: Connections and Tight ...]]
- [[Approximating Minimum-Cost k-Node Connected Subgraphs via Independence-Free ...]]
- [[Online Node-weighted Steiner Forest and Extensions via Disk Paintings]]
- [[An LMP O(log n)-Approximation Algorithm for Node Weighted Prize Collecting ...]]
- [[Approximating Bin Packing within O(log OPT*loglog OPT) bins]]
- [[Strong Backdoors to Bounded Treewidth SAT]]

&html(<font size="+2">ACM-SIAM <u><b>S</b></u>ymposium <u><b>o</b></u>n <u><b>D</b></u>iscrete <u><b>A</b></u>lgorithms</font>)
*** SODA 2008
- [[On the Approximability of Influence in Social Networks]]

*** SODA 2014
- [[Maximizing Social Influence in Nearly Optimal Time]]
- [[Influence Maximization in Undirected Networks]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>S</b></u>ymposium on <u><b>A</b></u>lgorithms <u><b>a</b></u>nd <u><b>C</b></u>omputation</font>)

&html(<font size="+2">ACM Conference on <u><b>I</b></u>nnovations in <u><b>T</b></u>heoretical <u><b>C</b></u>omputer <u><b>S</b></u>cience</font>)



&html(<p><font size="+3">アルゴリズム</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">Workshop on <u><b>Al</b></u>gorithm <u><b>En</b></u>gineering and <u><b>Ex</b></u>periments</font>)
*** ALENEX 2016
- [[Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality Faster in Unweighted Graphs]]

&html(<font size="+2"> International <u><b>S</u></b>ymposium on <u><b>E</u></b>xperimental <u><b>A</u></b>lgorithms</font>)
*** SEA 2015
- [[Is Nearly-linear the Same in Theory and Practice? A Case Study with a ...]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>W</b></b>orkshop on <u><b>A</b></u>lgorithms and Models for the <u><b>W</b></u>eb Graph</font>)
*** WAW 2012
- [[Dynamic PageRank using Evolving Teleportation]]

- [[Outward Influence and Cascade Size Estimation in Billion-scale Networks]]
-- ジャーナル版はProceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS)



&html(<p><font size="+3">データマイニング</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">ACM SIGKDD Conference on <u><b>K</b></u>nowledge <u><b>D</b></u>iscovery and <u><b>D</b></u>ata Mining</font>)
*** KDD 2001
- [[Mining the Network Value of Customers]]
- [[Co-clustering documents and words using Bipartite Spectral Graph Partitioning]]
*** KDD 2002
- [[Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites for Viral Marketing]]

*** KDD 2007
- ✔[[Cost-effective Outbreak Detection in Networks]]

*** KDD 2008
- ✔[[Influence and Correlation in Social Networks]]

*** KDD 2009
- [[Efficient Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- ✔[[On Compressing Social Networks]]

*** KDD 2010
- [[Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence]]
- [[Scalable Influence Maximization for Prevalent Viral Marketing in Large-Scale ...]]
- [[Community-based Greedy Algorithm for Mining Top-K Influential Nodes in ...]]
- [[Discovering Frequent Subgraphs over Uncertain Graph Databases under ...]]
- [[Semi-Supervised Feature Selection for Graph Classification]]

*** KDD 2011
- [[Discovering Highly Reliable Subgraphs in Uncertain Graphs]]
- [[Sparsification of Influence Networks]]

*** KDD 2012
- [[Streaming Graph Partitioning for Large Distributed Graphs]]
- [[PageRank on an Evolving Graph]]
- [[Information Diffusion and External Influence in Networks]]
- [[Vertex Neighborhoods, Low Conductance Cuts, and Good Seeds for Local ...]]
- [[Information Propagation Game: a Tool to Acquire Human Playing Data for ...]]
- [[Chromatic Correlation Clustering]]
- [[Efficient Personalized PageRank with Accuracy Assurance]]

*** KDD 2013
- [[Denser than the Densest Subgraph: Extracting Optimal Quasi-Cliques with ...]]
- [[Redundancy-Aware Maximal Cliques]]
- [[Trial and Error in Influential Social Networks]]
- Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG)
-- [[Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Finding Densest Subgraphs in Uncertain Graphs]]

*** KDD 2014
- [[Stability of Influence Maximization]]
- [[Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a ...]]
- [[Heat Kernel Based Community Detection]]
- [[Balanced Graph Edge Partition]]
- [[Correlation Clustering in MapReduce]]
- [[Streaming Submodular Maximization: Massive Data Summarization on the Fly]]
- [[Fast Influence-based Coarsening for Large Networks]]
- [[FAST-PPR: Scaling Personalized PageRank Estimation for Large Graphs]]

