
Cybちんちん^ω^ - (2009/12/16 (水) 11:07:31) のソース



<23:48>[Roth2]: i dont know how im new to this
<23:49>[Whiteheart]: CartelIV declaring on everyone -hides under rock-
<23:50>[Sir Galahad]: yes, your maidenship
&color(green){<23:52>[Cyb]: now now - no getting touchy =D}
<23:52>[Imhotep]: Cyb you make warriors in a flash don't you?
<23:52>[coach]: Roth2 join an alliance they will help you with things . try going to your embassy and apply to OBLIVION
&color(green){<23:53>[Cyb]: pretty nippy. has to be said}
<23:53>[Imhotep]: no kiddin', 300 more and archers in a flash
&color(green){<23:54>[Cyb]: musnt grumble}
<23:54>[Whiteheart]: my pos 203 attck hero /:
<23:54>[MagnusHawk]: hey all

&color(red){<23:55>[SATO2]: Cyb tinnwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww}
&color(green){<23:56>[Cyb]: hey, nice fighting}
強気な紳士モード(キリッ なCybたん

<23:56>[Nikhil]: lots of honor cyb :p
<23:56>[SATO2]: you too! b
&color(green){<23:56>[Cyb]: yeah, gonna be tough to shake.}
<23:56>[Whiteheart]: cyb how tha fk did u lvl that hero so fast? lol
&color(green){<23:56>[Cyb]: i had a few fights}
<23:57>[Nikhil]: just a few i guess, i saw some nice reports of your base last night
<23:57>[Whiteheart]: lol..glue factory...cav hits on archers
&color(green){<23:57>[Cyb]: everyone has to sleep sometime}
&color(green){<23:58>[Cyb]: i didnt read the reports. i have so many}
&color(green){<23:58>[Cyb]: i do it play by play. big picture, etc...}
<23:58>[Nikhil]: lmao, did you buy the medals at the beginning?

&color(red){<23:58>[Miku]: Why did Cyb do Teleport?Did FLIESLAND get tired?}
&color(green){<23:59>[Cyb]: your respect underwhelms me}
<23:59>[poyoloko]: hello
&color(blue){<23:59>[Nikhil]: he's at190,204 if you want to find one of his}
&color(green){<23:59>[Cyb]: I decided I wold chave a nice change}
<0:0>[Nikhil]: to the middle of nowhere?
<0:0>[Whiteheart]: hoows the weather in ur new loc? lol
&color(red){<0:0>[Miku]: How many Speech Text did Cyb use?}
&color(green){<0:0>[Cyb]: Indeed I am - it would seem that 3 allainces attacking for 3 days might have done a little better, or is that why your so sore...}
&color(green){<0:1>[Cyb]: your losses are in the tens of millions}

<0:1>[LordYolak2]: they just bunch of kids cyb dont talk to them
<0:1>[Nikhil]: lmao
<0:2>[LordYolak2]: stupid so far i saw was 100k scouts exchange of 1pike
&color(green){<0:2>[Cyb]: i have better... lol}
<0:2>[Nikhil]: i saw a report from one of you wasting 100k phract for no loses
&color(green){<0:2>[Cyb]: 50k cav for 5 cav}
<0:2>[Whiteheart]: kids have cooties dont talk to them
&color(green){<0:3>[Cyb]: and it wasnt for no losses - it was to get a report without spying - an act of honor - something you wouldnt understand}
&color(red){<0:4>[Miku]: Cyb used $500 for Speech Text. I worry about the head of Cyb.}
&color(green){<0:4>[Cyb]: and for the record - i had offers - which i didnt take... I would rather kill 500k forces and sleep easy}
&color(blue){<0:5>[Nikhil]: i would post the report here cyb, but it doesnt allow urls. 100k phrat vs 500k arch, no loses on their side}
<0:5>[RVPNSM]: no exp=no chance of survival
<0:6>[LadyShelly]: MoRnInG :P
<0:6>[Nikhil]: wait, they lost 2 abs
&color(red){<0:6>[Miku]: Cyb doesn't work. It doesn't go to school. It doesn't sleep. Cyb kept buying Speech Text.}

