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だれでも歓迎! 編集
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badge_d.stf 232 anniversary_30th_event_badge ...has attended the 30th Anniversary Celebration at Nym's stronghold.
badge_d.stf 111 content_corellia_39_corsec_hero ...has defeated the Chirq Council and become a hero of the Corellian Security Force.
badge_d.stf 230 house_packup_badge ...has successfully demolished ten abandoned buildings.
badge_d.stf 231 house_packup_badge_master ...has successfully demolished the extraordinary number of 50 abandoned buildings.
badge_d.stf 172 npe_finish_all_pilot ...saved Tansarii Point Station from the Black Sun
badge_d.stf 219 pvp_imperial_captain ...has achieved the officer rank of Captain in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 222 pvp_imperial_colonel ...has achieved the officer rank of Colonel in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 223 pvp_imperial_general ...has achieved the prestigious rank of General in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 218 pvp_imperial_lieutenant ...has achieved the officer rank of Lieutenant in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 221 pvp_imperial_lt_colonel ...has achieved the officer rank of Lt Colonel in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 220 pvp_imperial_major ...has achieved the officer rank of Major in the Imperial Army.
badge_d.stf 225 pvp_rebel_captain ...has achieved the officer rank of Captain in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 228 pvp_rebel_colonel ...has achieved the officer rank of Colonel in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 227 pvp_rebel_commander ...has achieved the officer rank of Commander in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 229 pvp_rebel_general ...has achieved the prestigious rank of General in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 224 pvp_rebel_lieutenant ...has achieved the officer rank of Lieutenant in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 226 pvp_rebel_major ...has achieved the officer rank of Major in the Rebel Army.
badge_d.stf 206 restuss_imperial_first ...has helped quell the Rebel scum at the Battle of Restuss!
badge_d.stf 207 restuss_imperial_second ...has helped uphold Imperial law at the Battle of Restuss.
badge_d.stf 208 restuss_rebel_first ...has helped the Alliance defeat the Imperial oppression at the Battle of Restuss!
badge_d.stf 209 restuss_rebel_second ...has helped defend the Alliance at the Battle of Restuss.
badge_d.stf 213 syren_series_done_imperial ...has destroyed a traitorous double-agent for the glory of the Empire!
badge_d.stf 214 syren_series_done_rebel ...has destroyed a treacherous double-agent and slaver for the honor of the Rebel Alliance!


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