*** KDD 2015
- [[Influence at Scale: Distributed Computation of Complex Contagion in Networks]]
- [[Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social Networks]]
- [[Reciprocity in Social Networks with Capacity Constraints]]
- [[Online Influence Maximization]]
- [[Locally Densest Subgraph Discovery]]
- ✔[[Scalable Large Near-Clique Detection in Large-Scale Networks via Sampling]]
- [[Non-exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering via Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming]]

*** KDD 2016
- ✔[[Robust Influence Maximization (He-Kempe)]]
- [[Robust Influence Maximization (Chen+)]]
- [[FRAUDAR: Bounding Graph Fraud in the Face of Camouflage]]

*** KDD 2018
- [[Approximating the Spectrum of a Graph]]

&html(<font size="+2">IEEE <u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>D</b></u>ata <u><b>M</b></u>ining</font>)

*** ICDM 2006
- [[Fast Random Walk with Restart and Its Applications]]

*** ICDM 2010
- [[Scalable Influence Maximization in Social Networks under the Linear ...]]
- [[Modeling Information Diffusion in Implicit Networks]]

*** ICDM 2011
- [[Simpath: An Efficient Algorithm for Influence Maximization under the Linear ...]]
- [[On the Hardness of Graph Anonymization]]
- [[Overlapping correlation clustering]]
- [[Minimizing Seed Set for Viral Marketing]]

*** ICDM 2012
- [[Reliable Clustering on Uncertain Graphs]]
- [[IRIE: Scalable and Robust Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[Predicting Directed Links using Nondiagonal Matrix Decompositions]]
- [[Inferring the Underlying Structure of Information Cascades]]
- [[Topic-aware Social Influence Propagation Models]]
- [[Time Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[Profit Maximization over Social Networks]]

*** ICDM 2013
- [[Influence Maximization in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- [[UBLF: An Upper Bound Based Approach to Discover Influential Nodes in Social ...]]
- [[Influence-based Network-oblivious Community Detection]]
- [[Linear Computation for Independent Social Influence]]

*** ICDM 2014
- [[Quick Detection of High-degree Entities in Large Directed Networks]]

*** ICDM 2015
- [[Top-k Reliability Search on Uncertain Graphs]]
- ✔[[Catching the head, tail, and everything in between: a streaming algorithm ...]]

*** ICDM 2017
- [[Importance Sketching of Influence Dynamics in Billion-scale Networks]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>E</b></u>uropean <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>M</b></u>achine <u><b>L</b></u>earning and <u><b>P</b></u>rinciples and <u><b>P</b></u>ractice of <u><b>K</b></u>nowledge <u><b>D</b></u>iscovery in <u><b>D</b></u>atabases</font>)

*** PKDD 2006
- [[Tractable Models for Information Diffusion in Social Networks]]

*** PKDD 2007
- [[The Most Reliable Subgraph Problem]]

*** PKDD 2012
- [[On Approximation of Real-World Influence Spread]]

*** ECML PKDD 2010
- [[Selecting Information Diffusion Models over Social Networks for Behavioral ...]]

*** ECML PKDD 2012
- [[Influence Spread in Large-Scale Social Networks - A Belief Propagation Approach]]

*** ECML PKDD 2016
- [[Temporal PageRank]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>S</b></u>IAM International Conference on <u><b>D</b></u>ata <u><b>M</b></u>ining</font>)

*** SDM 2010
- [[Fast Single-Pair SimRank Computation]]

*** SDM 2011
- [[Influence Maximization in Social Networks When Negative Opinions May Emerge ...]]
- [[Maximising the Quality of Influence]]

*** SDM 2012
- [[On Influential Node Discovery in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- [[Influence Blocking Maximization in Social Networks under the Competitive ...]]
- ✔[[Fast Robustness Estimation in Large Social Graphs: Communities and Anomaly ...]]

*** SDM 2013
- [[Triadic Measures on Graphs: The Power of Wedge Sampling]]
- [[k-means--: A unified approach to clustering and outlier detection]]
- [[Opinion maximization in social networks]]

*** SDM 2014
- [[Influence Maximization with Viral Product Design]]
- [[Future Influence Ranking of Scientific Literature]]
- [[VoG: Summarizing and Understanding Large Graphs]]
- [[Make It or Break It: Manipulating Robustness in Large Networks]]
- [[Accelerating Graph Adjacency Matrix Multiplications with Adjacency Forest]]

*** SDM 2015
- [[Selecting Shortcuts for a Smaller World]]
- [[Where Graph Topology Matters: The Robust Subgraph Problem]]
- [[On Influential Nodes Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks]]
- ✔[[Non-exhaustive, Overlapping k-means]]

