

strings.txt_20070817」(2007/08/17 (金) 23:28:32) の最新版変更点



//php/linenumber <?php /** * TestLink Open Source Project - * * Filename $RCSfile: strings.txt,v $ * * @version $Revision: 1.185 $ * @modified $Date: 2007/07/29 19:52:05 $ $Author: kevinlevy $ * * @author Francisco Mancardi * * 20070705 - franciscom - * 20070520 - franciscom - milestones * 20070206 - franciscom - BUGID 618 - \n on JS messages * *------------------------------------------------------------------- * Japanese translation * 2007/08/17 for TestLink 1.7.0 rc3 *------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ //If this file is coded in UTF-8 then enable the following line $TLS_STRINGFILE_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; // General - Leave it here in this way can be reused !!! $TLS_asc = "上昇"; $TLS_btn_no = "いいえ"; $TLS_create = "作成"; $TLS_desc = "下降"; $TLS_test_case = "テストケース"; $TLS_testcase = $TLS_test_case; $TLS_test_plan = "テスト計画"; $TLS_testplan = $TLS_test_plan; $TLS_test_suite = "テストスイート"; $TLS_SRS = "SRS"; $TLS_Role = "役割"; $TLS_Keyword = "キーワード"; $TLS_Milestone = "マイルストーン"; $TLS_testsuite_created = "テストスイート作成"; $TLS_requirement = "Requirement"; $TLS_assigned = "assigned"; $TLS_unassigned = "unassigned"; $TLS_import_file_type = "Import file type"; $TLS_max_file_size_is = "Max. file size "; $TLS_supported_file_formats = "Supported file formats"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 // firstLogin.php $TLS_cant_create_user = "申し訳ありませんがログインできません。管理者に連絡をお願いします!"; $TLS_empty_email_address = " メールアドレスを空白にすることはできません!"; $TLS_empty_first_name = " 氏を空白にすることはできません!"; $TLS_empty_last_name = " 名を空白にすることはできません!"; $TLS_fatal_page_title = "TestLink ::: 致命的なエラー"; $TLS_invalid_user_name = "ユーザ名が無効です。他のユーザ名を指定してください。"; $TLS_passwd_dont_match = "ふたつのパスワードが一致しません。パスワードは大文字と小文字を区別します。" . "再入力してください。"; $TLS_user_cant_be_created_because = "あなたのアカウントは以下の理由で作成できません:"; $TLS_user_name_exists = "このユーザ名は既に使用されています。他の名前を使用してください。"; $TLS_valid_user_name_format = "ユーザ名には、文字、数字、スペース、ハイフンおよびアンダースコアのみを使用してください。"; $TLS_warning_empty_pwd = "パスワードを空白にすることはできません!"; $TLS_your_info_please = "ユーザ情報を入力してください"; // index.php $TLS_main_page_title = "TestLink ::: メインページ"; // keywordsimport.php $TLS_please_choose_keywords_file = "アップロードするファイルを入力してください"; $TLS_keywords_file = "Keywords file"; // lostPassword.php $TLS_bad_user = "ユーザが見つかりません。再入力してださい。"; $TLS_contact_admin = "<br>さらなる問題が発生している場合は管理者に連絡してください。"; $TLS_mail_empty_address = "あなたのユーザプロファイルにはメールアドレスが設定されていません!" . "TestLinkの管理者に連絡をとり、パスワードをリセットしてもらってください!"; $TLS_mail_passwd_subject = "あなたの新しいTestLinkパスワード。"; $TLS_mail_problems = "メールの設定中にエラーが発生しました。管理者に連絡してください。"; $TLS_page_title_lost_passwd = "TestLink - パスワードを忘れた"; $TLS_your_info_for_passwd = "あたらしいパスワードをメールで発行するために、あなたのユーザ情報を入力してください。"; $TLS_your_password_is = "あなたの新しいTestLinkパスワード: <br>"; // login.php $TLS_bad_user_passwd = "再入力してください! ユーザ名またはパスワードが誤っています!"; $TLS_login_msg_session_exists1 = "すでにログインしています。以下を使用してください "; $TLS_login_msg_session_exists2 = " 始めにセッションを更新してください。"; $TLS_logout_link = "ログアウト"; $TLS_passwd_lost = "あなたのパスワードをメールで送信しました。" . "メールボックスを確認してください。" . "他の問題が発生している場合は、TestLinkの管理者に連絡してください。"; $TLS_password_reseted="New password has been sent via mail"; $TLS_please_login = "ログインしてください ..."; $TLS_session_expired = "セッションの期限が切れています! 再度ログインしてください。"; $TLS_your_first_login = "ようこそTestLinkへ! あなたはゲストアカウントを使用しています。 