### M05_Hotel ###


# M05 - Streets #
[M05_Interest_01_Silent_Hill_Sign]Silent Hill? How the hell did I get here?
[M05_Interest_02_Front_Door]I'm going to need something to break through these boards.
[M05_Interest_03_Locked_Maintenance_Gate]I will need to find a key to unlock this gate.
[M05_Interest_04_Fire_Truck]There must be something in this truck I can use to get into the hotel.
[M05_Interest_05_Fire_Truck2]Nothing on this side though.  Maybe if I could get around the blockade...
[M05_Interest_40_Eastwood_Antiques]Maybe Curtis repaired this guy's old equipment.
[M05_Interest_41_Alchemilla_Hospital_Plaque]This looks like a nasty hospital.
[M05_Interest_42_Storefront]<COLOR,195,188,228>77 Hill Place.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_43_Storefront_Bakery]I'm not hungry right now.
[M05_Interest_44_Storefront_Charlies]<COLOR,195,188,228>Charlie's Convenience Market.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_45_Storefront_Ann_Black]Ann Black...  Must be a boutique or something.
[M05_Interest_118_Generator]There seems to be a generator over there.

# M05 - Hotel Lobby #
[M05_Interest_05_Locked_Hotel_Door_A]This door is locked and won't open.
[M05_Interest_06_Locked_Hotel_Door_B]It's locked.
[M05_Interest_07_Locked_Hotel_Door_C]This one's jammed.
[M05_Interest_08_Locked_Hotel_Door_D]This door's jammed for good.
[M05_Interest_09_Reception_Desk]No concierge today, I guess.
[M05_Interest_10_Mail_Cubby_Holes3]I thought I saw something shiny inside one of these holes...\n...but now I don't see anything.
[M05_Interest_10_Mail_Cubby_Holes4]They're all empty.
[M05_Interest_11_Locked_Dining_Room_Door]It's dark, but I can faintly see a room with several tables.
[M05_Interest_11_Locked_Dining_Room_Door2]It must be the dining room.
[M05_Interest_11_Locked_Dining_Room_Door3]I can see tables inside there.
[M05_Interest_12_Blocked_Staircase]It's completely blocked by rubble and debris.
[M05_Interest_13_Elevator_Shaft]There's a panel here.
[M05_Interest_14_Elevator_Doors_Closed]Is the elevator working?
[M05_Interest_15_Elevator_Call_Button_Working]The button lights up, so it should work...
[M05_Interest_16_Elevator_Call_Button_Out]It's dead. The power must be out.
[M05_Interest_17_Exposed_Panel2]Turning on the power must have shorted out this panel.
[M05_Interest_17_Exposed_Panel3]The wires are frayed, but should work if the power was on.
[M05_Interest_18_Maintenance_Closet_Door]It's jammed shut.
[M05_Interest_19_Toolbox_With_Keys]I bet this maintenance key will open that gate in the alley.
[M05_Interest_19_Toolbox_With_Keys2]It looks like some type of maintenance key...
[M05_Interest_21_Lobby_Chairs_B]I wonder who has sat in this chair.
[M05_Interest_22_Lobby_Chairs_C]Yuck, this chair smells awful.
[M05_Interest_24_Dumpster_B]It smells like something dead is rotting in there.

[M05_Interest_25_Rewiring_Puzzle_A]Okay, I think I can rewire this panel.
[M05_Interest_26_Rewiring_Puzzle_B]I got some training to fix things like this. I should give it a try.
[M05_Interest_26_Rewiring_Puzzle_C]The power's back on!
[M05_Interest_26_Rewiring_Puzzle_D]It looks like the panel shorted out - I'll have to rewire it.
[M05_Interest_29_Circuit_Box_Shorts]The circuit breaker box is shorted out.
[M05_Interest_30_Circuit_Box_Fixed] We're back in business.
[M05_Interest_82_XXI_Note]<COLOR,195,188,228>Don't forget to tape the big game!\nXXI<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_102_Atrium]Looks like this door leads to the Atrium.

# M05 - Floor 2 #
[M05_Interest_31_Impassible_Ruins_A]It's blocked.
[M05_Interest_32_Impassible_Ruins_B]I can't get through here.
[M05_Interest_33_Impassible_Rubble_Pile_A]I can't get past this rubble.
[M05_Interest_34_Impassible_Rubble_Pile_B]This hotel is falling apart...
[M05_Interest_34_Impassible_Rubble_Pile_B2]This damage looks recent. This place is falling apart...
[M05_Interest_35_Crawl_Into_Hole_A]The hole is too small to fit through.
[M05_Interest_36_Crawl_Into_Hole_B]Only a kid could fit through there.
[M05_Interest_37_Painting_With_Rip]I think there's something behind this painting...
[M05_Interest_38_Room_206_Door]I need a key to unlock this door.
[M05_Interest_38_Room_206_Door2]I saw Joshua come this way...\nHe must have gone inside.
[M05_Interest_38_Room_206_Door3]I can hear Joshua on the other side!
[M05_Interest_38_Room_206_Door4]I need to find a key...
[M05_Interest_40_Room_206_Door_2]Is Josh still in there?
[M05_Interest_41_Room 202_Door]Someone's in there...

# M05 - Random Comments #
[M05_Interest_43_Dresser_B]The drawers are empty.
[M05_Interest_44_Dresser_C]This stuff has been left here to rot.
[M05_Interest_47_Nightstand_C]This nightstand is pretty beat up.
[M05_Interest_48_Bed_A]The springs are all worn out.
[M05_Interest_50_Bed_C]I wouldn't even think of sleeping on this bed.
[M05_Interest_52_Heater_B]This heater looks like it hasn't worked in years.
[M05_Interest_53_Heater_C]There's no heat coming out, must be busted.
[M05_Interest_55_Jammed_Bathroom_Door_B]Is someone in there?
[M05_Interest_56_Jammed_Bathroom_Door_C]There's a rancid odor coming from the other side.