* SDM 2017
- [[A Dual-tree Algorithm for Fast k-means Clustering with Large k]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>P</b></u>acific-<u><b>A</b></u>sia Conference on <u><b>K</b></u>nowledge <u><b>D</b></u>iscovery and <u><b>D</b></u>ata Mining</font>)

*** PAKDD 2010
- [[Fast Discovery of Reliable k-terminal Subgraphs]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">ソーシャルネットワーク</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">IEEE/ACM International Conference on <u><b>A</b></u>dvances in <u><b>So</b></u>cial <u><b>N</b></u>etworks <u><b>A</b></u>nalysis and <u><b>M</b></u>ining</font>)

*** ASONAM 2009
- [[Spectral Counting of Triangles in Power-Law Networks via Element-Wise ...]]
- [[Reducing Social Network Dimensions Using Matrix Factorization Methods]]
- [[Dynamic and Static Influence Models on Starbucks Networks]]

*** ASONAM 2010
- [[Fast Discovery of Reliable Subnetworks]]

*** ASONAM 2011
- [[Dynamic Social Influence Analysis through Time-dependent Factor Graphs]]

*** ASONAM 2012
- [[Influence of the Dynamic Social Network Timeframe Type and Size on the Group ...]]
- [[Diffusion Centrality in Social Networks]]
- [[Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks using Change Centrality]]

*** ASONAM 2014
- [[Diversified Social Influence Maximization]]

*** ASONAM 2015
- [[Structure-Preserving Sparsification of Social Networks]]

&html(<font size="+2">ACM <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>O</b></u>nline <u><b>S</b></u>ocial <u><b>N</b></u>etworks</font>)

*** COSN 2013
- [[Scalable Similarity Estimation in Social Networks: Closeness, Node Labels, ...]]
- [[Counting Triangles in Large Graphs using Randomized Matrix Trace Estimation]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>C</b></u>omputational <u><b>So</b></u>cial <u><b>Net</b></u>works</font>)

*** CSoNet 2015
- [[Real-time Topic-aware Influence Maximization Using Preprocessing]]
- [[Social Influence Spectrum with Guarantees: Computing More in Less Time]]

*** SNA-KDD (International Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis)
- [[Finding Spread Blockers in Dynamic Networks]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">データベース</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">ACM SIGMOD International Conference on <u><b>M</b></u>anagement <u><b>o</b></u>f <u><b>D</b></u>ata</font>)

*** SIGMOD 2011
- [[On k-skip Shortest Paths]]
- [[Local Graph Sparsification for Scalable Clustering]]

*** SIGMOD 2013
- [[Massive Graph Triangulation]]
- [[Efficiently Computing k-Edge Connected Components via Graph Decomposition]]
- [[I/O Efficient: Computing SCCs in Massive Graphs]]
- [[TurboISO: Towards Ultrafast and Robust Subgraph Isomorphism Search in Large ...]]
- [[TF-Label: a Topological-Folding Labeling Scheme for Reachability Querying in ...]]
- [[Online Search of Overlapping Communities]]
- [[Efficient Ad-hoc Search for Personalized PageRank]]

*** SIGMOD 2014
- [[In Search of Influential Event Organizers in Online Social Networks]]
- [[Efficient Location-Aware Influence Maximization]]
- [[Querying K-Truss Community in Large and Dynamic Graph]]
- [[The Pursuit of a Good Possible World: Extracting Representative Instances of ...]]
- [[Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency]]

*** SIGMOD 2015
- [[COMMIT: A Scalable Approach to Mining Communication Motifs from Dynamic Networks]]
- [[Minimum Spanning Trees in Temporal Graphs]]
- [[Influence Maximization in Near-Linear Time: A Martingale Approach]]

*** SIGMOD 2016
- [[Spheres of Influence for More Effective Viral Marketing]]
- ✔[[Speedup Graph Processing by Graph Ordering]]
- [[Distributed Set Reachability]]
- ✔[[Truss Decomposition of Probabilistic Graphs: Semantics and Algorithms]]
- [[Holistic Influence Maximization: Combining Scalability and Efficiency with ...]]
- [[Stop-and-Stare: Optimal Sampling Algorithms for Viral Marketing in ...]]
-- TIM+やIMMより高性能(と謳う)影響最大化アルゴリズム

*** SIGMOD 2017
- [[Debunking the Myths of Influence Maximization: An In-Depth Benchmarking Study]]
- [[Computing A Near-Maximum Independent Set in Linear Time by Reducing-Peeling]]
- [[DAG Reduction: Fast Answering Reachability Queries]]
- [[Scaling Locally Linear Embedding]]
- [[Dynamic Density Based Clustering]]

