Kabuki Projectメイン


  1. ; $Id: kabuki.info,v 2009/02/13 06:13:18 johnalbin Exp $
  4. ; The name and description of the theme used on the admin/build/themes page.
  5. name = Kabuki
  6. description = Kabuki and Japanese traditional colors.
  8. ; The screenshot used on the admin/build/themes page.
  9. screenshot = screenshot.png
  11. ; "core" specifies the version of Drupal that this theme is compatible with.
  12. ; "base theme" specifies that this is a theme that uses the "zen" theme as its
  13. ; base theme. Its unlikely you will ever need to change these, but they are
  14. ; required fields for a Zen sub-theme. The "engine" field is not used in a
  15. ; sub-theme since the engine is inherited from its base theme.
  16. core = 6.x
  17. base theme = zen
  19. ; This section adds CSS files to your theme. The media type is specified in
  20. ; the brackets. Typical CSS media types include "all", "screen", "print", and
  21. ; "handheld". See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html#media-types for a full
  22. ; list of stylesheet media types in CSS 2.1.
  23. ;
  24. ; You can also override any of Zen's stylesheets or any module's stylesheets,
  25. ; an /extremely/ useful feature. See the excellent Drupal 6 Theme Guide at
  26. ; http://drupal.org/node/171209 for more details.
  27. stylesheets[all][] = layout.css
  28. stylesheets[all][] = html-elements.css
  29. ; stylesheets[all][] = tabs.css
  30. ; stylesheets[all][] = messages.css
  31. ; stylesheets[all][] = block-editing.css
  32. ; stylesheets[all][] = wireframes.css
  33. stylesheets[all][] = kabuki.css
  34. stylesheets[print][] = print.css
  35. ; To prevent stylesheets of a base theme or of a module from being included in
  36. ; our sub-theme, we specify it in our .info file (and we don't need to have a
  37. ; stylesheet in our sub-theme with that name.) For example, we prevent the
  38. ; zen.css file in the base theme from being included by specifying it here.
  39. stylesheets[all][] = zen.css
  41. ; Set the conditional stylesheets that are processed by IE.
  42. ; conditional-stylesheets[if IE][all][] = ie.css
  44. ; Optionally add some jquery scripts to your theme.
  45. ; scripts[] = script.js
  47. ; The regions defined in Zen's default page.tpl.php file. The name in
  48. ; brackets is the name of the variable in the page.tpl.php file, (e.g.
  49. ; "[content_top]" in the .info file means there should be a $content_top
  50. ; variable in the page.tpl.php file.) The text after the equals sign is a
  51. ; descriptive text used on the admin/build/blocks page.
  52. ;
  53. ; To add a new region, copy Zen's page.tpl.php to your sub-theme's directory,
  54. ; add a line line to this file, and then add the new variable to your
  55. ; page.tpl.php template.
  56. regions[left] = left sidebar
  57. regions[right] = right sidebar
  58. regions[navbar] = navigation bar
  59. regions[content_top] = content top
  60. regions[content_bottom] = content bottom
  61. regions[header] = header
  62. regions[footer] = footer
  63. regions[closure_region] = closure
  65. ; Various page elements output by the theme can be toggled on and off. The
  66. ; "features" control which of these check boxes display on the
  67. ; admin/build/themes config page. This is useful for suppressing check boxes
  68. ; for elements not used by your sub-theme. To suppress a check box, omit the
  69. ; entry for it below. See the Drupal 6 Theme Guide for more info:
  70. ; http://drupal.org/node/171205#features
  71. features[] = logo
  72. features[] = name
  73. features[] = slogan
  74. features[] = mission
  75. features[] = node_user_picture
  76. features[] = comment_user_picture
  77. features[] = search
  78. features[] = favicon
  79. features[] = primary_links
  80. features[] = secondary_links
  82. ; Set the default settings to be used in theme-settings.php
  83. settings[zen_block_editing] = 1
  84. settings[zen_breadcrumb] = yes
  85. settings[zen_breadcrumb_separator] = ' > '
  86. settings[zen_breadcrumb_home] = 1
  87. settings[zen_breadcrumb_trailing] = 1
  88. settings[zen_breadcrumb_title] = 0
  89. settings[zen_rebuild_registry] = 1
  90. settings[zen_wireframes] = 1
  92. ; Information added by drupal.org packaging script on 2009-02-13
  93. version = "6.x-1.0"
  94. core = "6.x"
  95. project = "zen"
  96. datestamp = "1234555897"


  • settings[zen_wireframes] = 1 にしますた - 2009-06-13 00:43:29


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最終更新:2009年06月13日 00:42