
+ 目次
作詞:椎出 愛
作曲:椎出 愛
編曲:椎出 愛


  • Nintendo Switchソフト『初音ミク 不思議なホシと願いのかけら』収録楽曲。



I used to think of no one else I think of all the words I never said
We knew that was unacceptable but I have never felt this way for no one
So don't expect for me to be your friend I always need you and don't want to leave
But the dreamlike time is over it’s just that ordinary days continue

Our love was groping
There was a better way but we were in hurry but my feelings haven't
changed at all since that day
I just wanted you to know had really love and it's still the same
My love will never fade

I just stop cry then I start again I just can't live a lie anymore
Cause I can't change the things we've said and done I'm sure only I can heal your broken heart
So now we hold hands with each other and I'd rather share all the real love that's there
You should look back now and look around I'll rush there and We can make it last forever

I don't want to lose love
I'm selfish, but I think How calm I would be if you came by me
You were my everything
but I could not see anything at that time
You are always kind I'm afraid to repeat

I promise You'll only shed happy tears
I didn't know that touching was very meaningful
I won't blame you for accepting me
I never needed anyone love but you
Come!come with me! my heart is filled with so much love you know that
It doesn't matter what they say our love
Let me be the one you come to I will never let you go like that time

That's love, Everything will be alright
When time stands still has begun to move now
We know that we will be together
You are everything I need now do with me
Nobody can get the way of what our feeling
I never knew there was so much love
I gotta tell you what I'm feeling inside
If you want me I'll be around forever...



  • 暴力的、または卑猥な表現・差別用語(Wiki利用者に著しく不快感を与えるような表現)
  • 特定の個人・団体の宣伝または批判
  • (曲紹介ページにおいて)歌詞の独自解釈を展開するコメント、いわゆる“解釈コメ”
  • 長すぎるコメント
  • 『歌ってみた』系動画や、歌い手に関する話題
  • 「カラオケで歌えた」「学校で流れた」などの曲に直接関係しない、本来日記に書くようなコメント
  • カラオケ化、カラオケ配信等の話題
  • 同一人物によると判断される連続・大量コメント
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • P
  • 曲英
  • 鏡音リン
  • 鏡音レン
  • 椎出 愛
  • 2022年
  • 初音ミク 不思議なホシと願いのかけら

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最終更新:2024年03月28日 22:15