&html(<font size="+2">IEEE <u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>D</b></u>ata <u><b>E</b></u>ngineering</font>)

*** ICDE 2010
- [[Finding Top-k Maximal Cliques in an Uncertain Graph]]

*** ICDE 2011
- [[Outlier Detection in Graph Streams]]

*** ICDE 2012
- [[Learning Stochastic Models of Information Flow]]
- [[Extracting Analyzing and Visualizing Triangle K-Core Motifs within Networks]]

*** ICDE 2013
- [[Scalable and Parallelizable Processing of Influence Maximization for ...]]
- [[Scalable Maximum Clique Computation Using MapReduce]]
- [[Faster Random Walks By Rewiring Online Social Networks On-The-Fly]]
- [[Sampling Node Pairs Over Large Graphs]]

*** ICDE 2014
- [[How to Partition a Billion-Node Graph]]
- [[Random-walk Domination in Large Graphs]]
- [[Evaluating Multi-Way Joins over Discounted Hitting Time]]
- [[Efficient and Accurate Query Evaluation on Uncertain Graphs via Recursive ...]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>V</b></u>ery <u><b>L</b></u>arge <u><b>D</b></u>ata <u><b>B</b></u>ases</font>)

*** VLDB 2010
- [[Shortest Path Computation on Air Indexes]]
- [[Fast Incremental and Personalized PageRank]]
- [[k-Nearest Neighbors in Uncertain Graphs]]

*** VLDB 2011
- [[On Triangulation-based Dense Neighborhood Graph Discovery]]
- [[Distance Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs]]
- [[Efficient Subgraph Search over Large Uncertain Graphs]]

*** VLDB 2012
- [[Keyword-aware Optimal Route Search]]
- [[gSketch: On Query Estimation in Graph Streams]]
- [[A Data-Based Approach to Social Influence Maximization]]
- [[Scalable K-Means++]]
- [[Fast and Exact Top-k Search for Random Walk with Restart]]

*** VLDB 2013
- [[iRoad: A Framework For Scalable Predictive Query Processing On Road Networks]]
- [[Top-K Nearest Keyword Search on Large Graphs]]
- [[Memory Efficient Minimum Substring Partitioning]]
- [[Piggybacking on Social Networks]]
- [[Streaming Algorithms for k-core Decomposition]]

*** VLDB 2014
- [[More is Simpler: Effectively and Efficiently Assessing Node Pair ...]]
- [[On k-Path Covers and their Applications]]
- [[Crowdsourcing Algorithms for Entity Resolution]]

*** VLDB 2015
- [[Viral Marketing Meets Social Advertising: Ad Allocation with Minimum Regret]]
- [[Online Topic-Aware Influence Maximization]]
- [[Real-time Targeted Influence Maximization for Online Advertisements]]

*** VLDB 2016
- [[Fast Algorithm for the Lasso based L1-Graph Construction]]
- [[Online Entity Resolution Using an Oracle]]

*** VLDB 2017
- [[Revenue Maximization in Incentivized Social Advertising]]
- [[Real-Time Influence Maximization on Dynamic Social Streams]]
- [[Revisiting the Stop-and-Stare Algorithms for Influence Maximization]]

&html(<font size="+2">ACM International <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>I</b></u>nformation and <u><b>K</b></u>nowledge <u><b>M</b></u>anagement</font>)

*** CIKM 2008
- [[Mining Social Networks Using Heat Diffusion Processes for Marketing ...]]
- [[The query-flow graph: model and applications]]

*** CIKM 2009
- [[Frequent Subgraph Pattern Mining on Uncertain Graph Data]]

*** CIKM 2011
- [[Suggesting Ghost Edges for a Smaller World]]

*** CIKM 2012
- [[Delineating Social Network Data Anonymization via Random Edge Perturbation]]
- ✔[[Gelling, and Melting, Large Graphs by Edge Manipulation]]

*** CIKM 2013
- [[StaticGreedy: Solving the Scalability-Accuracy Dilemma in Influence Maximization]]
- [[Personalized Influence Maximization on Social Networks]]
- [[Probabilistic Solutions of Influence Propagation on Networks]]
- [[Efficiently Anonymizing Social Networks with Reachability Preservation]]
- [[Overlapping Community Detection Using Seed Set Expansion]]

*** CIKM 2014
- [[Pushing the Envelope in Graph Compression]]

*** CIKM 2015
- [[Top-k Reliable Edge Colors in Uncertain Graphs]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>E</b></u>xtending <u><b>D</b></u>ata<u><b>b</b></u>ase <u><b>T</b></u>echnology</font>)