[M05_Interest_63_Pile_Under_Hole]I think I can climb on this rubble.  It seems stable enough.
[M05_Interest_64_First_Postcard_Medicine_Cabinet]This must be one of her missing memories. There's a message on the back...
[M05_Interest_64_First_Postcard_Medicine_Cabinet2]<COLOR,195,188,228>I long for the days before my illness overtook me.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_64_First_Postcard_Medicine_Cabinet3]<COLOR,195,188,228>From my window I can see a large oak.  The leaves are ablaze - yellow and red - and with each day more of them fall.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_64_First_Postcard_Medicine_Cabinet4]<COLOR,195,188,228>When the sun is low, the shadows from its branches trail across my walls, but soon after the darkness fills the room.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_64_First_Postcard_Medicine_Cabinet5]<COLOR,195,188,228>Please come and see me soon. I want to share one more memory with you, while I still can.\n \nLove always<CLEARCOLOR>

[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub]It's a postcard. There's a message on the back...
[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub2]<COLOR,195,188,228>I have some sad news to share.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Yesterday I took a boat out - as far as I could row - and I dipped my face into the cold, clear water.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub4]<COLOR,195,188,228>As I leaned over the side of the rowboat, my necklace caught on the oar and the chain snapped.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub5]<COLOR,195,188,228>I saw your precious gift slip into the blackness. I wanted to dive in after it, but the water was so icy so deep.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_65_Second_Postcard_in_Tub6]<COLOR,195,188,228>Please...forgive me.  I miss you.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M05_Interest_66_Third_Postcard_Alex's_Room]This postcard could be one of her memories. There's a message on the back...
[M05_Interest_66_Third_Postcard_Alex's_Room2]<COLOR,195,188,228>What a wonderful day!  The smell of cotton candy and the sound of laughter filled the air.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_66_Third_Postcard_Alex's_Room3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Days like this make me appreciate what it was like to be young and carefree.  Family is the most important thing - and our children are the future.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_66_Third_Postcard_Alex's_Room4]<COLOR,195,188,228>I only wish I could feel that innocent again.\n \nSee you soon.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M05_Interest_67_Needler_Hole_A]Looks like something burrowed through here.
[M05_Interest_68_Needler_Hole_B]What could have dug this hole?
[M05_Interest_69_Needler_Hole_C]Shit! What crawled through here?!

[M05_Interest_111_Painting_1]This is an interesting scene.
[M05_Interest_112_Painting_2]I wonder who this elderly man is?
[M05_Interest_113_Painting_3]This guy looks shady...
[M05_Interest_114_Painting_4]She looks affluent, but has a plain looking face.
[M05_Interest_115_Painting_5]This painting depicts a very heart warming scene.
[M05_Interest_116_Painting_6]I wonder who this was painted for?

[M05_Interest_119_Window_1]I can't see through this window...
[M05_Interest_120_Window_2]This window is opaque.
[M05_Interest_121_Window_3]I can't see anything...
[M05_Interest_122_Bed_1]This bed is really dirty...
[M05_Interest_123_Bed_2]I wonder who slept on this bed last...
[M05_Interest_124_ClimbDown_1]It seems stable enough to climb down here.
[M05_Interest_126_Elevator_Shaft]That's a long drop down...

# M05 - Dining Room #
[M05_Interest_70_Dining_Room_Tables]This place looks like it hasn't been used in years.
[M05_Interest_70_Dining_Room_Tables2]This table's covered in dust and grime.
[M05_Interest_71_Doors_To_Lobby]These doors are jammed.
[M05_Interest_117_Dining_Room]Where the hell did I just drop to?
[M05_Interest_125_Lobby_Door]This must lead back to the lobby.

# M05 - Atrium #
[M05_Interest_72_Strange_Plants_A]That's...a pretty bizarre plant.
[M05_Interest_73_Strange_Plants_B]What an exotic-looking plant.
[M05_Interest_74_Strange_Plants_C]I wonder if this is poisonous.
[M05_Interest_75_Greenhouse_Doors_Shift]What the hell..?

# M05 - Greenhouse #
[M05_Interest_76_Strange_Plants_A]These plants look unnatural.
[M05_Interest_78_Strange_Plants_C]I've visited greenhouses before, but I've never seen plants like this.
[M05_Interest_79_Strange_Tree_A]Those branches give me the creeps.
[M05_Interest_80_Strange_Tree_B]That's one ugly, twisted tree.
[M05_Interest_81_Strange_Tree_C]Something about this tree makes me uneasy...

# M05 - Floors 3-4 #
[M05_Interest_82_Joshua_Clue_01]There's something written here. It says:
[M05_Interest_82_Joshua_Clue_02]<COLOR,195,188,228>Ugly is chasing me<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_83_Joshua_Clue_02]It says:
[M05_Interest_83_Joshua_Clue_03]<COLOR,195,188,228>405 scares me. I left my ducky in there.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_84_Joshua_Clue_03]There's a message above the bathtub. It says:
[M05_Interest_84_Joshua_Clue_04]<COLOR,195,188,228>You can't wash it off.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_85_Joshua_Clue_04]The message here says:
[M05_Interest_85_Joshua_Clue_05]<COLOR,195,188,228>I can't see my face.  Maybe you will in 404<CLEARCOLOR>

