*WEC[World Exchange Community]@wikiへようこそ
(Welcome to the WEC @wiki)

(Here is wiki of Japanese team WEC that makes Sre a leader.)

** WEC とは?
(What is team WEC?]
(This team is a group that makes Sley of which it is the main is the game against the exchange with foreign countries a leader. Because it is not a team to the last but a group, the person has gathered from the team in a lot of Japan. )

○発足日 ・・・2009年3月11日
(Inauguration day・・・09/3/11)

(About wanting the member)
(It is recruiting it now. If it is a person that it wants to do, everyone is ..game against foreign countries and the exchange.. OK such as team such as NE. join)
(It is possible to defend like the manners moralities etc.)
(VR9000 or more)
(It comes to the WEC chat)

(The main sphere of endeavor)
http://teemnfg.chatx.whocares.jp/  WECチャットルーム(WEC Chat Room)
http://www.youtube.com/user/4545yuji4545  WEC団長(SLy)のYoutube Ch
WEC連絡場所・伝言板 (Safe house)

●交流戦[WCL]について(About WCL)
http://www19.atwiki.jp/wecteam/pages/12.html   ←ここをクリック
(↑Here crick)


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