Career Mode Award

「Career Mode Award」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Career Mode Award - (2015/03/11 (水) 05:05:05) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


アワード名 獲得条件
CAN'T CATCH ME Taunt 6 Times while out the ring.
INSULT TO INJURY Successfully taunt your opponent 4 times.
FUJI WOULD BE PROUD Successfully taunted your opponent 8 times
WIPE THE SMIRK OFF Brake up 3 taunt attempts by your opponent
CONTINUE THE PAIN Manually halt the ref's pin count 4 times
4 CORNERS OF DOOM Complete a corner grapple on all 4 corners
CHEESE WITH THAT WHINE? Argue with the ref 4 times
GET INSIDE NOW! Stay out the ring until 9 count
PHOTO OPP Do all your superstar's Sig's & finshers
SIDELINE SUPPORTER Complete 4 strikes/grapples from the apron (Tag Match)
TAUNT FASTER POSER! Have taunt interrupted by opponent 3 times
TOO MANY 2S Win by pinfall after 5 two counts by either superstar
DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK Win the match with LESS than 50% health
SEEING RED Win a match after being bloodied
STICKS & STONES... Win despite being hit with 3 different objects
SUIT OF ARMOR Won without sustaining yellow limb damages anywhere
UNSAFE WORKSPACE Destroyed one of the announce tables
DEMOLITION MAN Destroyed all the announce tables
NO KITCHEN SINK? Struck opponent with 5 different objects
BREAKING POINT Bust 4 objects
YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF Took an opponents object 3 times
THERE WILL BE BLOOD Made an opponent bleed within 1 minute
PLASMA SCREAM Won while both you and opponent were bloody
BLOOD TEST Bloodied both opponents (TAG Match)
ARMED HAMMER Bust a sledgehammer on opponent
OBSTRUCTED VIEW Spend 2 minutes fighting outside of the ring
CROWD CAN'T SEE 30+ seconds fighting outside ring
CUT THE WIRE Bust a barbed wire 2x4 on an opponent
DUKE THE DUMPSTER Bust a trash can on opponent
EXTREME FINISHER Performed 2 finishers outdide the ring
NO SEAT FOR YOU! Bust a chair on opponent
OUT OF STOCK Came up short looking for a weapon under the ring
RINGLAND SECURITY Executed 2 grapples against the security barricade
SINGAPOR SUPERSTAR Bust a singapore cane on opponent
FEAR OF FLYING Climbed the top rope 4 times and jumped down rather than attacking
MUCHO LUCHA Connected with 5 attacks off the top rope
FRIENDLY SKIES Connected with 10 attacks off the top rope
NOT PAID BY THE HOUR Won under 2 1/2 minutes
PERSONAL SPACE Never touched the ropes
THIS IS MY YARD Never left the ring
FLYING AROUND THE RING Hit top rope moves off every corner
HAYMAKER Connected with 12 standing strikes
HIGH-RENT DISTRICT Hit a top rope move to an opponent ringside
TAKE OUT THE TRASH Irish whipped opponent outside ring 3 times
DRIVE-BY GRAPPLE Completed 10 running grapples
SUGER RUSH Completed 10 running attacks
INVISIBLE SUPERSTAR Win a match without taking damage
SQUASH MATCH Won with 85% of your total health
NO COVER CHARGE Won without going for a single pin attempt
COULD'VE ENDED SOONER Performed finsher 4 times
THINK YOU OVERDID IT? Performed your finsher 8 times
ONE-TRICK PONY Used one attack or grapple exclusively for the whole match
STAY DOWN! Knocked opponent down and never let them back up
STOMP A MUDHOLE Connected with 8 strikes with opponent is in the corner
IN CONTROL Executed 5 total control grapples
MINIMALIST Only used a total of 3 different attacks or grapples for the whole match
SPEED BAG EXPERT Completed 35 strikes
STRONG LIKE BULL Executed 5 strong grapples
THE HUMAN AUTOGRAPH Excuted 5 signature moves
BACK-BREAKING LABOR Executed 7 submisson moves to opponent's torso
GRECO-ROMAN MASTER Didn't use a strikes the entire match
IMPENETRABLE DEFENSE Blocked or countered at least 10 attacks/grapples
SIT IN THE CORNER Irish whipped opponent into corner 10 times
A LITTLE PICK-ME-UP Picked up downed opponent 5 times
CHAIN WRESTLER Completed 20 quick grapples
FAILURE TO LAUNCH Let top-momentum timer expire 3 times
HEY, LOOK AT ME! Distracted referee 4 times (Tag Match)

EDIT 15/11/08:JOYLESS VICTORY : Won with very little momentum
CHEERLEADER: Pumped up the crowd 5 times as the illegal partner (tag)
AROUND THE WORLD: Executed 5 environmental grapples .
UNPREDICTABLE OFFENSE : Won while only being countered/reversed 3 or fewer times
WHIPPER SNAPPER : Irish whipped opponent 5 times
PRETZEL MAKER :Executed a submission move to every part of opponent's body
SWEEP THE LEG : Executed 7 submission holds to opponent's leg
HOMMAGE TO THE DUNGEON : Performed 5 submission holds while out of the ring
TABLETOP TAPOUT: Locked on a submission move while opponent is on an announce table
TAKE THIS BROKEN WING :Executed 7 submission holds to opponent's arms
BAD-BREAKING LABOR : Executed 7 submission moves to opponent's torso
PAIN IN THE NECK : Executed 7 submission moves to opponent's neck
NONE SHALL PASS: Reversed/Countered every attack/grapple in the match
MINUTE MAN : Won in under a minute
WELL-OILED MACHINE :Performed 7 double-team moves (tag)

Locked AWARDS;

11TH HOUR SAVE: Won the match when your partner has less than ??? remaining (tag)
TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM: Won the match when you have ??? or less and your partner has ??? or more (tag)
ALL HEART : Took ? finishing moves from opponent and won
BY A THREAD : Won the match with less than ? health
LOCK BREAKER: Escaped ? submission holds during match
TOUGHER THAN LUMBER : Won despite being ???
DOWN, BOY!: Connected with ? strikes to downed opponent
CARDIO MONSTER : Consumed ??? units of stamina
BLOWN UP : Got tired enough to ???
ON STRIKE :Didn't use a ??? the entire match
DAVID WHUPS GOLIATH Defeated a super-heavyweight in 2 1/2 minutes or less while ???
DIVA WHUPS GOLIATH : Defeated a super-heavyweight in 2 1/2 minutes or less while???
SHOWING MERCY :Manually released ? submission holds (no ropebreak )
I'M NOT DONE YET: Countered ? finisher attempts
OUT OF CONTROL : Broke out of ??? by opponent


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