# Additional Story Strings #
[M05_Interest_86_First_time_at_Hotel_Front_Door]Why would Joshua be hiding in a hotel?
[M05_Interest_87_First_time_at_Hotel_Front_Door]I need to make sure he's okay.
[M05_Interest_88_First_time_at_Hotel_Front_Door]I'll need something to break down these boards.
[M05_Interest_89_Room_206]Joshua's locked himself in this room.
[M05_Interest_90_Room_206]There's a special lock on the door.
[M05_Interest_91_Room_206]I need to find the key.
[M05_Interest_92_Luggage_Claim_Ticket]I found a luggage claim ticket.
[M05_Interest_93_Luggage_Claim_Ticket]This ticket must be for a lost suitcase.
[M05_Interest_94_Complaint_Letter]There's something in the mail slot.
[M05_Interest_95_Complaint_Letter]It's a complaint letter from a guest - written on Grand Hotel stationary.
[M05_Interest_96_Complaint_Letter]<COLOR,195,188,228>To the Hotel Manager,\nWhen my family and I decided to splurge on a vacation, we chose to come to Silent Hill. When we arrived at your hotel, however, we were shocked at the conditions. Our room smelled strongly of smoke, lacked proper heating and ventilation, and was literally infested with revolting insects. <CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_96_Complaint_Letter2]<COLOR,195,188,228>The greenhouse was closed for repairs, and no one seemed interested in telling us when it would reopen. Furthermore, the desk clerk would not make arrangements for improved accommodations for us. After one terrifying and sleepless night, I decided to move my family to a different hotel - at my own expense. <CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_96_Complaint_Letter3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Kindly refund us the full amount of our stay at your hotel. In addition to my receipt, I've enclosed photos of the deplorable conditions at your hotel.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_96_Complaint_Letter4]<COLOR,195,188,228>Sincerely,\nSteve Rooster<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_97_Dear_John_Letter]It's a personal letter.
[M05_Interest_98_Dear_John_Letter1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Dear John,\nOver the past few months, you've made it painfully clear that your interest in me has waned. You spend hours in front of the television, and I'm starting to feel like you're ignoring me.  I still can't get over what happened when tried to get your attention last Friday? <CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_98_Dear_John_Letter2]<COLOR,195,188,228>You didn't even raise your head to acknowledge me. No matter how hard I try, you continue to act like I don't even exist. Despite your obvious lack of interest, I've decided to write this letter to let you know I've met someone... \n...He pays attention to me ・he treats me like I'm someone special ・and I'm leaving you to be with him in Silent Hill.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_99_Dear_John_Letter]She's obviously upset that he doesn't pay attention to her anymore.
[M05_Interest_100_Bartlett_Letter]It looks like a letter from the Hotel Manager.
[M05_Interest_101_Elevator_Buttons]I don't have much of a choice - only one of the buttons seems to be functional.
[M05_Interest_103_Note1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Paul,\n\nAs Mayor Bartlett will be working in the Atrium late this evening, please make sure the exterior service doors are left unlocked.\n\nMr. Jones<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_104_Note2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Sam,\n\nI can't thank you enough for all of your hard work in restoring the Atrium to its former glory.  My illness continues to worsen, but it gives me great comfort that my Carol and I can find solace in the beautiful garden you've created.  Thank you so much.\n\n-Clayton<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_105_Note3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Jim,\n\nThey were there again last night.  I saw Carol creeping towards the main ballroom and you know where that leads...  I don't know what the old man would do if he were to find out- given his health, he might not make it.  Do you think I should say something?\n\n-Paul<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_106_Note4]<COLOR,195,188,228>Dearest Sam,\n\nI can't describe how much my life has turned a corner since you've begun tending the Atrium.  With Clayton's illness slowly taking its toll, I've felt so lost and alone.  Your presence and your gift in restoring the garden... It's the single ray of light in my tired life, and it brings me joy. Thank you for the many wonderful evenings we've spent together.  It will be different - better - when I no longer have to pretend.  All my love.\n\n-Carol x<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_107_Note5]<COLOR,195,188,228>Carol, I'm struggling to find the right words.  My body was broken and now you've broken my heart too.  I don't know why.  I loved you unconditionally, gave you everything I had, I thought you loved me too.  I guess I was a fool.  There are things, things about Sam you don't know, and if you did, I guarantee you'd feel differently.  I want to forgive you Carol, but I can't... I've simply nothing left.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_108_Note6]<COLOR,195,188,228>General Notice:\n\nA memorial service for Clayton Doyle will be held today at Dargento Cemetery.\nAll employees are required to attend.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_109_Note7]<COLOR,195,188,228>Mr. Jones,\n\nI saw something strange the other night and I wanted to bring it to your attention.  I'd unlocked the service doors to the Atrium to let Mayor Bartlett in - just like I usually do.  I came by later to see if he needed any help (you know how I like to grow things too) and I saw him dragging one of his bags of fertilizer inside.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_109_Note7_b]<COLOR,195,188,228>Only it didn't look like any kind of fertilizer bag I've ever used.  It was real heavy and he seemed to be kinda struggling with it.  He didn't see me, so I crept away.  Should I tell the sheriff?  I don't know what to do, but I thought you should know.\n\nPaul Ashley<CLEARCOLOR>
[M05_Interest_110_Note8]<COLOR,195,188,228>Delivery Notice ・Alchemilla Hospital :\n\n - Two oxygen tanks removed and replaced with full ones for Mr. Doyle's suite.<CLEARCOLOR>

### M06_SGTown3 ###


[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Weapons]I got all of my weapons back.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle1]Elle: Alex, there's a valve. Maybe it opens the gate?
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle2]Elle: Ok, I'm through, hang on a second.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle3]Elle: Here we go... I'll hold it open and you come through.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle4]Elle: Ok Alex, come on!
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle6]Elle: I can't hold this forever!
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle7]Elle: Ok, let's go.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle8]Elle: Alex, there's another gate here I can open.  Loop back around the way we came in and I'll let you through.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle9]Elle: Ugh.  This thing's not moving.
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle10]Elle: Alex... There's no way to open the gate from this side!
[M06_PLACEHOLDER_Elle11]Elle: I'm going to take this tunnel...  See if I can't find a way to open it.

# M06 - Police Station #
[M01_StationMap_GOT]I got the <COLOR,155,240,155>Station Map<CLEARCOLOR>.
[M01_StationMap_Look]It's a map of the whole Station.

[M06_Interest_01_Jail_Cell_Toilet_1]The toilet looks like it's been stopped up for years.
[M06_Interest_02_Jail_Cell_Toilet_2]Maybe there's a clue inside?
[M06_Interest_02_Jail_Cell_Toilet_3]Nope, nothing here.

[M06_Interest_03_Sink_1]The faucet's not working.
[M06_Interest_04_Sink_2]Is this whole place deserted?

[M06_Interest_05_Jail Cell Door_1]I won't be able to open this...
[M06_Interest_06_Jail Cell Door_2]The door's locked tight.
[M06_Interest_07_Cell_Bars_1]These bars are bent...
[M06_Interest_08_Cell Bars_2]There's no way I could squeeze through, and the bars won't budge any further.
[M06_Interest_09_Bed_1]I wonder if I could take this bed frame apart.
[M06_Interest_10_Bed_2]It's rusted solid... I'd need some tools.
[M06_Interest_11_Graffiti1]There's some writing on the wall...  Looks like a poem or something.
[M06_Interest_11_Graffiti2]<COLOR,195,188,228>All I want is freedom,\nTo forget about my past.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_11_Graffiti3]<COLOR,195,188,228>All I need is freedom,\nSo my sanity will last.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_11_Graffiti4]<COLOR,195,188,228>Are you seeking freedom,\nFrom this wretched metal cell?<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_11_Graffiti5]<COLOR,195,188,228>Then look no further than yourself,\nFor now you're trapped in hell!<CLEARCOLOR>

[M06_Interest_JailCellAfter]The gate is open, I should follow Wheeler...

