Career Mode Award

「Career Mode Award」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Career Mode Award - (2015/03/12 (木) 15:31:10) のソース


|CAN'T CATCH ME(捕まえられっこねえ)|Taunt 6 Times while out the ring.(リング場外で6回アピールした。)|
|INSULT TO INJURY(さらなる追い打ち)|Successfully taunt your opponent 4 times.(相手へのアピールを4回成功させた。)|
|FUJI WOULD BE PROUD(ミスターフジの誇りとなれ)|Successfully taunted your opponent 8 times(相手へのアピールを8回成功させた。)|
|WIPE THE SMIRK OFF(ニヤニヤするな)|Brake up 3 taunt attempts by your opponent(相手のアピールの試みを3回破った。)|
|CONTINUE THE PAIN(終わらない痛み)|Manually halt the ref's pin count 4 times(手動でレフェリーのピンフォールカウントを4回止めた。)|
|4 CORNERS OF DOOM(4つのコーナーでおきた悲劇)|Complete a corner grapple on all 4 corners(4コーナーすべてでグラップルを成功させた。)|
|CHEESE WITH THAT WHINE?(泣きながら「はい、チーズ」?)|Argue with the ref 4 times(レフェリーと4回口論した。)|
|GET INSIDE NOW!(今すぐ中に入れ!)|Stay out the ring until 9 count(レフェリーの9カウントまでリングの場外にいた。)|
|PHOTO OPP(シャッターチャンス)|Do all your superstar's Sig's & finshers(自分のスーパースターの得意技と必殺技を成功させた。)|
|SIDELINE SUPPORTER(サポーターが副業)|Complete 4 strikes/grapples from the apron (Tag Match)(エプロンから4つの打撃/グラップルを成功させた。(タッグ))|
|TAUNT FASTER POSER!(すばやくアピールポーズ!)|Have taunt interrupted by opponent 3 times(相手に3回アピールを妨害された。)|
|TOO MANY 2S(2カウントが多すぎる)|Win by pinfall after 5 two counts by either superstar(どちらかのスーパースターが5回の2カウントの後、ピンフォールで勝った。)|
|DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK|Win the match with LESS than 50% health|
|SEEING RED|Win a match after being bloodied|
|STICKS & STONES...|Win despite being hit with 3 different objects|
|SUIT OF ARMOR(完全武装)|Won without sustaining yellow limb damages anywhere(どこにも黄色のダメージを受けることなく勝利した。)|
|UNSAFE WORKSPACE(危険な仕事場)|Destroyed one of the announce tables(実況席の1つを破壊した。)|
|DEMOLITION MAN(壊し屋)|Destroyed all the announce tables(すべての実況席を破壊した。)|
|NO KITCHEN SINK?(シンクは使用不可?)|Struck opponent with 5 different objects(5つの違う武器を使って相手を殴った。)|
|BREAKING POINT(限界地点)|Bust 4 objects(4つの武器で殴った。)|
|YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF(怪我するぞ)|Took an opponents object 3 times(相手の武器を3回奪った。)|
|THERE WILL BE BLOOD|Made an opponent bleed within 1 minute|
|PLASMA SCREAM|Won while both you and opponent were bloody|
|BLOOD TEST|Bloodied both opponents (TAG Match)|
|ARMED HAMMER|Bust a sledgehammer on opponent|
|OBSTRUCTED VIEW|Spend 2 minutes fighting outside of the ring|
|CROWD CAN'T SEE|30+ seconds fighting outside ring|
|CUT THE WIRE|Bust a barbed wire 2x4 on an opponent|
|DUKE THE DUMPSTER|Bust a trash can on opponent|
|EXTREME FINISHER|Performed 2 finishers outdide the ring|
|NO SEAT FOR YOU!|Bust a chair on opponent|
|OUT OF STOCK|Came up short looking for a weapon under the ring|
|RINGLAND SECURITY|Executed 2 grapples against the security barricade| 
|SINGAPOR SUPERSTAR|Bust a singapore cane on opponent| 
|FEAR OF FLYING(飛ぶのが怖い)|Climbed the top rope 4 times and jumped down rather than attacking(トップロープへ4回上がり、攻撃せずにジャンプした。)|
|MUCHO LUCHA|Connected with 5 attacks off the top rope|
|FRIENDLY SKIES|Connected with 10 attacks off the top rope|
|NOT PAID BY THE HOUR|Won under 2 1/2 minutes|
|PERSONAL SPACE|Never touched the ropes|
|THIS IS MY YARD|Never left the ring|
|FLYING AROUND THE RING|Hit top rope moves off every corner|
|HAYMAKER|Connected with 12 standing strikes|
|HIGH-RENT DISTRICT|Hit a top rope move to an opponent ringside|
|TAKE OUT THE TRASH|Irish whipped opponent outside ring 3 times|
|DRIVE-BY GRAPPLE|Completed 10 running grapples|
|SUGER RUSH|Completed 10 running attacks|
|INVISIBLE SUPERSTAR|Win a match without taking damage|
|SQUASH MATCH|Won with 85% of your total health|
|NO COVER CHARGE|Won without going for a single pin attempt|
|COULD'VE ENDED SOONER|Performed finsher 4 times|
|THINK YOU OVERDID IT?|Performed your finsher 8 times|
|ONE-TRICK PONY|Used one attack or grapple exclusively for the whole match|
|STAY DOWN!|Knocked opponent down and never let them back up|
|STOMP A MUDHOLE|Connected with 8 strikes with opponent is in the corner|
|IN CONTROL|Executed 5 total control grapples|
|MINIMALIST|Only used a total of 3 different attacks or grapples for the whole match|
|SPEED BAG EXPERT|Completed 35 strikes|
|STRONG LIKE BULL|Executed 5 strong grapples|
|THE HUMAN AUTOGRAPH|Excuted 5 signature moves|
|BACK-BREAKING LABOR|Executed 7 submisson moves to opponent's torso|
|GRECO-ROMAN MASTER|Didn't use a strikes the entire match|
|IMPENETRABLE DEFENSE|Blocked or countered at least 10 attacks/grapples|
|SIT IN THE CORNER|Irish whipped opponent into corner 10 times|
|A LITTLE PICK-ME-UP|Picked up downed opponent 5 times|
|CHAIN WRESTLER|Completed 20 quick grapples|
|FAILURE TO LAUNCH|Let top-momentum timer expire 3 times|
|HEY, LOOK AT ME!|Distracted referee 4 times (Tag Match)|