ログインしてください ..."; // planPriority.php $TLS_high_priority = "高"; $TLS_low_priority = "低"; $TLS_medium_priority = "中"; $TLS_high_risk = "高"; $TLS_low_risk = "低"; $TLS_medium_risk = "中"; $TLS_high_importance = "高"; $TLS_low_importance = "低"; $TLS_medium_importance = "中"; // tcEdit.php $TLS_tc_copied = "Test Case %s was succesfully copied to <br> Test Suite %s"; $TLS_tc_created = "Test Case %s was succesfully created"; $TLS_tc_deleted = "Test Case %s was succesfully deleted"; $TLS_tc_updated = "Test Case %s was succesfully updated"; $TLS_tc_new_version = "Test Case Version %d was succesfully created"; $TLS_tc_updated = "Test Case %s was succesfully updated"; $TLS_tc_update_failed = "Update of Test Case %s failed!"; $TLS_tc_version_deleted = "Test Case %s version %d was succesfully deleted"; // gui/templates/attachment404.tpl $TLS_btn_close = "閉じる"; $TLS_error_attachment_not_found = "エラー: 添付ファイルが見つかりません!"; $TLS_title_downloading_attachment = "添付ファイルをダウンロード"; // gui/templates/attachmentdelete.tpl $TLS_deleting_was_ok = "添付ファイルは削除されました!"; $TLS_error_attachment_delete = "添付ファイルの削除中にエラーが発生しました!"; $TLS_title_delete_attachment = "添付ファイルの削除"; // gui/templates/containerDelete.tpl $TLS_btn_yes_del_comp = "はい, テストスイートを削除します"; $TLS_container_title_testsuite =$TLS_test_suite; $TLS_linked_but_not_executed="いくつかのテスト計画とリンクしますが、ここでは実行されていません"; $TLS_question_del = "本当に削除"; $TLS_th_link_exec_status = "リンクおよび実行の状況"; // gui/templates/containerNew.tpl $TLS_btn_create_testsuite = "テストスイートの作成"; $TLS_tc_keywords = "キーワード"; $TLS_title_create = "作成"; $TLS_warning_empty_testsuite_name = "テストスイートに名前をつけてください"; // gui/templates/bug_add.tpl $TLS_btn_add_bug = "バグの追加"; $TLS_bug_id = "バグのID"; $TLS_button_enter_bug = "新たなバグの追加"; $TLS_link_bts_create_bug = "Access to Bug Tracking System "; $TLS_title_bug_add = "バグの追加"; // gui/templates/bug_delete.tpl $TLS_title_delete_bug = "バグの削除"; // gui/templates/containerMove.tpl $TLS_btn_cp = "コピー"; $TLS_btn_move = "移動"; $TLS_choose_target = "Choose a target"; $TLS_cont_copy_first = "Copy"; $TLS_cont_copy_second = "to Any"; $TLS_cont_move_first = "Move"; $TLS_cont_move_second = "to a different"; $TLS_copy_keywords = "Copy keywords"; $TLS_defined_exclam = "defined !"; $TLS_include_nested = "Including nested data (copy only)."; $TLS_sorry_further = "I'm sorry there are no further "; $TLS_title_move_cp = "Move/Copy"; // gui/templates/reqCreate.tpl $TLS_btn_cancel = "キャンセル"; $TLS_btn_create = "作成"; $TLS_help = "Help"; $TLS_req_create = "要求を作成"; $TLS_req_doc_id = "DOC-ID"; $TLS_req_spec = "要求仕様"; $TLS_reqs = "要求"; $TLS_scope = "スコープ"; $TLS_status = "状態"; $TLS_title = "タイトル"; $TLS_warning_empty_req_title = "要求のタイトルは空白にできません!"; $TLS_warning_empty_reqdoc_id = "要求のドキュメントIDは空白にできません!"; // gui/templates/containerOrder.tpl $TLS_btn_upd = "更新"; $TLS_no_nodes_to_reorder = "並び替えるものがありません!"; $TLS_node = "名前"; $TLS_th_id = "ID"; $TLS_th_node_type = "テストケース / テストスイート"; $TLS_th_order = "順序"; $TLS_title_change_node_order = "子要素の順序を変更"; $TLS_node_type_dbtable_testsuites=$TLS_test_suite; $TLS_node_type_dbtable_testcases=$TLS_testcase; // gui/templates/containerView.tpl $TLS_alt_del_com = "このテストケースを削除"; $TLS_alt_edit_com = "このテストスイートのデータとタイトルを修正"; $TLS_alt_move_cp_com = "このテストスイートを他のテストプロジェクトに移動またはコピー"; $TLS_btn_del_com = "削除"; $TLS_btn_edit_com = "編集"; $TLS_btn_export_all_testsuites = "すべてのテストスイートをエクスポートする"; $TLS_btn_export_tc = "テストケースをエクスポート"; $TLS_btn_export_testsuite = "テストケースをエクスポート"; $TLS_btn_import_tc = "テストケースをインポート"; $TLS_btn_import_testsuite = "テストスイートをインポート"; $TLS_btn_move_cp_com = "移動/コピー"; $TLS_btn_new_cat = "新規テストスイート"; $TLS_btn_new_com = "新規テストスイート"; $TLS_btn_new_tc = "テストケースを作成"; $TLS_btn_reorder_cat = "子要素の並び替え"; $TLS_edit_testproject_basic_data = "テストプロジェクトの基本データを編集"; $TLS_th_notes = "説明"; $TLS_th_product_name = "テストプロジェクト名"; // gui/templates/cfields_edit.tpl $TLS_available_on = "利用できます"; $TLS_btn_add = "追加"; $TLS_btn_delete = "削除"; $TLS_btn_ok = "OK"; $TLS_custom_field = "カスタムフィールド"; $TLS_enable_on_design = "テスト仕様<br>を有効"; $TLS_enable_on_exec = "テスト実行<br>を有効"; $TLS_label = "ラベル"; $TLS_name = "名前"; $TLS_popup_delete_custom_field = "カスタムフィールドを削除しますか?"; $TLS_possible_values = "可能な値"; $TLS_show_on_design = "テスト仕様<br>の表示"; $TLS_show_on_exec = "テスト実行<br>の表示"; $TLS_testcase = $TLS_test_case; $TLS_title_cfields_mgmt = "カスタムフィールド"; $TLS_type = "タイプ"; $TLS_warning_empty_cfield_label = "カスタムフィールドのラベルを入力してください。"