

内容 コマンド 説明
チャット /s <message>
/say <message>
/speak <message>
Your message will be seen by any players within close proximity. This is the default message type, and can also be initiated by simply pressing Enter.
思う /think <message> Your message will appear in a thought bubble. Similar to /speak, can be seen by anyone within close proximity.
叫ぶ(小) /y <message>
/yell <message>
/shout <message>
Your message will be seen by anyone in the area.
叫ぶ(大) /zone <message>
/z <message>
/zonechat <message>
/1 <message>
Sends a message to all zone occupants.
パーティチャット /p <message>
/party <message>
/partychat <message>
Seen by only party members.
ギルドチャット /g <message>
/guild <message>
Seen only by guild members.
オフィサーチャット /o <message>
/officer <message>
Officer. Seen only by guild officers.
プライベートチャット /t <player_name> <message>
/tell <player_name> <message>
/w <player_name> <message>
/whisper <player_name> <message>
Tell. This is a private message, seen only by <player_name>.
返信 /r <message>
/respond <message>
Reply to last player to send you a Whisper or Tell. Seen only by player listed in reply. You can also press the "R" key to initiate the reply command.
非表示 /ignore <player_name> Ignore. The messages of ignored players will no longer show in your chat window.
非表示解除 /unignore <player_name> Unignore. Removes the specified player from your ignore list. His or her messages will again show in your chat window.
離席 /away <message>
/afk <message>
Away From Keyboard (AFK). Any players that message you when set to AFK will automatically receive your <message> in response.
離席解除 /back <message> Clears any message set using /away or /afk.
バグ報告 /bug <message> Submit a bug report to the game developers.
チャットログ削除 /clear <message> Clears your chat display and history.
ヘルプ /help <message> Use /help {command} to learn more about each command
座る /sit <message> Causes the knight to sit down.
エモーション /emote <message>
/me <message>
/e <message>
Display emotes
トレード要請 /trade <message>
/tradechat <message>
/2 <message>
Talk on the /trade channel for trade-related chat
チャンネル参加 /join <channel>
/leave <channel>
Joins and leaves a channel, respectively, where <channel> is either zone (or 1) or trade (or 2)
不正報告 /complain <player_name>
/report <player_name>
File a complaint against the specified player.