*** EDBT 2011
- [[Efficient Discovery of Frequent Subgraph Patterns in Uncertain Graph Databases]]

*** EDBT 2013
- [[CINEMA: Conformity-Aware Greedy Algorithm for Influence Maximization in ...]]

*** EDBT 2014
- [[Online Topic-aware Influence Maximization Queries]]
- [[Privacy Preserving Estimation of Social Influence]]
- ✔[[Fast Reliability Search in Uncertain Graphs]]

*** EDBT 2015
- [[Identifying Converging Pairs of Nodes on a Budget]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>Da</b></u>tabase <u><b>S</b></u>ystems <u><b>f</b></u>or <u><b>A</b></u>dvanced <u><b>A</b></u>pplications</font>)

*** DASFAA 2011
- [[BMC: An Efficient Method to Evaluate Probabilistic Reachability Queries]]

*** DASFAA 2016
- [[Triangle-Based Representative Possible Worlds of Uncertain Graphs]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">ウェブ</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">International <u><b>W</b></u>orld <u><b>W</b></u>ide <u><b>W</b></u>eb Conference</font>)

*** WWW 2003
- [[Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating PageRank Computations]]

*** WWW 2004
- [[The Effect of the Back Button in a Random Walk: Application for PageRank]]
- [[RandomSurfer with Back Step]]
- [[Propagation of Trust and Distrust]]

*** WWW 2005
- [[BackRank: an Alternative for PageRank?]]

*** WWW 2007
- [[Wherefore Art Thou R3579X? Anonymized Social Networks, Hidden Patterns, and ...]]

*** WWW 2008
- [[Fast Algorithms for Top-k Personalized PageRank Queries]]

*** WWW 2009
- [[Towards Context-Aware Search by Learning A Very Large Variable Length Hidden ...]]

*** WWW 2010
- [[Sampling Community Structure]]
- [[Stochastic Models for Tabbed Browsing]]
- [[Tracking the Random Surfer: Empirically Measured Teleportation Parameters in ...]]

*** WWW 2011
- [[Limiting the Spread of Misinformation in Social Networks]]
- [[Estimating Sizes of Social Networks via Biased Sampling]]
- [[CELF++: Optimizing the Greedy Algorithm for Influence Maximization in Social ...]]

*** WWW 2012
- [[The Role of Social Networks in Information Diffusion]]
- [[Analyzing Spammer's Social Networks for Fun and Profit]]
- [[Human Wayfinding in Information Networks]]
- [[Optimizing Budget Allocation Among Channels and Influencers]]
- [[Recommendations to Boost Content Spread in Social Networks]]

*** WWW 2013
- [[Subgraph Frequencies: Mapping the Empirical and Extremal Geography of Large ...]]
- [[Estimating Clustering Coefficients and Size of Social Networks via Random Walk]]
- [[Spectral Analysis of Communication Networks Using Dirichlet Eigenvalues]]

*** WWW 2014
- [[How to Influence People with Partial Incentives]]
- [[An Upper Bound based Greedy Algorithm for Mining Top-k Influential Nodes in ...]]
-- ポスター
- [[Maximizing the Long-term Integral Influence in Social Networks Under the ...]]
-- ポスター

*** WWW 2015
- [[Path Sampling: A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating 4-Vertex Subgraph ...]]
- ✔[[The K-clique Densest Subgraph Problem]]
- [[ASIM: A Scalable Algorithm for Influence Maximization under the Independent ...]]
- ✔[[Scalable Methods for Adaptively Seeding a Social Network]]

*** WWW 2017
- [[Why Do Cascade Sizes Follow a Power-Law?]]
- [[Exact Computation of Influence Spread by Binary Decision Diagrams]]

&html(<font size="+2">ACM International Conference on <u><b>W</b></u>eb <u><b>S</b></u>earch and <u><b>D</b></u>ata <u><b>M</b></u>ining</font>)

*** WSDM 2010
- [[TwitterRank: Finding Topic-sensitive Influential Twitterers]]
- [[Learning Influence Probabilities In Social Networks]]

*** WSDM 2013
- [[On the Streaming Complexity of Computing Local Clustering Coefficients]]
- [[Influence Diffusion Dynamics and Influence Maximization in Social Networks ...]]
- [[From Machu_Picchu to rafting the urubamba river: Anticipating information ...]]

