
  1. Noda T, Nakao S (1996) Dynamics of an entire population of the subtidal snail Umbonium costatum: the importance of annual recruitment fluctuation. Journal of Animal Ecology 65 : 196-204.
  2. Hori M, Noda T (2001) Spatio-temporal variation of avian foraging in the rocky intertidal food web. Journal of Animal Ecology 70 : 122-137.
  3. Hori M, Noda T (2001) An unpredictable indirect effect of algal consumption by gulls on crows. Ecology 82 : 3251-3256.
  4. Noda T (2004) Spatial hierarchal approach in community ecology: away beyond high context-dependency and low predictability in local phenomenon. Population Ecology 46 : 105-117.
  5. Noda T (2004) Large scale variability in recruitment of barnacle Semibalanus cariosus: its cause and effects on their population density and predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series 278 : 241-252.
  6. 野田隆史(2004)転換期にある岩礁潮間帯の群集生態学:テーマ,スケール,およびアプローチ. 日本プランクトン学会報 51 : 145-150.
  7. Okuda T, Noda T, Yamamoto T, Hori M, and Nakaoka M (2009) Latitudinal gradient in species diversity in assemblages of sessile animals in rocky intertidal zone: mechanisms determining scale-dependent variability. Journal of Animal Ecology 78 328-337
  8. Noda T (2009) Metacommunity-level coexistence mechanisms in rocky intertidal sessile assemblages based on a new empirical synthesis. Population Ecology 51:41-55
  9. Sahara R, Fukaya K, OkudaT, Hori M, Yamamoto T, Nakaoka M, Noda (2016)Larval dispersal dampens population fluctuation and shapes the interspecific spatial distribution patterns of rocky intertidal gastropods. Ecography 39 : 487-493
  10. Noda T, Iwasaki A, Fukaya K (2016) Recovery of rocky intertidal zonation: two years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the UK 96 : 1549-1555
  11. 野田隆史(2016)群集モジュール法による汚染の間接的影響の理解:生態学的視点. 日本生態学会誌66 : 95-108
  • 最近の業績(2005年以降)はこちらにまとめています。

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