内容 コマンド <target>を記載しなかった場合 <target>を記載した場合
驚く /amaze <target> {player} is utterly amazed! {player} is amazed by {target}
"攻撃しろ!" /attack <target> Attack!
恵んでくれ /beg <target> {player} begs. Pleeeease? {player} begs {target}. Pleeeease?
ゲップ /belch <target> {player} belches.
退屈 /bored <target>
/boring <target>
{player} is dreadfully bored. {player} finds {target} boring.
おじぎ /bow <target> {player} bows respectfully. {player} bows before {target}.
ゲップ /burp <target> {player} burps.
歓声 /cheer <target>
/hooray <target>
{player} cheers! Hooray! {player} cheers for {target}! Hooray!
拍手 /clap <target>
/applaud <target>
{player} applauds. {player} applauds for {target}.
"おいで!" /come <target> {player} has found something of interest!
おめでとう /congratulate <target>
/grats <target>
{player} gives congratulations. {player} congratulates {target}.
狂う /crazy<target> {player} is going crazy! {player} thinks {target} is crazy!
泣く /cry <target>
/weep <target>
{player} cries pitifully. {target} is making {player} cry.
踊る /dance <target> {player} has the urge to dance! {player} asks {target} to dance.
やっちゃった /derp <target>
/herp <target>
{player}'s eyes glaze over. Derrrrrp.
大失敗 /epicfail <target> {player} is appalled at that profound display of Epic Fail. {player} frowns at {target}. EPIC FAIL.
失敗 /fail <target> {player} is appalled at that display of failure. (player} frowns at {target}. FAIL.
"戻れ!" /fallback <target> Fall back!
マッチョ /flex <target> {player} flexes. I love being STRONG!
イチャイチャ /flirt <target> {player} is feeling flirty! {player} flirts with {target}. Saucy!
"着いてこい!" /follow <target> Follow {player}
不機嫌 /frown <target> {player} frowns. {player} frowns at {target}.
凝視 /gaze <target> {player} gazes off into the distance
ワロタ /giggle <target> {player} giggles. {player} giggles at {target}.
さようなら /goodbye <target>
/bye <target>
/farewell <target>
Bye! {player} bids everyone farewell. Bye! {player} bids {target} farewell.
ニヤニヤ /grin <target> {player} grins. {player} grins at {target}.
うれしい /happy <target> {player} is very happy! {player} is very happy with {target}.
助けて /helpme <target> {player} needs help!
こんにちは /hello <target>
/hi <target>
/greet <target>
Hello! {player} greets everyone. Hello! {player} greets {target}.
抱擁 /hug <target> {player} could use a hug! {player} gives {target} a big hug!
空腹 /hungry <target> {player} is hungry!
イライラ /impatient <target> {player} taps their foot impatiently. {player} impatiently waits for {target}. Hurry up!
大喜び /joy <target>
/overjoyed <target>
/yay <target>
{player} is full of joy! {player} is overjoyed with {target}!
冗談・からかい /kidding <target>
/jk <target>
{player} was just kidding! {player} was just kidding with {target}!
キス /kiss <target>
/blowkiss <target>
{player} blows a kiss. Mwah! {player} blows a kiss at {target}. Mwah!
笑う /laughs <target>
/jk <target>
/lol <target>
/haha <target>
{player} laughs. {player} laughs at {target}.
寂しい /lonely <target> {player} is so very lonely.
見る /look <target> {player} looks around. {player} looks at {target}.
ラヴ /love <target> {player} is full of love. {player} loves {target}.
いいえ /no <target>
/disagree <target>
No! {player} disagrees. No! {player} disagrees with {target}!
指差す /point <target>
/direct <target>
{player} points over yonder. {player} points at {target}.
突っつく /poke <target> {player} is feeling pokey. {player} pokes {target}. Poke.
準備できた /ready <target>
/rdy <target>
{player} is ready!
怠惰 /rude <target> {player} makes a rude gesture. {player} makes a rude gesture at {target}.
悲しい /sad <target>
/depressed <target>
{player} is sad. {player} looks at {target} with deep sadness.
敬礼 /salute <target> {player} salutes. {player} salutes {target}.
肩をすくめる /shrug <target> {player} shrugs. {player} shrugs at {target}.
ため息 /sigh <target> {player} lets out a deep sigh. {player} sighs deeply. Real nice, {target}.
寝る /sleep <target>
/doze <target>
{player} dozes off...
眠たい /sleepy <target> {player} is sleepy. {player} looks at {target} sleepily.
くさい /smell <target>
/stink <target>
{player} smells a bit ripe. Yowza! {player} gets a big whiff of {target}. Whew!
匂いをかぐ /sniff <target> {player} sniffs the air. {player} sniffs {target}. What an interesting scent.
謝る /sorry <target>
/apologize <target>
{player} apologizes. Sorry! {player} apologizes to {target}. Sorry!
見つめる /stare <target> {player} stares into the distance. {player} stares blankly at {target}.
ありがとう /thank <target>
/thanks <target>
/ty <target>
/thx <target>
{player} gives thanks. {player} thanks {target}.
のどが渇く /thirsty <target> {player} is thirsty.
くすぐる /tickle <target>
{player} wants someone to tickle. {player} tickles {target}. Hee hee!
肩をすくめる /shrug <target> {player} shrugs. {player} shrugs at {target}.
疲れた /tired <target> {player} is tired. {player} is tired of {target}
待って! /wait <target> Wait! {player} isn't ready.
手を振る /wave <target> {player} waves. {player} waves to {target}.
愚痴る /whine <target> {player} whines pathetically. {player} whines at {target} pathetically.
しかめっ面 /wince <target> {player} winces. {player} winces at {target}. Yeesh!
ウィンク /wink <target>
{player} winks slyly. {player} winks at {target}.
あくび /yawn<target> {player} yawns.
はい! /yes <target>
/agree <target>
/nod <target>
Yes! {player} agrees. Yes! {player} agrees with {target}.


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最終更新:2011年08月06日 10:57


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