「Castle of no Escape for Windows 10」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Castle of no Escape for Windows 10」(2021/09/11 (土) 17:17:10) の最新版変更点



Castle of no Escape (for Windows 10) 項目数:20 総ポイント:3000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆(3000) 発売日:2021年3月3日 価格:¥580 (税込) 日本語対応 実績のみ全文英語 数十分で2000程度は解除可能 XboxOne版は別実績で「Title Update 3」が追加され実績は「4000」まで 実績内容が若干違いXboxOne版の方が少しだけ大変な実績がある |Face controller Jr.|Start the game as a champion|100| |Bits and bites Jr.|Start the game as a bandit|100| |Papers of pain Jr.|Start the game as a shamaness|100| |Friendship wins Jr.|Meet the friendly NPC|100| |Untouchable Jr.|Successfully evade an attack|100| |What's next? Jr.|Find and use an orb|100| |How about an armor? Jr.|Open the first chest|100| |How about a weapon? Jr.|Open the second chest|100| |I know the way Jr.|Try and fail to use a crystal orb|100| |I didn't do nothing! Jr.|Don't do anything for 10 seconds|100| Title update(1000) |Reach the 2nd floor|Reach the 2nd floor|200| |Reach the 3rd floor|Reach the 3rd floor|200| |Reach the 4th floor|Reach the 4th floor|200| |Reach the 5th floor|Reach the 5th floor|200| |Reach the 6th floor|Reach the 6th floor|200| Title Update 2(1000) |Vulgar Latin|Read the book|200| |Anything inside?|Find some gold in the chest|200| |Pool drinker|Drink from the pool|200| |Gold Hunter|Find some gold|200| |Flare Hunter|Find some flares|200| ----- ■全般■ キャラ選択でRTボタンで隠しキャラクターを選択可能
Castle of no Escape (for Windows 10) 項目数:20 総ポイント:3000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆(3000) 発売日:2021年3月3日 価格:¥580 (税込) 日本語対応 実績のみ全文英語 数十分で2000程度は解除可能 XboxOne版は別実績で「Title Update 3」が追加され実績は「4000」まで 実績内容が若干違いXboxOne版の方が少しだけ大変な実績がある [[Castle of no Escape]](XboxOne版) |Face controller Jr.|Start the game as a champion|100| |Bits and bites Jr.|Start the game as a bandit|100| |Papers of pain Jr.|Start the game as a shamaness|100| |Friendship wins Jr.|Meet the friendly NPC|100| |Untouchable Jr.|Successfully evade an attack|100| |What's next? Jr.|Find and use an orb|100| |How about an armor? Jr.|Open the first chest|100| |How about a weapon? Jr.|Open the second chest|100| |I know the way Jr.|Try and fail to use a crystal orb|100| |I didn't do nothing! Jr.|Don't do anything for 10 seconds|100| Title update(1000) |Reach the 2nd floor|Reach the 2nd floor|200| |Reach the 3rd floor|Reach the 3rd floor|200| |Reach the 4th floor|Reach the 4th floor|200| |Reach the 5th floor|Reach the 5th floor|200| |Reach the 6th floor|Reach the 6th floor|200| Title Update 2(1000) |Vulgar Latin|Read the book|200| |Anything inside?|Find some gold in the chest|200| |Pool drinker|Drink from the pool|200| |Gold Hunter|Find some gold|200| |Flare Hunter|Find some flares|200| ----- ■全般■ キャラ選択でRTボタンで隠しキャラクターを選択可能

