top eng

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top eng」(2013/06/25 (火) 08:50:42) の最新版変更点



Attention!! Page name can not change it breaks the links Left all as possible as you can then edit. Now I need your help. Translation, writing design paper, etc... any age, any country. * Creating currency and amplifier main function of currency, not only money, system. And new extended definition of currency "Tag currency". Currencies have 3 major functions. Ancient age, we used shell and strings as currency.. Anything can be currency, if they had the 3 major functions. I want to use all of our property as currency, for example talents and art works. To do this administrate it by tag and amplifying the 3 major functions of currency. I created a system “Tag currency” First function “major” is Coin can count. But honesty and nobility can’t count, To count them, express them by tag counting. For example, Using “most important isuue” only once, that tag is very important, but if it used many times, its value is small. Its value can calculate from data on system, which administrate tag. I call this SRNS Next, Function of exchange. Payment system. Bartering can not exchange different evaluation, But tag can be coin, if its administration could commit to someone who want to use value of tag. Tag administration is how many tag can add and remove from something. Last one is saving. Tag can save as electronic information. So can not be rotten.




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