[M06_Interest_13_Toilet_B]くそっ ひどい臭いだ
[M06_Interest_15_Bed_A2]How could anyone could sleep on this?
[M06_Interest_17_Bed_C]It smells like someone - or something - died on this bed...
[M06_Interest_18_Admitting_Window]This must be the booking room.
[M06_Interest_19_Wait_for_Wheeler_A]I'd better wait for Wheeler.
[M06_Interest_20_Wait_for_Wheeler_B]I'll let Wheeler open this.
[M06_Interest_21_Wait_for_Wheeler_C]Wheeler has the keys - I should stick close to him.
[M06_Interest_22_Evidence_Storage]Looks like this is where they keep evidence locked up.
[M06_Interest_22_Evidence_Storage2]Sherpherd's Glen never had much crime, so I doubt that there are any weapons in there.
[M06_Interest_23_File_Cabinet_A]The file cabinet is locked.
[M06_Interest_23_File_Cabinet_A2]Dad was always careful to keep any records and reports safe...
[M06_Interest_23_File_Cabinet_A3]I guess he felt people have a right to privacy.

[M06_Interest_24_File_Cabinet_B]It's a locked filing cabinet.
[M06_Interest_26_Barred_Doorway]I'll need to get my weapons back if I want to break through here.
[M06_Interest_27_Chiefs_Office_Photo]My Dad always kept a photo of Josh on his desk.
[M06_Interest_29_Mens_Room_Mirrors]Why do I keep expecting to see something behind me..?

[M06_Interest_30_Mens_Room_Stall_1]This stall is locked.
[M06_Interest_31_Mens_Room_Stall_2]I feel like I've done this before.
[M06_Interest_32_Mens_Room_Stall_3]I should just leave it alone...

[M06_Interest_33_Briefing_Room_Flyers]There are missing fliers posted all over this board.
[M06_Interest_33_Briefing_Room_Flyers2]I guess Wheeler was trying to find these people.

[M06_Interest_34_Briefing_Room_Picture]Here's a picture of my Dad and Wheeler. I guess they were good friends.
[M06_Interest_35_Motivational_Poster_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Maintain Control. Your Safety Depends on it.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_36_Motivational_Poster_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>In this uniform Losing in NOT an Option.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_37_Motivational_Poster_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Your Work Starts Before Your Shift.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_40_Garage_Car]The car door won't open.
[M06_Interest_41_Garage_Toolbox]It's an assortment of tools, all neatly organized.
[M06_Interest_41_Garage_ToolboxB]...Too bad I have no use for any of them.

[M06_Interest_43_Garage_Rollup_Door]This door leads to the parking lot.
[M06_Interest_43_Garage_Rollup_Door2]There must be a way to open it.
[M06_Interest_44_Gun Locker]I know they keep ammunition in here... Now what's the code?
[M06_Interest_45_Gun_Locker_Clue_1]It's a wrinkled memo - the original text is too faded to read.  There's some handwriting at the bottom:
[M06_Interest_45_Gun_Locker_Clue_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Only time will tell who has the will to live.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M06_Interest_ShiftNote1]It's a crumpled-up hand-written note...
[M06_Interest_ShiftNote2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Eugene, just wanted to remind you that you are back to your old shift tomorrow.\nI expect to see you at 21:00 sharp, don't be late.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M06_Wheeler_NotAlone]Wheeler: We're not alone... Let's get out of here.
[M06_Wheeler_LockedUp]Wheeler: I had this place locked up tight. But it sounds like those things got in anyway.
[M06_Wheeler_LooksClear]Wheeler: Looks clear... But stay close.
[M06_Wheeler_CheckitOut]Wheeler: Ok, I'm going to check it out first.
[M06_Wheeler_BacktheOtherWay]Wheeler: They found us! Quick, back the other way!
[M06_Wheeler_DocFitch01]Wheeler: Let me think for a second... Alex we have to get out of here. I was looking for Mayor Bartlett because I think he's got something to do with all of this.
[M06_Wheeler_DocFitch02]Wheeler: He and Doc Fitch seem to be connected to... Oh no, if Bartlett was killed by those things, then Fitch could be in danger too!
[M06_Wheeler_DocFitch03]Alex: I saw Doc Fitch in his office not too long ago.\nWheeler: We have to get to him before these monsters do!
[M06_Wheeler_StandBack]Wheeler: Stand back.
[M06_Wheeler_ExitWay]Wheeler: Come on, the exit's this way.

# M06 - Sewers #
[M06_Interest_46_Gate_Locked]I can't see any way to open this.
[M06_Interest_47_Gate_with_Valve]I can see a valve on the other side.
[M06_Interest_48_Gate_Open]I can't lift this. There must be something nearby I can use to open it.
[M06_Interest_49_Pumping_Room_Body2]I'll need this if I'm ever going to get out of here...  

[M06_Interest_50_Pumping_Room_Note]<COLOR,195,188,228>Drew, I know the plan was to meet you here, but I need to go back for some more supplies before we can leave. Please wait for me here, but stay inside this room! I've heard horrible sounds in the sewers.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M06_DrainagePool]God, what's that smell? We can't safely cross through this. there must be some way to drain this...
[M06_DrainagePool2]There must be some way to drain this pool around here.

[M06_Interest_52_Blood_on_Walls]What the hell happened here?  Where's Elle...?
[M06_Interest_53_Elles_Radio]Oh god, That's Elle's radio!
[M06_Interest_53_Elles_Radio2]There's so much blood everywhere...Could she have survived this..?
[M06_Interest_53_Elles_Radio3]I have to find her!

# M06 - Doctor's Office #
# Scarlet's Letter to Her Imaginary Friend #
[IDS_NOTES_Scarlets_Letter_to_Imaginary_Friend_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Ruth,\nMy daddy just bought me this pencil! It's really cool, it has four colors.  Look at what I made for you.\nYou are my best friend. I like the way you make me laugh when daddy is sad. It was funny at dinner when he was very quiet and you made those funny faces.\n<CLEARCOLOR>
[IDS_NOTES_Scarlets_Letter_to_Imaginary_Friend_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>I was laughing for a long time even after I went to bed. I wish you stayed at our house all the time because I get lonely now even when daddy is with me. Maybe you can make him laugh soon. Okay?\nNext time you come over, we can draw pictures together with my new pencil.\nGoodbye!<CLEARCOLOR>

[M06_Interest_58_Shrine_A]It's a four-poster bed.
[M06_Interest_58_Shrine_A1]From the looks of it, it belongs to a little girl.

