You raise me up ver.ジョナサン&エリナ

When the mind is darkly cold,you warrned me.
(心が暗く冷えてしまった時 暖かくしてくれた君)
How beautiful world where you are is...!

It is my boast to love you.
So You are my precious whereabouts.

It was not a burden to shoulder the world.
I want to defend your smile and support you.
Please become happy.My dear heart Erina.
I pray quietly in ship that sinks.

Presentiment of death felt in lip.
You don't permit share in the death.
Your cruel gentleness tortured me.
But my mind is always by you.

You raise me up. so I can stand on mountains.
(君がいたから どんな山をも越えられた)
You raise me up. walk on stormy seas.
(君がいるから 荒れた海を渡ってゆける)
I am strong. when I am on your shoulders.
(君に支えられて 強くなれるんだ)
You raise me up, to more than I can be.
(君がいるから 僕以上の僕になれる)

Your footprint becomes a road and shines on everything.
The descendant will hear story of you.
The world that you defended is such beautiful.
I live in the world that you defended.
(私は生きてゆく あなたの守った世界で)

I live in the world that you defended.
(生きてゆく あなたの守った世界で)

原曲【Celtic Woman「You Raise Me Up」】


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