
トップページ - (2011/12/21 (水) 20:17:19) の最新版との変更点



#image(skyrimjptop.jpg) *Wiki管理人◆Y0SSPwcwgmgx よりお知らせ -著作権について:ベセスダ公式でアナウンスがあれば公開停止&br()[[公式側としては許可する方向のようです>http://azor.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/23/]] ([[ログ>http://megalodon.jp/2011-1204-2043-02/azor.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/23/]])&br()[[日本語版の公式翻訳データは、配布禁止になりました。>http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/53788/1322590757/518]] -αテスト版(機械語含む) 公開 プレイしながらの修正翻訳作業へ移行しました。 -2chにある2011年12月4日以降のSkyrim翻訳スレは、当プロジェクトと無関係です。 翻訳プロジェクトへの参加は[[翻訳作業所]]へ *リンク [[TESV Skyrim 日本語化Wiki>http://www18.atwiki.jp/skyrim_jp/]] [[TESV Skyrim 日本語化アップローダー>http://ux.getuploader.com/skyrimJP/]] [[【現在】したらば SKYRIM翻訳作業スレ2【翻訳中】>http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/53788/1322590757/]] *利用にあたって 当プロジェクトの配布物を利用するにあたって、利用者は当プロジェクトおよび関係者、 およびSkyrim著作権保持者などの第三者に対して一切の要求を行わない事に同意したものとします。 *著作権について -翻訳文の権利について 和訳投稿者は、自身が投稿したデータの利用に関して一切の権利を行使しない事に同意します。 また、これ等の翻訳文を使って営利的な活動を行わない事を明記します。 -二次利用について 本プロジェクトの翻訳データは、Skyrimの著作権保持者とSkyrim次回作の 翻訳プロジェクトを除き、原則として利用を禁じさせていただきます。 利用にあたって発生した責任・問題に対して、当プロジェクトは一切関知いたしません。 *一部翻訳データの著作権について 当翻訳プロジェクトの一部データ (Oblivionと同じゲーム内書籍の翻訳) を 大変ありがたい事に、許可をいただいた上で利用させていただいております。 これ等の訳文は、[[Oblivon 日本語化Wiki>http://jpmod.oblivion.z49.org/]]の管理下にある事をここに明記します。 *TES5 Skyrimの権利について Skyrim Japanese Translation Wiki (SkyrimJP) is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form, neither does the SkyrimJP claim any representative rights to such. The SkyrimJP is an entirely non-profit site and currently maintains no monetary value. Its purpose is that of an open information repository and is not intended to infringe upon the copyrights of Bethesda Softworks, nor their parent and affiliate companies. This site is neither supported nor endorsed by Bethesda Softworks or its licensers. All information on this website is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including the implied warranties of non-infringement. The SkyrimJP cannot guarantee the validity of any information contained herein and disclaims the accuracy of submitted information, said information being posted without immediate peer review, and open to modification via any third-party. In no event will the SkyrimJP, its host, contributors, sponsors, administrators, sysops, nor editors, formal or otherwise, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, privileged or consequential damages occurring as a result of the use of this website or the content therein; neither shall any of the aforementioned be liable for damages occurring as a result of hyperlinked or otherwise affiliated sites, said damages including, and without limitation, any lost profits, business or personal interruption, loss of data on your information handling system, or otherwise, even should we be expressly advised of the possibility of such. All information supplied herein is provided freely with no guarantee of accuracy, neither is there any guarantee that said information has been submitted by an expert in a legal manner. Furthermore, the SkyrimJP may contain information of a nature revealing particulars concerning Elder Scrolls literature and games ("spoilers") and information deemed objectionable or offensive to certain parties, all of which the SkyrimJP disclaims the responsibility of advisability towards. While a limited license to copy and distribute the contents of this site is in effect, save where certain trademarked contents are concerned, this license does not imply any kind of contractual liability on the part of the SkyrimJP, its agents, members, organizers, or other users. The SkyrimJP disclaims responsibility for any materials submitted herein by yourself, it being understood that such information has been given freely and is incorporated thereafter under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, insofar as relates to the content. Furthermore, the SkyrimJP disclaims any responsibility towards said data should it be changed, edited, or in any way modified by an outside party. The use of trademarked content at the SkyrimJP does not imply that this information may be freely used by any other party, neither does it imply an endorsement by the trademark holder to do so. Unless otherwise noted, the SkyrimJP holds and can grant no rights to the use of any protected information or materials on this site. Bethesda Softworks, XnGine, Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Oblivion and The Elder Scrolls are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Incorporated © 1994-2006. GameBryo is a registered trademark of Emergent Game Technologies. All other content is trademark or registered trademark of its respective owners. ----