[M06_Interest_59_Shrine_B1]This shelf is full of dolls.
[M06_Interest_59_Shrine_B2]It feels like they're watching me... Like they're waiting for something...

[M06_Interest_60_Shrine_C1]A little girl's dresser... Why would Doctor Fitch put all this stuff in here?
[M06_Interest_60_Shrine_C2]This case is locked.

[M06_Interest_61_sewermap_GOT]I got a <COLOR,155,240,155>Sewer Map<CLEARCOLOR>.

### M07_Church ###


[M07_Interest_01_Doll_Box_After_Shift]This is where I picked up the doll.
[M07_Interest_02_Bed]What happened to everything?
[M07_Interest_03_Painting]The painting changed. It used to look like a ballerina.
[M07_Interest_03_Painting_01]It looks like a ballerina.
[M07_Interest_04_Teddy_Bear]What a creepy-looking teddy bear.
[M07_Interest_07_Heat_Thing_on_Wall]It's radiating intense heat.
[M07_Interest_08_Staircase_1]The staircase is unstable. Dead end.
[M07_Interest_09_Staircase_2]It seems to go on forever.
[M07_Interest_10_Dead_End_1]It's a dead end.
[M07_Interest_11_Dead_End_2]Another dead end.
[M07_Interest_12_Dead_End_3]This goes nowhere.
[M07_Interest_13_Dead_End_4]The staircase ends here.
[M07_Interest_14_Scarlet_Artifact_1]A child's hairbrush.
[M07_Interest_15_Scarlet_Artifact_2]It looks like a child's mirror.
[M07_Interest_16_Scarlet_Artifact_3]It's a little girl's hair clip.
[M07_Interest_17_Big_Fans_in_Floor]What's down there?  
[M07_Interest_18_Toolbox]What's inside this?
[M07_Interest_19_Furnace]It looks like a furnace.
[M07_Interest_20_Fallen_Debris]I can't get through here.
[M07_Interest_22_Big_Fan_on_Wall]There's a suitcase on the other side. How can I get through?
[M07_Interest_22_Big_Fan_on_Wall_1]There's something on the other side...
[M07_Interest_22_Big_Fan_on_Wall_2]I wonder if there's a way to turn this fan off.
[M07_Interest_23_Dents_in_Wall_A]What the hell dented this wall?
[M07_Interest_24_Dents_in_Wall_B]Something big tried to get through here.
[M07_Interest_25_Light_Cracks_in_Walls]There's light coming from the other side.
[M07_Interest_26_Hall_on_Other_Side_of_Metal_Fencing]Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
[M07_Interest_27_Fan_Puzzle_Switch_1]That shut down power to some of the fans.
[M07_Interest_28_Fan_Puzzle_Switch_2]That shut down a few fans.
[M07_Interest_29_Fan_Puzzle_Switch_3]That alternated a few fans.
[M07_Interest_30_Fan_Puzzle_Switch_4]That shut down power to some other fans.
[M07_Interest_31_White_Gears]What are these gears driving?
[M07_Interest_32]Josh!  Wait!

# Additional Story Strings #
[M07_Interest_33_In_Scarlets_Bedroom_Shrine]I came in this way.
[M07_Interest_34_In_Scarlets_Bedroom_Shrine]What the hell..?  This wasn't blocked off just a minute ago!
[M07_Interest_36_At_Glass_Case]The last thing I remember is getting the doll from this case.
[M07_Interest_37_At_Glass_Case]What's so special about this porcelain doll anyway?
[M07_Interest_39_Furnace]Is that a...body in there?
[M07_Interest_40_Furnace]No... Just my imagination.
[M07_Interest_41_Doll_1st_Seen]It's a little girl's doll.
[M07_Interest_42_Doll_1st_Seen]What's it doing here?
[M07_Interest_43_Doll_1st_Seen]This is a strange place for a kid to leave a toy.
[M07_Interest_45_Doll_2nd_Seen]These must belong to Scarlet, Doctor Fitch's daughter.
[M07_Interest_47_Doll_3rd_Seen]What's with all the dolls?
[M07_Interest_48_Doll_3rd_Seen]Who left them down here?
[M07_Interest_49_Doll_3rd_Seen]I have a bad feeling about this.
[M07_Interest_50_Body_Bags_Hanging]Those look like body bags...
[M07_Interest_52_Body_Bags_Hanging]Maybe I don't want to know.
[M07_Interest_53_Photo_of_Scarlet]It's a picture of a young girl. I think its Scarlet.
[M07_Interest_55_Photo_of_Scarlet]I need to find her.  I've got a feeling she's down here somewhere.
[M07_Interest_56_Surreal_Hanging_Body]Is that a body?
[M07_Interest_57_Surreal_Hanging_Body]And why is it hanging...sideways?
[M07_Interest_59_Scarlets_Letter_in_Dr_Fitchs_Office]It's a letter from Dr. Fitch's daughter, Scarlet.
[M07_Interest_Scarlet_Bed_2]This bed is disgusting.
[M07_Interest_Drop_1]The path ends here.
[M07_Interest_Drop_2]Maybe theres another way.
[M07_Interest_Drop_3]Theres a drop here.
[M07_Interest_Drop_4]I can't see the bottom.
[M07_Interest_Drop_5]This is a dead end, maybe theres another way.
[M07_Interest_Drop_6]Looks like there used to be a platform here.
[M07_Interest_Drop_7]I cant see any further.
[M07_Interest_Drop_8]Theres no way in hell I'm dropping down that.
[M07_Interest_Jump_Hole_1]I wonder what created this hole.
[M07_Interest_Drill_1]What the hell is that?
[M07_Interest_How_Far_1]How far down does this go?
[M07_Interest_How_Far_2]This place gives me the creeps.
[M07_Interest_Turning_Tunnel_1]Is that turning?
[M07_Interest_Turning_Tunnel_2]Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
[M07_Interest_Boss_Pipes_1]Some pipes.
[M07_Interest_Sign_Entrance_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Main Entrance
[M07_Interest_Sign_Restriced_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Restricted Area \nDepartment of Health Officials Only
[M07_Interest_Sign_Visiting_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Visiting hours are from \n9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
[M07_Interest_Sign_Ambulance_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>EMERGENCY & AMBULANCE ENTRANCE
[M07_Interest_Sign_Information_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Information about our patience is strictly confidential \nand should not be discussed in public places.
[M07_Interest_Sign_Staff_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>STAFF ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT
[M07_Interest_Sign_Gloves_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>AVOID HEALTH RISKS! \nWEAR GLOVES
[M07_Interest_Sign_Noise_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Please \nKeep noise to a minimum
[M07_Interest_Sign_Voltage_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Hazardous voltage inside. \nCan shock, burn, or cause death.
[M07_Interest_Sign_Nursing_Staff_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>ATTENTION NURSING STAFF: \nAll medications to be administered daily before 9:00 a.m.
[M07_Interest_Sign_Shot_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>SHOT PATIENTS PLEASE SIGN IN
[M07_Interest_Sign_Safe_Environment_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>The staff and patients in this hospital \nhave the right to work and be cared for \nin a safe and supportive environment

### M08_SGTown4 ###

[M08_HiddenRoom_Manifesto_1]This book looks ancient - the pages are all tattered.  I can barely read the text.