*** WSDM 2015
- [[Negative Link Prediction in Social Media]]
- [[On Integrating Network and Community Discovery]]
- [[The Power of Random Neighbors in Social Networks]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>W</b></u>eblogs and <u><b>S</b></u>ocial <u><b>M</b></u>edia</font>)

*** ICWSM 2010
- [[ICWSM - A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic ...]]

*** ICWSM 2011
- [[4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online ...]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">人工知能</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence</font>)
*** AAAI 2007
- [[Extracting Influential Nodes for Information Diffusion on a Social Network]]

*** AAAI 2008
- [[Minimizing the Spread of Contamination by Blocking Links in a Network]]

*** AAAI 2010
- [[EWLS: A New Local Search for Minimum Vertex Cover]]

*** AAAI 2011
- [[Simulated Annealing Based Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[Nonnegative Spectral Clustering with Discriminative Regularization]]

*** AAAI 2012
- [[Exacting Social Events for Tweets Using a Factor Graph]]
- [[Time-Critical Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Time-Delayed ...]]
- [[Two New Local Search Strategies for Minimum Vertex Cover]]

*** AAAI 2013
- [[Sensitivity of Diffusion Dynamics to Network Uncertainty]]
- [[Spectral Rotation versus K-Means in Spectral Clustering]]
- [[Fast and Exact Top-k Algorithm for PageRank]]
- workshop
-- [[Negative Influence Minimizing by Blocking Nodes in Social Networks]]

*** AAAI 2014
- [[New Models for Competitive Contagion]]
- [[Influence Maximization with Novelty Decay in Social Networks]]
- [[Rounded Dynamic Programming for Tree-Structured Stochastic Network Design]]
- [[Theory of Cooperation in Complex Social Networks]]

*** AAAI 2015
- [[Two Weighting Local Search for Minimum Vertex Cover]]

*** AAAI 2016
- Approximate K-Means++ in Sublinear Time

*** AAAI 2018
- [[Risk-Sensitive Submodular Optimization]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>J</b></u>oint <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>A</b></u>rtificial <u><b>I</b></u>ntelligence</font>)
*** IJCAI 2001
- [[Link Analysis, Eigenvectors and Stability]]

*** IJCAI 2009
- [[Efficient Estimation of Influence Functions for SIS Model on Social Networks]]

*** IJCAI 2011
- [[Fast Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Search with k-Nearest Neighbor Graph]]

*** IJCAI 2015
- [[Influence Maximization in Big Networks: An Incremental Algorithm for ...]]
- [[Non-monotone Adaptive Submodular Maximization]]

*** IJCAI 2017
- [[Robust Quadratic Programming for Price Optimization]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>A</b></u>rtificial <u><b>I</b></u>ntelligence and <u><b>Stat</b></u>istic<b><u>s</b></u> </font>)
*** AISTATS 2012
- [[On Bisubmodular Maximization]]

*** AISTATS 2018
- [[Random Warping Series: A Random Features Method for Time-Series Embedding]]

&html(<font size="+2">International <u><b>W</b></u>orkshop on <u><b>I</b></u>nternet and <u><b>N</b></u>etwork <u><b>E</b></u>conomics</font>)

*** WINE 2007
- [[Competitive Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]
- [[A Note on Maximizing the Spread of Influence in Social Networks]]

*** WINE 2010
- [[Threshold Models for Competitive Influence in Social Networks]]

&html(<font size="+2">IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on <u><b>W</b></u>eb <u><b>I</b></u>ntelligence and <u><b>I</b></u>ntelligent <u><b>A</b></u>gent <u><b>T</b></u>echnology</font>)
*** WI-IAT 2009
- [[From Dango to Japanese Cakes: Query Reformulation Models and Patterns]]

*** WI-IAT 2014
- [[Lazy Walks Versus Walks with Backstep: Flavor of PageRank]]

&html(<font size="+2">Conference on <u><b>U</b></u>ncertainty in <u><b>A</b></u>rtificial <u><b>I</b></u>ntelligence</font>)
*** UAI 2010
- [[Maximizing the Spread of Cascades Using Network Design]]

&html(<font size="+2">International Conference on <u><b>A</b></u>ntonomous <u><b>A</b></u>gents and <u><b>M</b></u>ulti<u><b>a</b></u>gent <u><b>S</b></u>ytems</font>)
*** AAMAS 2015
- [[Dynamic Influence Maximization Under Increasing Returns to Scale]]

*** AAMAS 2016
- [[Robust Influence Maximization (Lowalekar+)]]

* KES (International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems)
- [[Prediction of Information Diffusion Probabilities for Independent Cascade Model]]

* ISMIS (International Conference on Foundations of Intelligent Systems)
- [[Learning Diffusion Probability based on Node Attributes in Social Networks]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">機械学習</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">Conference on <u><b>N</b></u>eural <u><b>I</b></u>nformation <u><b>P</b></u>rocessing <u><b>S</b></u>ystems</font>)

*** NIPS 2003
- [[Learning with Local and Global Consistency]]
*** NIPS 2004
- [[An Application of Boosting to Graph Classification]]
*** NIPS 2009
- [[Random Walks with Random Projections]]