#image(skyrimjptop.jpg) *Wiki管理人◆Y0SSPwcwgmgx よりお知らせ -著作権について:ベセスダ公式でアナウンスがあれば公開停止&br()[[公式側としては許可する方向のようです>http://azor.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/23/]] ([[ログ>http://megalodon.jp/2011-1204-2043-02/azor.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/23/]])&br()[[日本語版の公式翻訳データは、配布禁止になりました。>http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/53788/1322590757/518]] -αテスト版(機械語含む) 公開 プレイしながらの修正翻訳作業へ移行しました。 -2chにある2011年12月4日以降のSkyrim翻訳スレは、当プロジェクトと無関係です。&br()現在は、[[したらば>http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/game/53788/]]が使われています。 翻訳プロジェクトへの参加は[[翻訳作業所]]へ *リンク [[TESV Skyrim 日本語化Wiki>http://www18.atwiki.jp/skyrim_jp/]] [[TESV Skyrim 日本語化アップローダー>http://ux.getuploader.com/skyrimJP/]] [[【現在】したらば SKYRIM翻訳作業スレ3【翻訳中】>http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/53788/1330945912/]] *利用にあたって 当プロジェクトの配布物を利用するにあたって、利用者は当プロジェクトおよび関係者、 およびSkyrim著作権保持者などの第三者に対して一切の要求を行わない事に同意したものとします。 *著作権について -翻訳文の権利について 和訳投稿者は、自身が投稿したデータの利用に関して一切の権利を行使しない事に同意します。 また、これ等の翻訳文を使って営利的な活動を行わない事を明記します。 -二次利用について 本プロジェクトの翻訳データは、Skyrimの著作権保持者とSkyrim次回作の 翻訳プロジェクトを除き、原則として利用を禁じさせていただきます。 利用にあたって発生した責任・問題に対して、当プロジェクトは一切関知いたしません。 *一部翻訳データの著作権について 当翻訳プロジェクトの一部データ (Oblivionと同じゲーム内書籍の翻訳) を 大変ありがたい事に、許可をいただいた上で利用させていただいております。 これ等の訳文は、[[Oblivon 日本語化Wiki>http://jpmod.oblivion.z49.org/]]の管理下にある事をここに明記します。 *TES5 Skyrimの権利について Skyrim Japanese Translation Wiki (SkyrimJP) is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form, neither does the SkyrimJP claim any representative rights to such. The SkyrimJP is an entirely non-profit site and currently maintains no monetary value. Its purpose is that of an open information repository and is not intended to infringe upon the copyrights of Bethesda Softworks, nor their parent and affiliate companies. This site is neither supported nor endorsed by Bethesda Softworks or its licensers. All information on this website is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including the implied warranties of non-infringement. The SkyrimJP cannot guarantee the validity of any information contained herein and disclaims the accuracy of submitted information, said information being posted without immediate peer review, and open to modification via any third-party. In no event will the SkyrimJP, its host, contributors, sponsors, administrators, sysops, nor editors, formal or otherwise, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, privileged or consequential damages occurring as a result of the use of this website or the content therein; neither shall any of the aforementioned be liable for damages occurring as a result of hyperlinked or otherwise affiliated sites, said damages including, and without limitation, any lost profits, business or personal interruption, loss of data on your information handling system, or otherwise, even should we be expressly advised of the possibility of such. All information supplied herein is provided freely with no guarantee of accuracy, neither is there any guarantee that said information has been submitted by an expert in a legal manner. Furthermore, the SkyrimJP may contain information of a nature revealing particulars concerning Elder Scrolls literature and games ("spoilers") and information deemed objectionable or offensive to certain parties, all of which the SkyrimJP disclaims the responsibility of advisability towards. While a limited license to copy and distribute the contents of this site is in effect, save where certain trademarked contents are concerned, this license does not imply any kind of contractual liability on the part of the SkyrimJP, its agents, members, organizers, or other users. The SkyrimJP disclaims responsibility for any materials submitted herein by yourself, it being understood that such information has been given freely and is incorporated thereafter under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, insofar as relates to the content. Furthermore, the SkyrimJP disclaims any responsibility towards said data should it be changed, edited, or in any way modified by an outside party. The use of trademarked content at the SkyrimJP does not imply that this information may be freely used by any other party, neither does it imply an endorsement by the trademark holder to do so. Unless otherwise noted, the SkyrimJP holds and can grant no rights to the use of any protected information or materials on this site. Bethesda Softworks, XnGine, Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Oblivion and The Elder Scrolls are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Incorporated © 1994-2006. GameBryo is a registered trademark of Emergent Game Technologies. All other content is trademark or registered trademark of its respective owners. ----

