メモの翻訳 Town hall

The history of Shepherd’s Glen is one of opportunity and enterprise. First settled nearly a century and a half ago, its founders came here as pilgrims, searching for a new home to practice their faith and ensure the prosperity of their four families.
It soon flourished into a thriving small town. Shops and businesses sprung up on what is now Main Street. The turn of the century brought tourists, eager to explore the region’s lake and rivers. And with tourists, came more businesses.
In the 1950s, many of the original municipal buildings, such as the town hall and the library, were restored. The 1990s encouraged further investment, modernizing Shepherd’s Glen as it headed into the new millennium. But throughout its success, Shepherd’s Glen has always managed to remain a close-knit community, maintaining the same ideals on which it was founded. One can only hope that the founding families would be proud, if they saw the town as it is today.


What should have been a normal school run home turned into tragedy last week when a freak thunderstorm washed a school bus into the raging torrent of the Toluca River. The normally placid river, swollen by nearly a week of record-breaking rainfall, was running almost 15ft higher than normal.
Mark Ward, the conscientious school bus driver for Toluca County, was unprepared for what he found when entering River View Road that runs parallel with the river. The fast moving water eroded the soil underneath the asphalt, leaving it unsupported.
The road suddenly collapsed as the bus pitched into the roaring river below. Carried along a white water ride for a 1/4 of a mile, amongst the screams of the petrified children, the bus became lodged under the aptly named Hope Bridge.
Doctor Martin Fitch MD had just finished a house call and was on his way back to the office, following directly behind the school bus when the road gave way.
Managing to stop in time Doctor Fitch got out of his car, braving the downpour, and ran alongside the river for 1/4 of a mile when the bus finally became jammed under the bridge.
Without a thought for his own personal safety, Doctor Fitch jumped into the river and swam towards the bus. After breaking the rear window, he climbed inside to assess the situation.
Inside he found a terrible scene. The driver, trapped by his safety-belt, had been killed when the front of the bus flooded.
All of the 2nd and 3rd Grade Students survived without major injury, but appeared severely frightened by the events.
The children were evacuated to the nearby Alchemilla Hospital in Silent Hill to recuperate after their ordeal.
During the evacuation, the situation took another terrifying turn. His leg trapped by the partially crumpled front of the vehicle, brave 8-year-old Alex Shepherd was unable to move.
Doctor Fitch knew that if Alex didn't drown, the cold waters of the Toluca River would put him into cold shock as his core temperature plummeted and he succumbed to hypothermia.
Time was critical. The Doctor quickly stripped off his shirt; taking a hold of the boy, he wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around him, and then waited for the rescue crews to reach them.
The heat and warmth of the doctor's body may well have been the only thing that saved Alex's life that day. It took the fire crews nearly 4 hours to finally free Alex from the wreckage of the school bus. During the entire time he was trapped in the bus, Doctor Fitch never left his side.
For his feat of bravery the City council gave their highest award to Doctor Fitch, along with the Key to the City.
Though tragedy struck for Martin Ward; the potential loss of all those children was averted by the selfless act of one man, Dr. Martin Fitch MD.


In the pursuit of creating a more perfect Way, rules must be followed and rules must be enforced. Any member who ignores this command shall be dealt with swiftly and in view of all. This shall ensure continued prosperity.
It is, therefore, imperative that the effective Master Of Arms not waive in the responsibility of enacting this power until his last day in this life.
In God's name, so shall it be.


With the truth of the old believers fractured, it is essential that one person maintain and effectuate the modern sectarian rites we have toiled so faithfully to create and protect.
After taking up the mantle of this post, The Performer Of Rites shall make a pilgrimage to the edge of the forsaken region to purify himself from the sins of the past. There he will beseech the forefathers for forgiveness and understanding.
In God's name, so shall it be.


To continue on the path we have laid before us, it is vital that the people remember the road traveled. We must continually provide, update and nurture accurate records of the past that cannot be challenged by outsiders.
Once the lore has been handed over, The Keeper shall confine himself to an uncorrupted sanctuary. There he shall learn the history of The Founders.
In God's name, so shall it be.


In defense of The Tenets, it is necessary that one person preside over the punishments of any members who have fallen from the Path. These rulings must be based on complete understanding of the laws set forth and must be executed without prejudice.
The Executor Of Law must not waive in the responsibility of enacting this power, he must declare his oath, in public forum, to uphold the ideals of The Book.
In God's Name, so shall it be.



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最終更新:2010年01月31日 11:11