Unpaid item caseがopenできない場合

「Unpaid item caseがopenできない場合」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Unpaid item caseがopenできない場合 - (2015/12/11 (金) 06:49:04) の1つ前との変更点



---- Thank you for purchasing in our store. Today we would like to annouce you about our combine and payment terms. We accept 10days of combine period after the first win. We will combine the invoice and send to you as soon as possible. If we could not receive payments within certain period, eBay will automatically open Unpaid item case which will give you 4 days for the payment. Still no payment will lead to close the deal. Please be aware that the items which are closed already (which means 36 days passed from the win) will be relisted automatically. Regards #back(text=戻る,center) ----
---- Thank you for purchasing in our store. Today we would like to annouce you about our combine and payment terms. We accept 10days of combine period after the first win. We will combine the invoice and send to you as soon as possible. If we could not receive payments within certain period, eBay will automatically open Unpaid item case which will give you 4 days for the payment. Still no payment will lead to close the deal. Please be aware that the items which are closed already (which means 36 days passed from the win) will be relisted automatically. Regards &color(orange){&bold(){<<Q&A集>>}} [[Unpaid Item Case]] #back(text=戻る,center) ----




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