

ゾーン一覧 - (2005/08/23 (火) 20:48:16) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


ゾーン名 インスタンスゾーン
Qeynos: Graystone Yard
Qeynos: Qeynos Harbor
Qeynos: South Qeynos
Qeynos: North Qeynos
Qeynos: The Elddar Grove
Qeynos: The Baubbleshire
Qeynos: Starcrest Commune
Qeynos: Castleview Hamlet
Qeynos: Nettleville Hovel
Qeynos: The Willow Wood
The Peat Bog
The Caves I
The Caves II
The Forest Ruins
TheDownBelow DownBelow
Vermin's Snye Crow's Nest (An Intriguing Eye)
CryptofBetrayal -----------------------------------------------------
Sepulcher of Jahnda (In Search of the Sepulcher of Jahnda)
Freeport: Big Bend
Freeport: Stonestair Byway
Freeport: Longshadow Alley
Freeport: The Scale Yard
Freeport: North Freeport
Freeport: South Freeport
Freeport: West Freeport
Freeport: East Freeport
Freeport: Beggar's Court
Freeport: Temple Street
The Sunken City
The Graveyard
The Sprawl
The Ruins
ThievesWay Thieves'Way
E02 The Serpent Sewer Den of the Darkblade Assassins(Darkblades And DirtyRats)
E03 Edgewater Drains I -----------------------------------------------------
E04 Edgewater Drains II SerpentSewers
E05 Edgewater Drains III TheSerpent'sLair
Antonica Antonica
Blackburrow I ArchLichUludan
Blackburrow II Darathar'sLair
Blackburrow III Firemyst Gully (Lord Grimrots' Scythe)
Firemyst Gully Firemyst Gully: Foul Wind (A Foul Wind)
Stormhold Keep I TheCondemnedCatacombs(OracleTower東campで鍵購入)
Stormhold Keep II ValeoftheShattering
Stormhold Keep III Vanudozalon'sLair
Stormhold Keep IV -----------------------------------------------------
The Condemned Catacomb Stormhold
Tomb of Valor (A Key to the Past)
ThunderingSteppes Thundering Steppes
The Ruins of Varsoon AGnollCave
Pirates Hidden Stash A Pirates Hidden Stash
Cove of Decay An Open Grave
The Rumbler Caves Cove of Decay (The Cove of Decay - Reforming Stormsunder)
Cove of Decay: Rognog the Angler
Cove of Decay: Treaty for Treasure
Sundered Splitpaw: Captive Audience
Sundered Splitpaw: Delving intotheDarkness
The Rumbler Caves
Chamber of Immortality (Where Will This Lead Me)
TheCommonlands Commonlands
The Wailing Caves A ChamberofSuffering
The Wailing Caves B Gobblerock'sHideout(free/南のcampで鍵を購入,20high-30low)
Fallen Gate Bloodskull Valley (The Search for Bloodskull Valley)
The Vault of The Fallen BloodskullValley:TheTrainingGrounds
Bloodskull Valley: The Valley of Zarvonn
Valley of the Rogue Magi
Zarvonn's Tower: Echoes of Time
Zarvonn's Tower: Eternal Gorge
Falling Gate (A Falling Gate)
Vault of the Fallen (Searching the Depths of Fallen Gate)
NektulosForest NektulosForest
Nektropos Castle I Cauldron Hollow (The Gates of Cauldron Hollow)
Nektropos Castle II Nektropos Castle (A Calling in the Forest)


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