[M08_Painting_Wrong]That crest doesn't fit here.
[M08_Painting_Right]The crest fits perfectly.
[M08_Painting_Done]I've already emptied this compartment.



# M08 - Second Visit to SGTown_2 #
[M08A_Interest_02_Bartlett_Puzzle_Photo_Second_Visit]Mayor Bartlett... May his soul rest in piece.
[M08A_Interest_03_Fitch_Puzzle_Photo_Second_Visit]I can't believe Doctor Fitch is dead.
[M08A_Interest_04_Clock_Tower]Hey, the hands on the clock tower aren't moving.
[M08A_Interest_05_Secret_Room_Tree_Root]A secret chamber below the Town Hall. Where's it lead to?
[M08A_Interest_06_Secret_Entrance]This looks like some sort of passageway, but it's blocked.
[M08A_Interest_07_Paper_in_Typewriter]It says, <COLOR,195,188,228>Save Yourself.<CLEARCOLOR> Very funny.
[M08A_Interest_08_Side_Gate_First_Visit]This is an unusual keyhole.
[M08A_Interest_09_Side_Gate_Second_Visit]Wait, can I use that Dagger here...?
[M08A_Interest_10_Graffiti_on_Bus_Stop]It says, <COLOR,195,188,228>Time Discovers Truth.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M08A_Interest_11_Graffiti_below_Fire_Escape]It reads, <COLOR,195,188,228>Fortune will visit upon you from above.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M08A_Interest_HouseDoor01]What is going on here? Where did this come from?
[M08A_Interest_HouseDoor02]I've got to find another way inside!

[M08A_AlleyTruck]I don't need any more gas right now...

# M08 - Second Visit to SGTown_4 #
[M08B_Interest_12_Keyhole_A]I've never seen keyholes like these before.
[M08B_Interest_13_Keyhole_B]What's with all of these odd-looking keyholes?
[M08B_Interest_14_Keyhole_C]Is there a key for this funny keyhole?
[M08B_Interest_15_Locked_Gate_Leading_to_Stairs]I'll need a key or something to open this.
[M08B_Interest_16_At_Open_Graves]I think Mayor Bartlett was digging up bodies and...feeding them to that tree..?

[M08_DocOffice_Painting1]It's a painting of a lake.
[M08_DocOffice_LobbyTable]This table is covered in dust, it looks like no one has used it for a long time.
[M08_DocOffice_Diphtheria]<COLOR,195,188,228>Diphtheria strikes unprotected children.\nProtect your children with Toxoid! Toxoid Prevents Diphtheria.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M08_DocOffice_STD]It's a poster warning about STD's.
[M08_DocOffice_Diagram]It's a diagram of the organs in the human body.

[M08_LodgeKeyHint01]I've seen the symbol on this key before...
[M08_LodgeKeyHint02]I remember seeing it in the town hall when I was a kid.....I can't remember where in the building though...

[M08_CultRoom_FloorSymbol01]There is a large symbol on the floor.
[M08_CultRoom_FloorSymbol02]I know I have seen this before...

[M08_CultRoom_TreeRoot1]This root must be from the old oak tree by the Town Hall.
[M08_CultRoom_TreeRoot2]But that tree has been there forever, how old is this room?

[M08_ShrinkNote_01]<COLOR,195,188,228> Dear Mr. Fitch, \nI was so disappointed that you missed our appointment last Thursday.  This is the third time in a month that you've not appeared at the allotted time.  I implore you to reschedule as soon as you can.  We've made such progress over the past few months - I can't stress how important it is that we maintain regular contact to ensure a speedy recovery.  I look forward to seeing you soon.\nSincerely.  Dr. Slater ・Chief Resident Psychiatric Department Alchemilla Hospital. <CLEARCOLOR>

[M08_DegreeFitch_01]<COLOR,195,188,228>Southeastern University\nUpon the recommendation of the Faculty of\nThe School of Medicine\nAnd by the virtue of the authority vested in them by the Congress of the\nUnited States the Board of Trustees of Southeastern University\nHas conferred upon\nMartin Fitch\nMedicinae Doctor\nTogether with all honors rights and privileges thereto pertaining,\nIn recognition of all requirements for this degree.<CLEARCOLOR>

# M08 Objectives
[M08_Objective_DocFitch]- Go to Doc Fitch's office.
[M08_Objective_LodgeHal]- Investigate the Town Hall.

### M09_Alex2 ###

[M09_Dialogue_Mom]Mom is in an almost catatonic state and has nothing coherent to say.
[M09_HuntingRoom_LOCKED]The door to Dad's hunting room won't open. There is a slot where the doorknob should be.
[M09_Coolerclosed]It's an ice chest.
[M09_Cooleropened]It's a key!
[M09_AtticDoor_LOCKED]The door to the attic is locked.
[M09_CeremonialDagger_USE]I used the <COLOR,155,240,155>Ceremonial Dagger<CLEARCOLOR>.
[M09_AtticKey_USE]I used the <COLOR,155,240,155>Attic Key <CLEARCOLOR>.