; $TLS_warning_empty_cfield_name = "カスタムフィールドの名前を入力してください。"; // gui/templates/inc_update.tpl $TLS_info_failed_db_upd = "データベースの更新に失敗しました。!"; $TLS_info_failed_db_upd_details = "データベースの更新に失敗しました! - 詳細:"; $TLS_invalid_query = "エラー:"; $TLS_warning = "警告!!"; $TLS_was_success = " 成功しました"; // gui/templates/execNavigator.tpl $TLS_TestPlan = "テスト計画"; $TLS_btn_apply_filter = "フィルターの適用"; $TLS_btn_update_menu = "メニューの更新"; $TLS_caption_nav_filter_settings = "ナビゲーションのフィルター & 設定"; $TLS_current_build = "現在のビルド"; $TLS_filter_owner = "割り当て"; $TLS_filter_result = "結果"; $TLS_filter_tcID = "フィルター: テストケースID"; $TLS_keyword = "キーワード"; $TLS_test_status_all_status="全て"; // gui/templates/mainPage.tpl $TLS_th_my_perc_completed = "私の完了率 [%]"; $TLS_th_name = "名前"; $TLS_th_perc_completed = "完了率 [%]"; $TLS_title_your_tp_metrics = "あなたのテスト計画メトリクス"; // gui/templates/newest_tcversions.tpl $TLS_linked_version = "Linked version"; $TLS_newest_version = "Newest available active version"; $TLS_title_newest_tcversions = "Newest versions of linked Test Cases"; // gui/templates/emailSent.tpl $TLS_send_test_report = "- テストレポートの送信"; // gui/templates/reqImport.tpl $TLS_Result = "Result"; $TLS_Title = "Title"; $TLS_btn_back2srs = "Back to Req. Specification"; $TLS_btn_import = "Import"; $TLS_btn_upload_file = "Upload file"; $TLS_check_req_file_structure = "Please check the file format, seems is not possible get any requirement"; $TLS_local_file = "File"; $TLS_max_size_cvs_file1 = "Max. size of the file is"; $TLS_max_size_cvs_file2 = "kB"; $TLS_req_import_check_note = "Please verify possible conflicts, set an appropriate solution and then start import process."; $TLS_req_import_dont_empty = "Do not import items with empty Scope"; $TLS_req_import_option_double = "Add a new one with the same title"; $TLS_req_import_option_header = "Set conflict solution"; $TLS_req_import_option_overwrite = "Update an existing one"; $TLS_req_import_option_skip = "Skip import of doubled requirements"; $TLS_req_import_type = "Type"; $TLS_req_msg_norequirement = "No requirement"; $TLS_required_cvs_format = "The required file format"; $TLS_title_choose_file_type = "Choose file type"; $TLS_title_choose_local_file = "Choose a Local File to Upload"; $TLS_title_req_import = "Import requirements"; $TLS_title_req_import_check_input = "Check import data"; // gui/templates/inc_attachments.tpl $TLS_alt_delete_build = "Click here to delete this build"; $TLS_alt_delete_attachment = "Click here to delete this attachment"; $TLS_attached_files = "Attached files"; $TLS_attachment_feature_disabled = "attachment disabled"; $TLS_button_upload = "Upload"; $TLS_upload_file_new_file = "Upload new file"; $TLS_warning_delete_attachment = "Really delete this attachment?"; // gui/templates/resultsNavigator.tpl $TLS_btn_print = "Print"; $TLS_note_email_sent_t = "note: email format sent to user's email"; $TLS_send_results = "Send results"; $TLS_send_to = "To:"; $TLS_subject = "Subject:"; $TLS_title_active_build = "Active Build"; $TLS_title_report_type = "Report Format"; $TLS_via_email = "per eMail"; $TLS_link_results_import = "Import Results"; // gui/templates/inc_attachments_upload.tpl // gui/templates/cfields_view.tpl $TLS_btn_cfields_create = "Create"; $TLS_manage_cfield = "Manage custom field"; // gui/templates/inc_cat_viewer_ro_m0.tpl $TLS_cat_scope = "Scope and Objective"; $TLS_category = "Test Suite"; $TLS_configuration = "Configuration"; $TLS_data = "Data"; $TLS_not_defined = "Not defined."; $TLS_tools = "Tools"; // gui/templates/inc_cat_viewer_rw.tpl $TLS_cat_alt_name = "Add Test Suite name. This value is mandatory."; $TLS_cat_config = "Configuration"; $TLS_cat_data = "Data"; $TLS_cat_name = "Test Suite Name"; $TLS_cat_tools = "Tools"; // gui/templates/reqEdit.tpl $TLS_btn_update = "Update"; $TLS_by = "by"; $TLS_coverage = "Coverage"; $TLS_popup_delete_req = "Are you sure you want to delete the requirement?"; $TLS_req_edit = "Edit Requirement"; $TLS_req_msg_notestcase = "No connected Test Case"; $TLS_requirement_spec = "Requirement Specification"; $TLS_test_case_id = "ID"; $TLS_title_created = "Created on"; $TLS_title_last_mod = "Last modified on "; // gui/templates/buildNew.tpl $TLS_active = "Active"; $TLS_enter_build = "Title"; $TLS_enter_build_notes = "Description"; $TLS_msg_build = "Notes: Each build is related to the active Test Plan. " . "Description should include: list of delivered packages, approvals, status,etc."; $TLS_open = "Open"; $TLS_test_plan = "Test Plan"; $TLS_title_build_2 = "Build management"; $TLS_title_build_create = "Create a new Build"; $TLS_title_build_update = "Update Build"; $TLS_warning_empty_build_name = "Please enter a name for the Build!"; // gui/templates/inc_comp_viewer_ro.tpl $TLS_component = "Test Suite"; $TLS_introduction = "Introduction"; $TLS_limitations = "Limitations"; $TLS_methodology = "Methodology"; $TLS_references = "References"; // gui/templates/inc_comp_viewer_rw.tpl $TLS_comp_alt_name = "Add Test Suite name. This value is mandatory."; $TLS_comp_intro = "Intro"; $TLS_comp_lim = "Limitations"; $TLS_comp_method = "Methodology"; $TLS_comp_name = "Test Suite Name"; $TLS_comp_ref = "References"; $TLS_comp_scope = "Scope"; // gui/templates/reqSpecView.tpl $TLS_btn_analyse = "Analyse"; $TLS_btn_check_all = "Check All"; $TLS_btn_delete_spec = "Delete spec."; $TLS_btn_edit_spec = "Edit spec."; $TLS_btn_export_reqs = "Export requirements"; $TLS_btn_req_create = "Create New REQ"; $TLS_btn_spec_list = "List of Spec."; $TLS_btn_uncheck_all = "Uncheck All"; $TLS_cant_delete_req_nothing_sel = "Please select a requirement!"; $TLS_popup_sure_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete the requirement specification?"; $TLS_req_select_create_tc = "Create Test Cases"; $TLS_req_select_delete = "Delete requirements"; $TLS_req_title_list = "List of requirements"; $TLS_req_total = "Total req."; $TLS_req_reorder = "Reorder requirements"; $TLS_warning_delete_requirements = "Are you sure to delete the selected requirements?"; $TLS_title_change_req_order = "Change requirements order"; // gui/templates/inc_copyrightnotice.tpl $TLS_gnu_gpl = "GNU GPL"; $TLS_lic_home = "Home"; $TLS_lic_product = "TestLink project"; $TLS_licensed_under = "TestLink is licensed under the"; // gui/templates/containerEdit.tpl $TLS_btn_update_testsuite = "Update Test Suite"; $TLS_title_edit_level = "Edit"; // gui/templates/reqSpecAnalyse.tpl $TLS_edit = "Edit"; $TLS_none = "None"; $TLS_req = "Requirement"; $TLS_req_spec_change = "Change Requirements Specification to"; $TLS_req_title_analyse = "Analyse Requirements Specification "; $TLS_req_title_covered = "Requirements present with Test Case"; $TLS_req_title_in_tl = "Requirements within TestLink"; $TLS_req_title_nottestable = "Not testable Requirements"; $TLS_req_title_uncovered = "Requirements present without Test Case"; $TLS_req_title_not_in_tl = "Requirements not present in TestLink"; $TLS_req_total_count = "Total count of requirements"; $TLS_testcases = "Test Cases"; // gui/templates/reqSpecCreate.tpl $TLS_action_create_srs = "Create requirement specification"; $TLS_testproject = "Test Project"; // gui/templates/inc_reqView.tpl $TLS_Author = "Author"; $TLS_last_edit = "Last edit by"; // gui/templates/inc_res_by_comp.tpl $TLS_title_res_by_top_level_suites = "Results by top level Test Suites"; $TLS_trep_blocked = "Blocked"; $TLS_trep_comp = "Test Suite"; $TLS_trep_comp_perc = "Completed [%]"; $TLS_trep_failed = "Failed"; $TLS_trep_not_run = "Not run"; $TLS_trep_passed = "Passed"; $TLS_trep_total = "Total"; // gui/templates/inc_res_by_keyw.tpl $TLS_title_res_by_kw = "Results by Keyword"; $TLS_trep_kw = "Keyword"; // gui/templates/inc_res_by_owner.tpl $TLS_title_res_by_owner = "Results by Tester"; $TLS_trep_owner = "Tester"; $TLS_title_res_by_tester = "Results by Tester"; $TLS_trep_tester = "Tester"; // gui/templates/inc_res_by_prio.tpl $TLS_tit_end_date = "End date"; $TLS_tit_milestone = "Milestone"; $TLS_title_res_by_prio = "Results by priority"; $TLS_trep_milestone_goal = "Milestone Goal [%]"; $TLS_trep_prio = "Priority"; $TLS_trep_status = "Status"; // gui/templates/inc_res_by_ts.tpl $TLS_title_res_by_ts = "Results by Test Suite"; $TLS_trep_imp = "Importance"; $TLS_trep_risk = "Risk"; $TLS_trep_ts = "Test Suite"; // gui/templates/reqSpecEdit.tpl // gui/templates/inc_show_bug_table.tpl $TLS_build = "Build"; $TLS_caption_bugtable = "Relevant bugs"; $TLS_delete_bug="delete bug"; $TLS_del_bug_warning_msg = "Really delete this bug?"; // gui/templates/reqSpecList.tpl $TLS_btn_assign_tc = "Assign Test Case"; $TLS_no_docs = "No available documents."; $TLS_req_list_docs = "Requirement Specifications"; // gui/templates/tcEdit_New_viewer.tpl $TLS_alt_add_tc_name = "Add Test Case name. This value is mandatory."; $TLS_expected_results = "Expected Results"; $TLS_steps = "Steps"; $TLS_summary = "Summary"; $TLS_tc_title = "Test Case Title"; // gui/templates/show_exec_notes.tpl $TLS_title_execution_notes = "Execution notes"; // gui/templates/rolesedit.tpl $TLS_btn_create_role = "Create"; $TLS_btn_edit_role = "Edit"; $TLS_caption_define_role = "Define role"; $TLS_caption_possible_affected_users = "Possibly affected users"; $TLS_enter_role_notes = "Role description"; $TLS_menu_assign_product_roles = "Assign Test Project roles"; $TLS_menu_assign_testplan_roles = "Assign test plan roles"; $TLS_menu_define_roles = "New role"; $TLS_menu_mod_user = "Modify User"; $TLS_menu_new_user = "New User"; $TLS_menu_edit_user = "Edit User"; $TLS_menu_view_users = "View Users"; $TLS_menu_view_roles = "View roles"; $TLS_th_cf_rights = "Custom field rights"; $TLS_th_kw_rights = "Keyword rights"; $TLS_th_mgttc_rights = "Test Case management rights"; $TLS_th_product_rights = "Test Project rights"; $TLS_th_req_rights = "Requirement rights"; $TLS_th_rights = "Rights"; $TLS_th_rolename = "Role name"; $TLS_th_tp_rights = "Test Plan rights"; $TLS_th_user_rights = "User rights"; $TLS_title_user_mgmt = "ユーザの管理"; $TLS_warning_modify_role = "Really modify the role?"; // gui/templates/tcSearchForm.tpl $TLS_btn_find = "発見"; $TLS_caption_search_form = "テストケースの検索"; $TLS_not_applied = "適用しない"; $TLS_th_tcid = "テストケースID"; $TLS_th_tcversion = "バージョン"; $TLS_th_title = "タイトル"; $TLS_title_search_tcs = "検索"; // gui/templates/infoWindow.tpl // gui/templates/tcDelete.tpl $TLS_btn_yes_iw2del = "Yes, delete Test Case!"; $TLS_question_del_tc = "Really delete Test Case?"; $TLS_th_executed = "Executed"; $TLS_th_linked_to_tplan = "Linked to Test Plan"; $TLS_th_version = "Version"; // gui/templates/tcNew.tpl $TLS_title_new_tc = "Create Test Case"; $TLS_warning_empty_tc_title = "Please give a title to Test Case"; // gui/templates/tcImport.tpl $TLS_title_imp_tc_data = "Import TestCase data"; // gui/templates/keywordsimport.tpl $TLS_title_keyword_import_to = "Import keywords to"; $TLS_title_keyword_import = "Import keywords"; // gui/templates/keywordsexport.tpl $TLS_btn_export = "Export"; $TLS_title_req_import_to = "Import requirements to document"; // gui/templates/cfields_tproject_assign.tpl $TLS_btn_assign = "Assign"; $TLS_btn_cfields_active_mgmt = "Update active status"; $TLS_btn_cfields_display_order = "Save display order"; $TLS_btn_unassign = "Unassign"; $TLS_cfields_active = "Active"; $TLS_cfields_tproject_assign = "Assign custom fields"; $TLS_display_order = "Display order"; $TLS_title_assigned_cfields = "Assigned custom fields"; $TLS_title_available_cfields = "Available custom fields"; // gui/templates/usersview.tpl $TLS_No = "No"; $TLS_Yes = "Yes"; $TLS_alt_delete_user = "Really delete the selected user?"; $TLS_alt_edit_user = "Edit user"; $TLS_order_by_login = "Order by login"; $TLS_order_by_role_descr = "Order by role description"; $TLS_th_active = "Active"; $TLS_th_delete = "Delete?"; $TLS_th_email = "Email"; $TLS_th_first_name = "First Name"; $TLS_th_last_name = "Last Name"; $TLS_th_locale = "Locale"; $TLS_th_login = "Login"; $TLS_th_role = "Role"; $TLS_warning_delete_user = "Really delete the selected user?"; // gui/templates/login.tpl $TLS_btn_login = "Login"; $TLS_login_name = "Login Name"; $TLS_lost_password_q = "Lost Password?"; $TLS_new_user_q = "New User?"; $TLS_password = "Password"; // gui/templates/loginFirst.tpl $TLS_btn_add_user_data = "Add User Data"; $TLS_e_mail = "E-mail address (needed for sending a new password)"; $TLS_first_name = "First name"; $TLS_last_name = "Last name"; $TLS_link_back_to_login = "Back to login"; $TLS_password_again = "Repeat password"; $TLS_password_mgmt_is_external = "Password management is external"; // gui/templates/tcMove.tpl $TLS_btn_mv = "Move"; $TLS_choose_container = "Choose Test Suite"; $TLS_inst_copy = "Copy Test Case to any Test Suite."; $TLS_inst_move = "Move Test Case to a different Test Suite."; $TLS_inst_copy_move_warning="Important: You can only choose Test Suites belonging to this Test Project."; $TLS_title_mv_cp_tc = "Move/Copy Test Case"; // gui/templates/loginLost.tpl $TLS_btn_send = "Send"; $TLS_password_reset = "Reset password"; // gui/templates/tcView.tpl $TLS_no_records_found = "Your search delivered no results!"; // gui/templates/execSetResults.tpl $TLS_alt_attachment_mgmt = "attachments"; $TLS_alt_notes = "notes"; $TLS_assigned_to = "Assigned to"; $TLS_attachment_mgmt = "attachments"; $TLS_btn_history_off = "Show only last execution"; $TLS_btn_history_on = "Show complete execution history"; $TLS_btn_save_all_tests_results = "Save all executions"; $TLS_btn_save_tc_exec_results = "Save execution"; $TLS_bug_mgmt = "BUG management"; $TLS_build_is_closed = "Build is closed"; $TLS_builds_notes = "Build's description"; $TLS_bulk_tc_status_management = "Bulk TC status management"; $TLS_date_time_run = "Date"; $TLS_details = "Details"; $TLS_exec_notes = "Notes"; $TLS_exec_status = "Status"; $TLS_execution_history = "Execution history"; $TLS_has_no_assignment = "No tester assigned"; $TLS_img_title_bug_mgmt = "Bug management"; $TLS_img_title_delete_execution= "Delete execution"; $TLS_just_last_execution_for_this_build = "Last execution for this build"; $TLS_no_data_available = "No data available"; $TLS_only_test_cases_assigned_to="Only Test Cases assigned to"; $TLS_set_all_tc_to = "Set all to status "; $TLS_show_hide = "Show / hide"; $TLS_tc_not_tested_yet = "Not Tested Yet"; $TLS_test_cases_cannot_be_executed = "Test cases can not be executed"; $TLS_testcase_version_is_inactive_on_exec="This version is inactive => Can not be executed"; $TLS_test_exec_by = "Tested by"; $TLS_test_exec_expected_r = "Expected Results"; $TLS_test_exec_last_run_date = "Most recent Run"; $TLS_test_exec_notes = "Notes / Description"; $TLS_test_exec_on_build = "on Build"; $TLS_test_exec_result = "Result"; $TLS_test_exec_steps = "Steps"; $TLS_test_exec_summary = "Summary"; $TLS_test_plan_notes = "Test plan notes"; $TLS_test_status_not_run = "Not Run"; $TLS_th_test_case_id = "ID "; $TLS_th_testsuite = "Testsuite"; $TLS_title_t_r_on_build = "Test Results on Build"; $TLS_title_t_r_owner = " Assigned to"; $TLS_title_test_case = "Test Case"; $TLS_version = "Version"; // gui/templates/inc_testsuite_viewer_ro.tpl $TLS_keywords = "Keywords"; $TLS_test_suite = "Test Suite"; // gui/templates/navBar.tpl $TLS_home = "ホーム"; $TLS_link_logout = "ログアウト"; $TLS_product = "テストプロジェクト"; $TLS_product_role = "テストプロジェクトでの役割"; $TLS_title_edit_personal_data = "個人情報"; $TLS_title_execute = "実行"; $TLS_title_results = "結果"; $TLS_title_specification = "仕様"; // gui/templates/inc_testsuite_viewer_rw.tpl // gui/templates/planAddTC_m1.tpl $TLS_add_tc = "Add"; $TLS_add_remove_selected_tc_hint = "Operation will be applied to ALL Test suites"; $TLS_btn_add_remove_selected_tc = "Add / Remove selected"; $TLS_btn_add_selected_tc = "Add selected"; $TLS_btn_check = "Check"; $TLS_btn_uncheck = "Uncheck"; $TLS_check_uncheck_tc = "All Test Cases in the Test Suite."; $TLS_check_uncheck_all_checkboxes="check/uncheck all"; $TLS_has_been_executed = "has been executed"; $TLS_inactive_testcase = "inactive"; $TLS_no_testcase_available = "No Test Case available"; $TLS_note_keyword_filter = "Test Cases are filtered by keyword"; $TLS_remove_tc = "Remove"; $TLS_th_test_case = "Test Case"; $TLS_title_add_remove_test_to_plan = "Add/Remove Test Cases to/from Test Plan"; $TLS_title_add_test_to_plan = "Add Test Cases to Test Plan"; $TLS_warning_add_remove_selected_tc = "Warning! Are you sure to remove the selected Test Cases from Test Plan?"; // gui/templates/planAddTCNavigator.tpl $TLS_title_navigator = "Navigator"; // gui/templates/planPriority.tpl $TLS_btn_upd_prio = "Update"; $TLS_title_priority = "Define priority rules for Test Plan"; $TLS_tr_th_importance = "Importance"; $TLS_tr_th_prio_cba = "Priority (C/B/A)"; $TLS_tr_th_risk = "Risk/Importance"; // gui/templates/planEdit.tpl $TLS_btn_testplan_create = "Create"; $TLS_cancel = "Cancel"; $TLS_opt_no = "No"; $TLS_testplan_question_create_tp_from = "Create from existing Test Plan?"; $TLS_testplan_th_active = "Active"; $TLS_testplan_th_name = "Name"; $TLS_testplan_th_notes = "Description"; $TLS_testplan_title_create = "Create a new Test plan"; $TLS_testplan_title_edit = "Edit the Test plan"; $TLS_testplan_title_for_project = "for Test Project "; $TLS_testplan_title_tp_management = "Test Plan Management"; $TLS_testplan_txt_notes = "Test plan should be clearly defined task(s) with a timeframe and a content. " . "It could contain a testing activity for a new version of product " . "(include hot fixes) or also just simple change request for one customer." . "<br />Description field serves for links to Project plan and related " . "documentation, List of features to be tested, risks, etc.<br />" . "You can create a new Test Plan from an existing one. " . "The next items are copied: Builds, Test Cases, Priorities, Milestones " . "and user roles.<br />A Test plan could be deactiveted; i.e. no editing " . "and no results change is allowed. Such Test Plan is visible only via " . "'Reporting' and this page."; $TLS_warning_empty_tp_name = "You cannot enter Test plan without a name!"; // gui/templates/planNew.tpl $TLS_testplan_btn_edit = "Update"; $TLS_testplan_btn_new = "Create"; $TLS_testplan_menu_create = "Create"; $TLS_testplan_menu_edit = "Edit"; $TLS_testplan_menu_list = "List"; // gui/templates/planMilestones.tpl $TLS_alt_delete_milestone = "Delete milestone?"; $TLS_btn_edit_milestone = "Edit"; $TLS_btn_new_milestone = "Create"; $TLS_info_milestones_date = "Milestones must be created at today's date or greater"; $TLS_no_milestones = "There are no Milestones for this Test Plan!"; $TLS_popup_delete_milestones = "Are you sure you want to delete milestone %NAME% ?"; $TLS_warning_empty_milestone_name="Milestone name cannot be empty!"; $TLS_th_date_format = "Target Date"; $TLS_th_perc_a_prio = "% A Priority"; $TLS_th_perc_b_prio = "% B priority"; $TLS_th_perc_c_prio = "% C