EDIT 15/11/08:JOYLESS VICTORY : Won with very little momentum
CHEERLEADER: Pumped up the crowd 5 times as the illegal partner (tag)
AROUND THE WORLD: Executed 5 environmental grapples .
UNPREDICTABLE OFFENSE : Won while only being countered/reversed 3 or fewer times
WHIPPER SNAPPER : Irish whipped opponent 5 times
PRETZEL MAKER :Executed a submission move to every part of opponent's body
SWEEP THE LEG : Executed 7 submission holds to opponent's leg
HOMMAGE TO THE DUNGEON : Performed 5 submission holds while out of the ring
TABLETOP TAPOUT: Locked on a submission move while opponent is on an announce table
TAKE THIS BROKEN WING :Executed 7 submission holds to opponent's arms
BAD-BREAKING LABOR : Executed 7 submission moves to opponent's torso
PAIN IN THE NECK : Executed 7 submission moves to opponent's neck
NONE SHALL PASS: Reversed/Countered every attack/grapple in the match
MINUTE MAN : Won in under a minute
WELL-OILED MACHINE :Performed 7 double-team moves (tag)

Locked AWARDS;

11TH HOUR SAVE: Won the match when your partner has less than ??? remaining (tag)
TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM: Won the match when you have ??? or less and your partner has ??? or more (tag)
ALL HEART : Took ? finishing moves from opponent and won 
BY A THREAD : Won the match with less than ? health 
LOCK BREAKER: Escaped ? submission holds during match
TOUGHER THAN LUMBER : Won despite being ???
DOWN, BOY!: Connected with ? strikes to downed opponent
CARDIO MONSTER : Consumed ??? units of stamina
BLOWN UP : Got tired enough to ???
ON STRIKE :Didn't use a ??? the entire match
DAVID WHUPS GOLIATH Defeated a super-heavyweight in 2 1/2 minutes or less while ???
DIVA WHUPS GOLIATH : Defeated a super-heavyweight in 2 1/2 minutes or less while???
SHOWING MERCY :Manually released ? submission holds (no ropebreak )
I'M NOT DONE YET: Countered ? finisher attempts
OUT OF CONTROL : Broke out of ??? by opponent


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