[M09_DadsLetter_Read1]<COLOR,195,188,228>I have failed, and they know it.  They blame me. They should. I swore to protect this town, but I can't.\nThe streets decay before our eyes. The curse we always feared has come upon us.  Worse yet, The Order has returned, kidnapping and killing with impunity, brainwashing those they take in an effort to rebuild their flock.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_DadsLetter_Read2]<COLOR,195,188,228>Whether they want to punish us for the exodus of our forefathers - or simply to breathe new life into the old ways, I don't know. But they've taken our people.\nThe only thing left is to face the source of this evil, to fight it, and pray that some hope can be restored. My sole consolation is that I've finally opened my eyes to the evil in Silent Hill.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_DadsLetter_Read3]<COLOR,195,188,228>In Silent Hill.<CLEARCOLOR>

[M09_Tumbler_Joshua_Riddle_Hint_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Down in the dark, so quiet, so cold.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_Tumbler_Joshua_Riddle_Hint_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>All have abandoned me, or so I'm told.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_Tumbler_Joshua_Riddle_Hint_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Floating in darkness, nothing can I feel.<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_Tumbler_Joshua_Riddle_Hint_4]<COLOR,195,188,228>I must find the light, if I am to heal.<CLEARCOLOR>


# Dad's Hunting Room - Now accessible - In B-state #
[M09_Interest_02_Attic_Key]What was Dad hiding in here?
[M09_Interest_03_Workbench]This is where Dad cleaned the animals he hunted.
[M09_Interest_03_Workbench2]Dad must have used this table for cleaning animals. Was that why he never let me in here?
[M09_Interest_04_Fishing_Poles]I don't remember Dad taking me fishing.
[M09_Interest_04_Fishing_Poles2]This must be Dad's fishing pole.
[M09_Interest_04_Fishing_Poles3]I remember dad going fishing a lot when I was younger. He loved it.

# The Attic - Now accessible - In B-state #
[M09_Interest_06_Stuffed_Bear]Whose stuffed bear is this?  Joshua's?
[M09_Interest_07_Dress_Dummy]These dummies look a little too real.
[M09_Interest_08_Boxes]I guess Mom's been storing stuff up here.
[M09_Interest_09_Book_Shelf]It looks like there's something behind this book shelf.
[M09_Interest_10_Ornate_Desk2]There's some weird...thing...on this desk. It looks like a puzzle.
[M09_Interest_11_Adams_Letter]Oh my god. It's a letter from Dad.
[M09_Interest_12_Silent_Hill_Map2]It looks like a map of Silent Hill.\nDid he go there?
[M09_Interest_12_Silent_Hill_Map3]I need to ask Mom if she knows about this.

# Basement - In C-state#
[M09_Interest_13_Trophy_Room_Heads_C_Shift]Okay, now these heads are really freaky!
[M09_Interest_16_Living_Room_Plants_C_Shift]The plants are all dead.
[M09_Interest_16_Living_Room_Plants_C_Shift2]It's totally dead.
[M09_Interest_16_Living_Room_Plants_C_Shift2]This plant looks like it's been dead a really long time.
[M09_Interest_17_Living_Room_Couch_C_Shift]The couch is rotted and decayed.
[M09_Interest_18_Parents_Room_C_Shift]What the hell caused all this?
[M09_Interest_19_Alexs_Bedroom_C_Shift]What is this thing?  How did it get here?

# Foyer - Main Front Door Puzzle - In C-state#
[M09_Interest_20_Front_Door_C_Shift]Something's keeping this creepy door from opening...
[M09_Interest_20_Front_Door_C_Shift2]It looks like this...flesh is holding the door closed.
[M09_Interest_21_Turn_Crank_Fail_A]Something's still not right.  I should probably explore the house some more.
[M09_Interest_22_Turn_Crank_Fail_B]I'm missing something. Maybe I should double check each room.
[M09_Interest_23_Turn_Crank_Fail_C]Maybe I haven't fully solved this yet. I better try again.
[M09_Interest_25_Dead_Order_Corpses_B]Whatever killed him could still be around...
[M09_Interest_26_Dead_Order_Corpses_C]I'd better watch my back.

# Attic Puzzle - In C-state #
[M09_Interest_27_Puzzle_Attic_Machines]What are these crazy machines?
[M09_Interest_28_Puzzle_Attic_Secret_Room]It's that room where Dad gave Joshua his ring.
[M09_Interest_29_Puzzle_Attic_Uniform]This looks just like the same jacket that I'm wearing.
[M09_Interest_29_Puzzle_Attic_Uniform2]This is Dad's old military jacket. The one I'm wearing looks exactly like it.
[M09_Interest_29_Puzzle_Attic_Uniform3]Dad always told me I'd never cut it in the military.  He'd be proud of me now.
[M09_Interest_30_Puzzle_Attic_Medal_Case]These are Dad's military medals, only...twisted.
[M09_Interest_34_Puzzle_Attic_Courage]It's a Fallen Star Medal.
[M09_Interest_35_Puzzle_Attic_Honor]It's a Vile Acts Medal.
[M09_Interest_36_Puzzle_Attic_Fourth]It's a Medal of Sin.
[M09_Interest_37_Puzzle_Attic_Bravery]It's a Heart of Darkness Medal.
[M09_Interest_38_Puzzle_Attic_Correct]This looks right.
[M09_Interest_39_Puzzle_Attic_Wrong]The medals must be placed incorrectly.

# Second Floor Puzzle - In C-state #
[M09_Interest_40_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animals]These things are filthy. What am I supposed to do with these?
[M09_Interest_41_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Message]There's a message here.
[M09_Interest_42_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animal_1]A bunny.
[M09_Interest_43_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animal_2]A moose.
[M09_Interest_44_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animal_3]A cat.
[M09_Interest_45_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animal_4]A dolphin.
[M09_Interest_46_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Animal_5]A raven.
[M09_Interest_47_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Correct]Is this right?
[M09_Interest_48_Puzzle_Second_Floor_Wrong]I must have the wrong doll or something.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Bunny]A stuffed bunny.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Bunny_2]It's wet and covered in mold.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Cat]Just a stuffed cat.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Cat_2]Sure smells funny.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Moose]I always liked this stuffed Moose more than Joshua did.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Raven]It's a stuffed Raven.
[M09_Interest_Stuffed_Raven_2]Look's a little worse for wear.
[M09_Interest_JoshuaPuzzle_Clue_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>Nobody saw when you were crying on your bed. \nI wanted to help you, but I hid myself instead.
[M09_Interest_JoshuaPuzzle_Clue_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>The ticking of a clock, then suddenly not. \nFate left me here, in shadow I will rot.
[M09_Interest_JoshuaPuzzle_Clue_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Under my covers the darkness kept me in. \nOnly the daylight can save me from my sin.