<0:7>[RVPNSM]: i renamed my cities Squigaar and Toki
[System]: Alliance YOUJO declares war against alliance Hostile. Diplomatic Relationship between each other alters to Hostile automatically.
&color(red){<0:8>[Miku]: We are looking forward to Christmas. Cyb keeps buying Speech Text at Christmas.}
<0:10>[eringi]: Honor of Cyb is very wonderful. He may be called 
eelzebub of fear.
&color(red){<0:10>[Miku]: The companion of Cyb is the same as Cyb. It is likely to indulge to masturbation alone at Christmas.}
<0:10>[LadyShelly]: yup...15 min ago
<0:11>[LadyShelly]: grow up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<0:11>[Mars]: no
<0:12>[Nikhil]: ladyshelly, i just noticed, cyb named his hero after you :p
<0:13>[Mars]: wat a pervert
<0:13>[Whiteheart]: i dont wanna grow up im a toys r us kid....sumthn sumthn sumthn forgot the rest of it
&color(red){<0:13>[SATO2]: What feelings Cyb now?}
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<0:13>[LadyShelly]: omg omg omg    LOSERS
&color(green){<<0:13>[Cyb]: indeed i did - she personified the intersted noob, and was eloquent in her defences}
<0:13>[RVPNSM]: and youre here hanging out with them, not much better are you?
&color(green){<0:14>[Cyb]: she took advice well and sought to improve}
&color(red){<0:14>[Miku]: Cyb used $500. However, Cyb ran away. Cyb? Please make the lover. The lover cannot do in the game. I am assisting in Cyb.}
&bold(){<0:14>[hage]: omaera nani ittenn daYO}
<0:14>[SATO2]: i say cyb
<0:14>[SoulSeekster]: Miku, stop being annoying. If I had extra money I would have also spend some here.
&color(green){<0:14>[Cyb]: miku, whilst you appear to be being intentionally hurtful, i hope you are aware how purile it makes you look}
<0:14>[SoulSeekster]: Its just annoying.
&color(green){<0:15>[Cyb]: i have fought valiantly and destroyed you all many times over - and you know it - so give me a break and show some respect}
<0:15>[LadyShelly]: AGREED!
<0:15>[Nikhil]: i agree cyb, hey want to name a hero for me?
<0:15>[Cyb]: sure
<0:15>[Cyb]: Head boy is ready for a new name
<0:15>[Boxxy]: cyb i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
&color(red){<0:15>[Miku]: I like Cyb. Therefore, I want you to stop it as for the waste of the credit card.}

&color(green){<0:16>[Cyb]: What name shall we choose? GravyTrain?}
&color(green){<0:16>[Cyb]: How about "Conciliation"}
<0:17>[Nikhil]: weak?
&color(red){<0:17>[Miku]: Evony is a game. It worried about Cyb's enduring our attack by round-the-clock. Cyb needs healing.}
&color(green){<0:17>[Cyb]: lol - yes that was rather and ironically so}
<0:17>[LordByron]: dang cyb seems ur pretty popular lol
&color(green){<0:17>[Cyb]: you have no idea what i do or do not need - or at least are at best dimly aware of it.}

&color(green){<0:18>[Cyb]: Hi Byron, yup another friendly admirer}
<0:18>[Nikhil]: he does have a lot of resource
<0:18>[LadyShelly]: just a bunch of jealous *'s :)
&color(green){<0:18>[Cyb]: I work hard for my crap}
<0:18>[Nikhil]: lol, i need that much food
<0:19>[LordByron]: lol i do admire u... but i also thank u for leavin LL :) or atleast to where i cant find u yet lol

