<CATEGORY Name="01_06_workshop">
    <Entry Name="EventNoticeAxe">It could just be a piece of ice reflecting the light, or more likely, my imagination, but something's definitely catching my eye under those rocks...</Entry>氷の破片に光が反射したのかもしれないが、石の下に私の目を引いた何かがあるようだ。
    <Entry Name="DescShovels01">These look like they've seen some use in their time. Can't have been much fun working down here. In fact, it must have been pretty God awful.</Entry>かなり使われたようでひどい状態だ。
    <Entry Name="DescShovels02">These won't do any better job of knocking down that door. They're more likely to disintegrate on contact.</Entry>ぶつけたら壊れそうだ。この道具ではドアは壊せそうにない。
    <Entry Name="DescExplDoor01">Locked. Damnit! How am I going to get in there now?! The door does look very weak and old.</Entry>鍵がかかっている。くそっ!どうやって中に入ればいいんだ。このドアは非常に脆そうだが・・・。
    <Entry Name="DescCottonstrings01">A box full of odd bits of string.</Entry>ひもで一杯の箱
    <Entry Name="DescCottonstrings02">Hey, maybe I could use some of this string to make a fuse! It looks in decent enough condition...</Entry>導火線を作るのにこのひもは使えそうだな。状態も良さそうだ。
    <Entry Name="EventPickString">Brilliant, one step closer to setting off those explosives without losing any vital body parts.</Entry>素晴らしい、爆発させるのに一歩近づけたぞ
    <Entry Name="DescExplDoorFirst">'Explosives'. Ah, this is more like it!</Entry>「爆発物」おぉ、これだな。
    <Entry Name="DescKeg">Perfect, a gun powder keg. There's only a small hole at the top though, not big enough to reach in...</Entry>完璧だな。黒色火薬の樽だ。しかし、穴が小さすぎるな。
    <Entry Name="DescPileArea">Dry gun powder, that's what I need!</Entry>乾燥した黒色火薬。必要な物だ!
    <Entry Name="EventFuseCreated">Right, with any luck, one fuse, ready to go.</Entry>よし、導火線が出来た。準備万端だ。
    <Entry Name="DescHole">God, more spider webs... I hope that hole was there before the spiders, and not the other way around.</Entry>くそっ、また蜘蛛の巣か・・・この穴は蜘蛛が掘ったものじゃないことを願うぜ。
    <Entry Name="DescShelf">Empty shelves.</Entry>空の棚
    <Entry Name="DescWeb">Urgh! Just looking at these webs makes my skin crawl...</Entry>うわっ!蜘蛛の巣を見るだけで鳥肌が立つぜ。
    <Entry Name="TaskExplDoor">I think I might have found the explosives storage, in which case I need to somehow break down the locked door.</Entry>爆薬が格納されている所はわかったが、鍵のかかった扉をどうにかしなくてはな。
    <Entry Name="DescStuff01">Nope, nothing too practical here.</Entry>役立ちそうな物はないな。
    <Entry Name="DescWheel01">It's a spare wheel.</Entry>予備の車輪だ。
    <Entry Name="DescMachine01">Looks ancient... it's so old I don't even know what it would've been used for.</Entry>かなり古そうだな・・・私にはこれが何に使われていたかわからない。
    <Entry Name="EventStringKeg">The hole's too small to thread the string through...</Entry>ひもを通すには穴が小さすぎる。
    <Entry Name="EventStringPowder">What am I thinking, that's not what the recipe said. I need to soak the string first.</Entry>私は何を考えているんだ?レシピに書いてあったではないか。まずはひもをデキストリンに浸すんだ。
    <Entry Name="DescLight01">It looks like this hole's at least three feet below the surface, the light's being refracted through all that ice.</Entry>あの穴から地表までは3フィートはありそうだな。
    <Entry Name="DescGrailing01">This place is in a serious state... did that railing come off through disrepair, or was it ripped off?</Entry>ここはまずいな・・・この柵は老朽化で外れたのか、それとも何かがぶつかったのか?
    <Entry Name="DescBlockade01">An electric fence and it's been put up recently? I'd better find a way to get over.</Entry>この電気柵は最近作られたのか?乗り越える方法を探さなくては。
    <Entry Name="DescCherryBomb">These look like homemade cherry bombs... very small explosives, probably soaked through by now.</Entry>お手製のチェリーボムのようだな・・・小さな爆弾だがおそらく湿気ているだろう。
    <Entry Name="DescSaw">Worn and torn yet the edge is sharp to the touch.</Entry>摩耗し、傷ついているがまだ縁はとがったままだ。
    <Entry Name="DescWoodBench">All the things that you'll need to be successful as a carpenter.</Entry>大工になるには絶対必要な物だな。
    <Entry Name="DescBattery">This loose battery is powering the fence, can't be that long ago this was all setup.</Entry>このバッテリーはかなり昔に用意されたというわけではなさそうだ。


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