*** NIPS 2013
- http://connpass.com/event/4728/
- [[Scalable Influence Estimation in Continuous-Time Diffusion Networks]]
- [[Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality]]
- [[DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model]]
- [[A Gang of Bandits]]
- [[Similarity Component Analysis]]
- [[One-shot learning by inverting a compositional causal process]]
- [[Inverse Density as an Inverse Problem: The Fredholm Equation Approach]]
- [[Approximate Bayesian Image Interpretation using Generative Probabilistic ...]]
- [[Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning]]
- [[Scalable kernels for graphs with continuous attributes]]
- [[More Effective Distributed ML via a Stale Synchronous Parallel Parameter Server]]

*** NIPS 2014
- [[Tight Bounds for Influence in Diffusion Networks and Application to Bond ...]]

*** NIPS 2015
- [[A Structural Smoothing Framework For Robust Graph-Comparison]]
- [[Anytime Influence Bounds and the Explosive Behavior of Continuous-Time ...]]
- [[Learnability of Influence in Networks]]
- [[A Submodular Framework for Graph Comparison]]
-- https://stanford.edu/~jugander/NetworksNIPS2015/ ワークショップ

*** NIPS 2016
- [[Joint M-Best-Diverse Labelings as a Parametric Submodular Minimization]]
- [[Fast and Provably Good Seedings for k-Means]]
- [[Maximizing Influence in an Ising Network: A Mean-Field Optimal Solution]]
- [[Budgeted stream-based active learning via adaptive submodular maximization]]
- [[Computing and maximizing influence in linear threshold and triggering models]]
- [[The Power of Optimization from Samples]]

*** NIPS 2017
- [[Stochastic Submodular Maximization: The Case of Coverage Functions]]
- [[Robust Optimization for Non-Convex Objectives]]
- [[The Importance of Communities for Learning to Influence]]

&html(<font size="+2"><u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>C</b></u>onference on <u><b>M</b></u>achine <u><b>L</b></u>earning</font>)
*** ICML 2003
- ✔[[Marginalized Kernels Between Labeled Graphs]]

*** ICML 2011
- [[Uncovering the Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion Networks]]
- [[Preserving Personalized Pagerank in Subgraphs]]

*** ICML 2012
- [[Influence Maximization in Continuous Time Diffusion Networks]]

*** ICML 2014
- [[Efficient Label Propagation]]

*** ICML 2015
- ✔[[Yinyang K-Means: A Drop-In Replacement of the Classic K-Means with ...]]

*** ACML (Asian Conference on Machine Learning) 2009
- [[Learning Continuous-Time Information Diffusion Model for Social Behavioral ...]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">高性能計算</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">IEEE <u><b>I</b></u>nternational <u><b>P</b></u>arallel & <u><b>D</b></u>istributed <u><b>P</b></u>rocessing <u><b>S</b></u>ymposium</font>)
*** IPDPS 2016
- [[Rabbit Order: Just-in-time Parallel Reordering for Fast Graph Analysis]]

*** PDPTA (International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications)
- [[Latent Feature Independent Cascade Model for Social Propagation]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">通信ネットワーク</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications</font>)
*** INFOCOM 2007
- [[On a Routing Problem Within Probabilistic Graphs ...]]
*** INFOCOM 2012
- [[Approximate Convex Decomposition Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks]]

*** INFOCOM 2013
- [[2.5K-Graphs: from Sampling to Generation]]
- [[Maximizing Submodular Set Function with Connectivity Constraint: Theory and ...]]
- [[A Graph Minor Perspective to Network Coding: Connecting Algebraic Coding ...]]

*** INFOCOM 2014
- [[Information Diffusion in Mobile Social Networks: The Speed Perspective]]
- [[A General Framework of Hybrid Graph Sampling for Complex Network Analysis]]

*** INFOCOM 2015
- [[Assessing Attack Vulnerability in Networks with Uncertainty]]

*** INFOCOM 2016
- [[Cost-aware Targeted Viral Marketing in Billion-scale Networks]]

*** INFOCOM 2017
- [[Why approximate when you can get the exact? Optimal Targeted Viral Marketing ...]]

*** WASA (Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications)
- [[Minimum-Cost Information Dissemination in Social Networks]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">情報検索</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval</font>)
*** SIGIR 2014
- [[The Role of Network Distance in LinkedIn People Search]]
- [[Influential Nodes Selection: A Data Reconstruction Perspective]]
- [[IMRank: Influence Maximization via Finding Self-Consistent Ranking]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">自然言語処理</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">Meeting of the <u><b>A</b></u>ssociation for <u><b>C</b></u>omputational <u><b>L</b></u>inguistics</font>)
*** ACL 2011
- [[Word Alignment via Submodular Maximization over Matroids]] 