# First Floor Puzzle - In C-state #
[M09_Interest_49_Puzzle_First_Floor_Family_Room]Okay, what do I do with these creepy masks?
[M09_Interest_50_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mannequin]There's a plaque. It says,
[M09_Interest_50_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mannequin2]'She wore this mask to hide her pain.'
[M09_Interest_51_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mask_1]This one's full of hatred.
[M09_Interest_52_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mask_2]This expression is just...indifferent.
[M09_Interest_54_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mask_3]This mask looks so sad.
[M09_Interest_55_Puzzle_First_Floor_Mask 4]This one has a happy expression.
[M09_Interest_Mask_Hate]It's a cracked and worn mask - looks Angry.
[M09_Interest_Mask_Indifferent]The expression on this mask feels cold.
[M09_Interest_Mask_Indifferent_2]Just like mom...
[M09_Interest_Mask_Sad]This mask reminds me of my mother.
[M09_Interest_Mask_Sad_2]...Although I don't remember her ever looking sad.
[M09_Interest_Mask_Happy]This mask is smiling...
[M09_Interest_Mask_Happy_2]It's almost like it's laughing at me.
[M09_Interest_56_Puzzle_First_Floor_Correct]This looks right.
[M09_Interest_57_Puzzle_First_Floor_Wrong]What?  How is this supposed to work?
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Riddle_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>To hide her pain this face she did wear...<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Riddle_2]It trails off. Maybe there's more on the other side?
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Riddle_3]<COLOR,195,188,228>Behind this mask her heart was laid bare.<CLEARCOLOR>

# Basement Puzzle - In C-state #
[M09_Interest_58_Puzzle_Basement_Hunting_Room]This room is covered in gore.
[M09_Interest_59_Puzzle_Basement_Blood]There's something written backwards in the blood. It says,
[M09_Interest_59_Puzzle_Basement_Blood2]'Dad cut me the deepest.'
[M09_Interest_61_Puzzle_Basement_Cleaning_Station]What the hell was killed on this table?
[M09_Interest_62_Puzzle_Basement_Knife_and_Rabbit]It's a bloody knife stuck ・and it's stuck in some gutted carcass.
[M09_Interest_63_Puzzle_Basement_Rack]This knife rack has all of our names on it.
[M09_Interest_64_Puzzle_Basement_Correct]Did I get it right?
[M09_Interest_65_Puzzle_Basement_Wrong]The knife must belong in another slot.

# Additional Story Strings #
[M09_Interest_66_First_Enter_Hunting_Room]So, this is Dad's secret hunting room.
[M09_Interest_67_Dads_Calendar]Here's that calendar I saw in Joshua's Photo Album. Dad must have let him in here.
[M09_Interest_69_Dads_Calendar]Son of a...What a spoiled brat.
[M09_Interest_73_Attic_Family_Artifact_2_Record_Player]Whoa, my old record player!
[M09_Interest_74_Attic_Family_Artifact_2_Record_Player]Joshua used to make fun of me for holding onto this.
[M09_Interest_75_Attic_Family_Artifact_2_Record_Player]I think I got it at a garage sale.
[M09_Interest_76_Attic_Family_Artifact_3_Typewriter]This is our old typewriter. I learned how to type on this piece of junk.
[M09_Interest_78_Attic_Family_Artifact_3_Typewriter]It's hard to imagine how people got anything done before computers.
[M09_Interest_Cross]This old cross has a symbol above it like the one on the door.
[M09_Interest_Nightmare_Door_1]The door won't budge.
[M09_Interest_Nightmare_Door_2]How do I unlock it?
[M09_Interest_Foyer_Gate_1]I need to find a way to open this.
[M09_Interest_Foyer_Gate_2]This gate is controlled by weird mechanism.
[M09_Interest_Foyer_Symbol_1]There's flesh and chains covering this door.
[M09_Interest_Foyer_Symbol_2]I wonder if I can open it?
[M09_Interest_Foyer_Symbol_3]The symbol is lit up now. There's three more.
[M09_Interest_Living_Room_Valves_1]There's a valve here but it's rusted shut.
[M09_Interest_Living_Room_Curtains_1]My mothers curtain's used to be here.
[M09_Interest_Flesh_Windows_1]It look's like...
[M09_Interest_Flesh_Windows_2]Is that skin?
[M09_Interest_Kitchen_Hole_1]There's a hole in this wall,
[M09_Interest_Kitchen_Hole_2]but it looks as though it's made out of flesh.
[M09_Interest_Kitchen_Vines_1]These Vines looks almost human.
[M09_Interest_Kitchen_Vines_2]What are they feeding off of?
[M09_Interest_Kitchen_Boiler_1]The stove used to be here.
[M09_Interest_Basement_Knife_Clue_1]Theres a special spot for each knife on the board.
[M09_Interest_Basement_Fan_1]Looks like a turbine fan or something.
[M09_Interest_Basement_Fan_2]Not sure what it does.
[M09_Interest_Basement_Valves_1]I can't turn it, it's rusted shut.
[M09_Interest_Attic_Axehead_1]Looks like on of the monsters I've seen.
[M09_Interest_Attic_Axehead_2]I wonder what killed this one?
[M09_Interest_Attic_Machinery_1]It's like a factory in here.
[M09_Interest_Attic_Machinery_2]What are all these machines for?
[M09_Interest_Attic_Mannequin_1]Just an old mannequin, nothing special.
[M09_Interest_Attic_Medal_Case_1]There's space for three medals, but there's only one here.
[M09_Interest_Attic_Medal_Case_2]Where are the others?
[M09_Interest_Attic_Medal_Clue_1]Maybe theres an order to these medals.
[M09_Interest_Bathroom_Vines_1]These vines appear to be everywhere,
[M09_Interest_Bathroom_Vines_2]as if something alive is taking over the house.
[M09_Interest_Alex_Room_Clock_1]This clock didn't used to be here.
[M09_Interest_Alex_Room_Clock_2]Looks like I can turn the hands.
[M09_Interest_Sewing_Room_Push_Object_1]This is on a track.
[M09_Interest_Sewing_Room_Push_Object_2]I think I could probably move it.
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Fail_1]That doesn't seem right.
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Fail_2]Maybe if I try something else.
[M09_Interest_Puzzle_Fail_3]That can't be right.
[M09_Interest_House_Clue_1]<COLOR,195,188,228>To escape to the future you must know the past<CLEARCOLOR>
[M09_Interest_House_Clue_2]<COLOR,195,188,228>We are bound to our pain, remember, and set us free<CLEARCOLOR>


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最終更新:2009年12月30日 14:28