<0:19>[LordByron]: lol i do admire u... but i also thank u for leavin LL :) or atleast to where i cant find u yet lol
<0:20>[Nikhil]: hes at 190,204 in ll
&color(green){<0:20>[Cyb]: well arent i Mr popular. :d}
<0:20>[Nikhil]: where are your other bases cyb?
<0:20>[LordByron]: dang... u didnt leave LL oh come on man ur killin me
&color(green){<0:20>[Cyb]: why dont you spend some time finding them...}
&color(green){<0:21>[Cyb]: Hey i only gt so many teleports}
<0:21>[Nikhil]: cause im lazy
&color(red){<0:21>[SATO2]: Hey All ! Lets attack Cyb bases ;D}
&color(green){<0:21>[Cyb]: HAve i attacke anyone? well? have i? excatly...}
<0:22>[Nikhil]: lol, your alliance intro sums it up
<0:22>[LordByron]: no... but whos to say ur not waiting to build up some 800k archers :)

&color(red){<0:22>[Miku]: You of Elysium and ABRAXAS. Let's share the whereabouts of Cyb.}
&color(green){<0:22>[Cyb]: your just on a power trip, but you dont see the big picture. you drain yourself dry while the others are all building - your losses are running at 30}
&color(green){<0:22>[Cyb]: to one at the very best, in the long run you just build up my hero...}
&color(blue){<0:22>[Nikhil]: wheres his other bases miku?}
<0:23>[LadyShelly]: lol
&color(green){<0:23>[Cyb]: and deplete all your forces - and the forces of anyone stupid enough to follow you..}
&color(green){<0:23>[Cyb]: And in the end you all lose. Be my guest}
&color(green){Please don't keep sending the same messages in World Chat.}

<0:23>[LordByron]: wow.. thats pretty coky
&color(blue){<0:23>[Nikhil]: so tell us where your bases are so we can help you}
&color(green){<0:24>[Cyb]: not really. just saying, i play this game for the teamwork and friendship not the arrogant posturings of strangers}
&color(red){<0:24>[Miku]: hi Nikhil 659,656 733,786}
&color(red){<0:24>[Miku]: 630,708}
&color(green){<0:25>[Cyb]: so forgive me if i dont care that you have chosen to persecute me. I just feel you are wasting your forces.}
&color(green){<0:25>[Cyb]: and was man enough to tell you.}
<0:25>[Rachel]: that is really jacked, to give out cords on here
<0:25>[Nikhil]: pfft, you could move closer
&color(red){<0:25>[Habshi]: Cyb just a question how much money have u spent in total?}
<0:25>[Sh4d0w]: he gave out cybs coords
<0:26>[LordByron]: why does everyone care about money spent on Evony?
&color(green){<0:26>[Cyb]: in total? me? 0$}
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<0:26>[LadyShelly]: cause he cant take him himself
<0:26>[Rachel]: i dont care whos cords... it is really jacked
&color(red){<0:26>[AGE]: hahaha
<0:26>[SATO2]: hahaha}
<0:27>[Nikhil]: why?

&color(red){<0:27>[Miku]: You of Elysium and ABRAXAS. Let's share information on Cyb. Please look at 667,38 and 190,204.}
<0:27>[November skye]: lol how goes the fight?
&color(green){<0:27>[Cyb]: well look, like i said in my well toned and poilte emails to you, well played. I shant rise to your seemingly childish attepmts to persecute me.}

<0:28>[LordByron]: cyb... ur city flys a flag of death... just waiting for u to unleash ur fury..
&color(green){<0:28>[Cyb]: you know i have beaten you several times over fair and square you are simply attempting to cover your shame with persecution. w/e. carry on.}

<0:28>[LordByron]: cutting u off befor u can unleash that fury.. makes me feel safe
<0:29>[eringi]: I envy Popularity of Cyb.
&color(green){<0:29>[Cyb]: if you say so. I agree that makes sense.}
<0:29>[SATO2]: Cyb's troops is very few. Let's attack!! All
<0:29>[SATO2]: What feelings Cyb now?
&color(green){<0:29>[Cyb]: sigh. you mentioned that... I shall be wating then. I feel sorry for you. but you must know that.}
<0:29>[Nikhil]: lol at the very few

