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Getting Started Pagina 13


  • カメラが選択状態のため、削除コマンド"Del"はカメラを削除します。(これはしないでください。多くのソフトウェアがそうであるように、"Control+Z"キーで元に戻せますが、カメラをなくすことは正しくありません。)
  • カメラのとあるパラメータは焦点距離を調整できますので、興味深いことでしょう。そのオプションはメニューの「View/Properties」か"N"キーで出すことができます。("N"キーの際にはマウスが3Dウィンドウになくてはなりません。)なお、焦点距離のパラメータは「Lens」となっています。






Note that the contour is now orange for the camera. This will have several consequences:
The command to remove ( "Del") which will remove the camera because it is the
selected object (do not do, but if it has recourse to "Control Z" as in lots of software to
back, not is appropriate that we run out of camera)
One of the parameters of the camera that may interest you more now manipulate the
focal length. This parameter we find it in a new assortment of buttons and options that
appear in View / Properties or "N" (the mouse must be over the 3D window in the
latter case). The parameter in question is called Lens.
How to select the light bulb, for example? In Blender is selected with the right mouse button
and like almost any other software in the Tech "Shift" serves to accumulate picks.
The above picture shows the three selected objects: the camera, Suzanne and focus. I guess
you have noticed that the orange contour is different in some cases. The orange light that we

Getting Started Pagina 14








What I just say it is VERY important as it will result in many occasions it will be the dominant
object. Now we're not going to give great importance but go memorizing. For now if you access
the Object panel buttons are active will find the icon of the bulb, with what remains clear
But this is not the panel of buttons that interests us at this time. We can see how having
selected the bright spot has appeared a new icon to edit its parameters:
You can vary the value of Energy, choose a color the same way he did before with the
material of the object, or testing the implications of working with different types of light: Point,
Sun Spot, Hemi or Sun.
One object (or several) that is selected can be doubled with Object / Duplicate or "Shift D"

Getting Started Pagina 15








スザンヌが大活躍してくれましたが、Cubeを新たな方法「Edit Mode」で編集してみましょう。

We are now going to use this resource to illuminate the scene with three points of light.
You'll see that doubling a focus the rest inherits its characteristics (energy, color ...)
Now select one by one and edit its position, energy and color (you may prefer all white). One tip
is that the sum of the three sources is about 1.
We have already gotten quite a benefit to Suzanne so start a new project and we spend our
initial cube to a new way of editing: Edit Mode. For this, the shortest path is the "Tab" while
we can use the box icons at the bottom of the 3D Window

Getting Started Pagina 16


  • 矢印の代わりに白い円の「3D Transformer」の上でマウスドラッグすると、ビューに平行して頂点が動きます(画面に対して平行に、ということでもあります)。
  • "G"キーによって移動が開始されます(この状態では画面に対して平行に)。これはキーを押したあとにマウスで動かせることを意味します。最良の結果を得るために、移動を開始する前はマウスカーソルを移動させたいオブジェクトのそばに移動させておきましょう。移動開始後に方向を制限したければ、XYZ軸のいずれかのキーを押す必要があります。

Since this type of editing can make edits on vertex , edges and faces of the object. The
selection mode is the same as from Object Mode (which is the way we've been working so
far), ie with the right mouse button (in this case "white" means checked). Select a vertex and
move it .
I take this opportunity to broaden knowledge on this issue:
If you drag your mouse over the 3D Transformer clicking the white circle instead of an
arrow achieved by moving the vertex parallel to the view (parallel to the plane of the
monitor, so we understand)
The key "G" begins publishing move as much and in Object Mode Edit Mode (and will
do as the plane parallel to the plane of the monitor). This means that you have selected
will move with the mouse after pressing this key. To do this it is best to have the mouse
placed near the element to displace before giving the order G Blender. Once given the
order G if we restrict movement to one axis XYZ what we do is to press the second key.
For example after first press G, then Z is an axis for the movement as a representative
sample of the address to which the movement has been integrated (in the example I
have selected two vertices):

Getting Started Pagina 17


If you understood this procedure for editing the movement try to rotate with the R key and
scale with the S key.
If you have edited several points it is possible that by running these two orders or to enforce
the 3D Transformer gives you the feeling of not having the whole situation under control. Do
not worry, we'll explain.
PIVOT FOR rotation and scale
The issues of scaling and rotation are directly affected by their assigned center. Usually this will
be the center pivot of the object and we have been continuously represented by an orange
When an object appears on the scene it does with its center located at the geometric center. If
we move the object will also move this center. But if we go to Edit Mode, select all the points
and move to note that the Center can not move with them.
Get used to no "left out there," the center of the object. Not that I could relocate but it is used
to working in order.
If we were in the previous case we could find by applying an order of rotation or scaling from
Object Mode with unwanted rotation ...
Edit Mode This would not be a problem because since this editing mode is used as the
source of all the geometric center of the selected items (not always but this time yes, because
it is the default)

Getting Started Pagina 18

file://localhost/E:/Downloads/Nieuwe%20map/Getting%20Started.mht 10/12/2009 11:50:29
To control the position of the Center have to activate a tool called the Center in September.
For this we turn to the Toolbar control panels in paragraph Tool Shelf (remember that
become visible with the key "T") and choose Add Tool (you can help the search engine to
access the tool)
The new button (although I recommend "Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C") allowing you to choose
between three options (editing only end when I make the following selection of the object, but
applies to the object that was selected before choosing the option) :
ObData to Center: Moves the object and repositioned without moving the center.
New Center: Moves the center and repositioned without moving the object (this
operation should make it in Object Mode or otherwise Blender will send an error
message telling you)
Center Cursor: Move the center and places the cursor is on 3D (this operation should
make it in Object Mode or otherwise Blender will send an error message telling you)
There are other options for choosing the pivot in this drop-down box:
I think at this point where we already begins to walk alone with Blender can do some tests to
try to fully understand the importance of these elements well localized.
EXTRUSION: The most powerful weapon a tool 3D
I left him impressed. I know.


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