07 Perchance To Dream: Ay, There’s The Rub

「07 Perchance To Dream: Ay, There’s The Rub」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

07 Perchance To Dream: Ay, There’s The Rub - (2018/08/13 (月) 16:53:46) の1つ前との変更点



#right(){【登録タグ:&tags()】} アルバム:[[Tears Will Become Melodies Tonight]] サークル:[[Foreground Eclipse]] Vocal:Merami, Teto 原曲:アルティメットトゥルース Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes and you’ll Realize 今わの際 煌然と 深層へ 混淆下へ 微睡みを倦み 雪に惑う Into nightmare Baby, stay awake Sleep is for the fuckin dead And dreams tell us only lies How many more times must I say that sleep is for the fucking dead Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes And you’ll see over me This is where you go C’mon Hypnos I’ve said before, and I say again Waiting for you is a nightmare I’ve said before, and I say again This is too late to kill your fear I’ve said before, and I say again Waiting for you is a nightmare I’ve said before, and I say again This is too late to kill your fear Fear is waiting in your dreams I’m saying fear is waiting in your dreams Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes And you’ll see over me This is your way This is where you go And I’m awake in my grave
#right(){【登録タグ:&tags()】} #inc(Script/track) #divid(track_args){ |album=[[Tears Will Become Melodies Tonight]] |circle=[[Foreground Eclipse]] |vocal=Merami;Teto |original=アルティメットトゥルース } #divid(lyrics){ Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes and you’ll Realize 今わの際 煌然と 深層へ 混淆下へ 微睡みを倦み 雪に惑う Into nightmare Baby, stay awake Sleep is for the fuckin dead And dreams tell us only lies How many more times must I say that sleep is for the fucking dead Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes And you’ll see over me This is where you go C’mon Hypnos I’ve said before, and I say again Waiting for you is a nightmare I’ve said before, and I say again This is too late to kill your fear I’ve said before, and I say again Waiting for you is a nightmare I’ve said before, and I say again This is too late to kill your fear Fear is waiting in your dreams I’m saying fear is waiting in your dreams Stay awake for tonight Stare at all before your eyes And you’ll see over me This is your way This is where you go And I’m awake in my grave }




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