*** ACL 2013
- [[A user-centric model of voting intention from Social Media]]



&html(<p><font size="+3">グラフィクス・ビジョン・HCI</font></p>)


&html(<font size="+2">ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems</font>)

&html(<font size="+2">IEEE Conference on <u><b>C</b></u>omputer <u><b>V</b></u>ision and <u><b>P</b></u>attern <u><b>R</b></u>ecognition</font>)
*** CVPR 2014
- Spectral Graph Reduction for Efficient Image and Streaming Video Segmentation
-- superpixelでグラフを小さくして画像分割とかを効率化

*** SBP (International Workshop on Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling) 2009
- [[Finding Influential Nodes in a Social Network from Information Diffusion Data]]


* Manuscript+Technical report
- [[Random-walk domination in large graphs: problem definitions and fast solutions]]
- [[Lazier Than Lazy Greedy]]
- ✔[[A Fast and Provable Method for Estimating Clique Counts Using Turan's Theorem]]

* ジャーナル
** トップジャーナル
*** KAIS (Knowledge and Information Systems)
- [[Efficient algorithms for influence maximization in social networks]]

*** IPL (Information Processing Letters)
- [[A Fast and Practical Bit-Vector Algorithm for the Longest Common Subsequence ...]]

*** Internet Mathematics
- [[Link Evolution: Analysis and Algorithms]]
- [[Towards Scaling Fully Personalized PageRank: Algorithms, Lower Bounds, and ...]]

*** TKDD (Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data) 2009
- [[Blocking Links to Minimize Contamination Spread in a Social Network]]

*** TKDE 2013
- [[Clustering Large Probabilistic Graphs]]

** 普通のジャーナル

*** Computational Social Networks
- [[Efficient influence spread estimation for influence maximization under the ...]]

*** Computers and Mathematics with Applications
- [[A practical bounding algorithm for computing two-terminal reliability based ...]]

*** Dynamics of Information Systems: Algorithmic Approaches
- [[Minimum-Risk Maximum Clique Problem]]

*** Information Sciences
- [[Super mediator - A new centrality measure of node importance for information ...]]
- [[Minimizing the expected complete influence time of a social network]]
- Maximizing the spread of influence ranking in social networks
-- 連続時間マルコフ連鎖を取り入れたICモデル

*** JCO (Journal of Combinatorial Optimization) 2012
- [[The complexity of influence maximization problem in the deterministic linear ...]]

*** JSAC (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications) 2013
- [[On Budgeted Influence Maximization in Social Networks]]

*** SNAM (Social Network Analysis and Mining) 2012
- [[On minimizing budget and time in influence propagation over social networks]]

*** TPDS (IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems)
- [[IMGPU: GPU-Accelerated Influence Maximization in Large-Scale Social Networks]]

* フォーカス外
- [[Maximizing the Extent of Spread in a Dynamic Network]]

* ICEC (International Conference on Electronic Commerce)
- [[Maximizing Influence in a Competitive Social Network: A Follower's Perspective]]

* WISE 2013
- [[A Novel and Model Independent Approach for Efficient Influence Maximization ...]]

* 国内会議
*** 人工知能学会 JSAI
- [[Resampling-based Predictive Simulation for Identifying Influential Nodes ...]]
- [[Finding Important Users for Information Diffusion]]
- [[Influence analysis of information diffusion focusing on directed networks]]
- [[Proposal of AIDM: Agent-based Information Diffusion Model]]
- [[Predicting Japanese General Election in 2013 with Twitter: Considering ...]]
- [[Which Targets to Contact First to Maximize Influence over Social Network]]

* 他分野
*** Econometrica
- [[The Network Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations]]
*** PLoS ONE
- [[Social Network Sensors for Early Detection of Contagious Outbreaks]]
*** Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: PNAS
- [[Dynamic social networks promote cooperation in experiments with humans]]
- [[Spectral Redemption: Clustering Sparse Networks]]
*** Physical Review Letters
- [[First Passage Time for Random Walks in Heterogeneous Networks]]
- [[Adaptation and Optimization of Biological Transport Networks]]
- [[Locating the Source of Diffusion in Large-Scale Network]]
- [[Enhanced Flow in Small-World Networks]]
*** Science
- [[Quantifying Long-Term Scientific Impact]]
- [[Control Profiles of Complex Networks]]
*** Nature Communications
- [[Griffiths phases and the stretching of criticality in brain networks]]
- [[A scaling law for random walks on networks]]
- [[Influence maximization in complex networks through optimal percolation]]