<0:31>[PaleHorse]: have fun with the 10% for the rest of the time u on this server
&color(green){<0:31>[Cyb]: im used to 10%... can it go higher? :d}
<0:32>[Nikhil]: not for you
<0:32>[Flint]: Cyb
&color(red){<0:34>[SATO2]: To Cyb. I am 17-year-old girl. I want to join with you. }

&color(green){<0:34>[Cyb]: battle88.evony.com/default.html?logfile/20091215/64/67/6467fa29d30ebe0bd35bbb09d29035ed.xml
<0:35>[Cyb]: you should be done for cruelty to horses}

<0:35>[sir lloyd gray]: geeez skep hows it going
<0:36>[Nikhil]: lol
<0:36>[SATO2]: Hey Cyb! You were misspelling "Com". 
&color(green){<0:37>[Cyb]: um yeah - so i could post it?}
<0:37>[SATO2]: Cyb Please more . oppai
<0:37>[Nikhil]: whats the point of being reinforced with trans?
<0:38>[Master Markus]: im back

<0:38>[Sh4d0w]: you can send more resources with them
<0:39>[SATO2]: Cyb ! more report! more report! Plz!Plz!!!!
&color(green){<0:41>[Cyb]: dude. i dont mean to be rude, but after 7 servers and many many opponents I find you at best annoying and at worst a sad case of jealously and failure}
&color(green){<0:42>[Cyb]: and i dont say that lightly, so perhaps it would be best id i back down first. yes you effectively won this round of battles, your losses were enormos}
&color(green){<0:43>[Cyb]: but you have made me require reinforcements, which i have. the large maps make reinforcing slow and location a preimium so i understnd you wanting me}
<0:43>[Chareos]: you have my respect cyb for all you've done the past week.all i'm gonna say.

&color(green){<0:44>[Cyb]: to leave your area. this server is sparsely populated anyway, so in effect it is easier to be a superstar - since the forces are more concentrated}
<0:44>[SATO2]: "Cyb" is a meaning of descendant of a wicked forked cobra in Japanese. 
&color(green){<0:44>[Cyb]: I dont regret fighting you one bit - and you fought well - end of conversation.}
<0:44>[SATO2]: It is a lie. 
<0:44>[Cyb]: I understand the analogy
<0:44>[RhysThuren]: hello
<0:45>[SATO2]: I will forget Cyb. ^p^ auau-
<0:45>[RhysThuren]: oy

&color(green){<0:46>[Cyb]: do what you will. you have little left to fail to prove}
<0:46>[Nikhil]: lol
&color(red){<0:47>[Miku]: Why did not Hostile cover Cyb?}
&color(green){<0:47>[Cyb]: if 300 people take 3 days to make one person require reinforcements... they need some lessons.}
<0:48>[Chareos]: can't argue with that lol
&color(red){<0:48>[mokz]: no help each other... only many items helps you... what a sad}
&color(green){<0:49>[Cyb]: its was skill alone - and you know it that made me defat you so comprehensively - ask anyone who died by my hand if they think some poxy horn made the}
<0:49>[Nikhil]: how come 10 people left you recently, couldnt they take the strain?
&color(green){<0:49>[Cyb]: difference}
&color(red){<0:49>[Miku]: Does Cyb have the friend in alliance?}

<0:49>[lordedward]: good day ppl
<0:51>[Tambara]: i have to start all over again

<0:54>[Shuhei]: afternoon
<0:54>[youjo]: Cyb is mine.
<0:55>[youjo]: i my mine
<0:56>[youjo]: Occasional failures may be a spice.
<0:57>[Tambara]: cuz i got wiped out.
<0:58>[Tambara]: i lost a city
<0:58>[Tambara]: i don't know
<0:59>[Tambara]: i have almost nothing now
<0:59>[Tambara]: you guys in my alliance
<0:59>[Vigilante]: waaaaa waaaa
<0:59>[Gavan]: la
<1:0>[Gavan]: fa
<1:1>[Gavan]: so
<1:1>[eringi]: why dont Hostile members  help Cyb?
<1:1>[Gavan]: ti
<1:2>[Gavan]: do
