06 Ogre who cries

「06 Ogre who cries」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

06 Ogre who cries - (2022/03/25 (金) 06:16:34) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

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|album=想 -OMOI-
|lyric=Blue E
|arrange=Swing Horic band
|original=御伽の国の鬼が島 ~ Missing Power
There's no friend of mine long and long time
I'm alone in my house even now
No one has come to my house, I'm a lonely ogre with some tears

Circle, Triangle, Square, which is the shape of my heart ?
Please tell me right now
No one can tell me the answer 'cause I'm alone, alone, alone now

Gathering tonight, there are some delicious sweets
Gathering around, there are some delicious drinks
Gathering tonight, Gathering around just to be my friend
Won't you be my friend, I'm alone as to die

I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
I'm alone as to be so mad, Please be my friend right now
I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
But I don't show you my tears, I'm just to be shy, to be shy so

I will make plans to get my best friend
I will do all by myself from now
No one helps to make plans, Oh, I'm a lonely Ogre with some tears

Gathering tonight, there are some delicious sweets
Gathering around, there are some delicious drinks
Gathering tonight, Gathering around just to be my friend
Won't you be my friend, I'm alone as to die

I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
I'm alone as to be so mad, Please be my friend right now
I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
But I don't show you my tears, I'm just to be shy, to be shy so

No way No way to get my sweet friends
No way No way to be fun with friends
No way No way to know what is friend
No way No way No...

No way No way to pick out my pain
No way No way to be high with friends
No way No way to know how to do
No way No way No...

Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
I'm alone as to be so mad, Please be my friend right now
I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
But I don't show you my tears, I'm just to be shy, to be shy

Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
I'm alone as to be so mad, Please be my friend now
I'm an Ogre who cries, just an Ogre who cries
But I don't show you my tears, I'm just to be shy, to be shy


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