priority"; $TLS_title_existing_milestones = "Existing Milestones"; $TLS_title_milestones = "Milestones for Test Plan"; $TLS_title_new_milestone = "New Milestone"; // gui/templates/projectedit.tpl $TLS_btn_activate = "Activate"; $TLS_btn_del = "Delete"; $TLS_btn_edit_del = "Edit / Delete"; $TLS_btn_inactivate = "Inactivate"; $TLS_caption_edit_product = "Edit Test Project"; $TLS_caption_new_product = "New Test Project"; $TLS_color = "Color"; $TLS_enable_requirements = "Enable Requirements functionality"; $TLS_info_failed_loc_prod = "Failed to localize the Test Project."; $TLS_notes = "Related Notes"; // Warning!!! - if JS string you must use \\n to get \n $TLS_popup_product_delete = "Warning! This action deletes irrevocable all Test Project related " . "data (including test results, plans, etc.). " . "You can also use to deactivate instead of delete.\\n" . "Recommendation: Execute a dump of database at first.\\n" . "Are you sure to delete the Test Project?"; $TLS_warning_empty_tproject_name = "Test Project name cannot be empty!"; // gui/templates/reqAssign.tpl $TLS_please_select_a_req = "Please select a requirement"; $TLS_req_msg_norequirement66 = "No requirement"; $TLS_req_title_assign = "Assign Requirements to Test Case"; $TLS_req_title_assigned = "Assigned Requirements"; $TLS_req_title_unassigned = "Available Requirements"; $TLS_warning_req_tc_assignment_impossible = "You <b>can't do</b> the assignment due to one of these causes:" . "<br><ul><li>There are no Requirement Specification defined</li>" . "<li>The Requirement Specifications are empty</ul></li></ul>"; // gui/templates/tcEdit.tpl $TLS_title_edit_tc = "Edit Test Case"; $TLS_warning_editing_executed_tc = "Warning!: This Test Case version has been executed"; // gui/templates/planOwner.tpl $TLS_assign_ownership = "Assign ownership"; $TLS_def_prio_rules = "Define priority rules"; $TLS_opt_label_none = "none"; $TLS_th_imp = "Importance"; $TLS_th_owner = "Tester"; $TLS_th_risk = "Risk"; $TLS_th_test_suite = "Test Suite"; $TLS_title_plan_ownership = "Test Plan ownership"; // gui/templates/tcView_viewer.tpl $TLS_activate_this_tcversion = "Activate this version"; $TLS_Requirements = "Requirements"; $TLS_btn_del_this_version = "Delete this version"; $TLS_btn_edit = "Edit"; $TLS_btn_mv_cp = "Move / Copy"; $TLS_btn_new_version = "Create a new version"; $TLS_can_not_edit_tc = "You can not edit this version because it has been executed"; $TLS_deactivate_this_tcversion = "Deactivate this version"; $TLS_tcversion_is_inactive_msg = "This version is INACTIVE => will be not available to be included in a test plan"; // gui/templates/planRemoveTC_m1.tpl $TLS_btn_remove_selected_tc = "Remove selected tcs"; $TLS_remove_ok = "Remove ok"; $TLS_title_remove_test_from_plan = "Remove tc from test plan"; // gui/templates/planTesters.tpl $TLS_btn_save = "Save"; // gui/templates/keywordsAssign.tpl $TLS_keyword_assignment_empty_tsuite = "There are no Test Cases in this Test Suite => keyword assignment is not possible"; $TLS_menu_assign_kw_to_tc = "Assign to Test Cases"; $TLS_menu_manage_keywords = "Keyword Management"; $TLS_title_keywords = "Keywords"; // gui/templates/planTestersNavigator.tpl $TLS_label_list_of = "List of"; $TLS_opt_test_plans = "Test Plans"; $TLS_opt_users = "Users"; // gui/templates/planUpdateTC.tpl $TLS_btn_upd_ck_tc = "Update Checked Test Case(s)"; $TLS_info_all_tc_uptodate = "All Test Cases are current."; $TLS_th_category = "Test Suite"; $TLS_th_component = "Test Suite"; $TLS_th_id_tc = "[ID] Test Case"; $TLS_th_reason = "Reason to Update"; $TLS_th_spec_version = "Spec. version"; $TLS_th_status = "Status"; $TLS_th_suite_version = "Suite version"; $TLS_th_update = "Update"; $TLS_title_upd_mod_tc = "Update Modified Test Case(s) in "; // gui/templates/keywordsView.tpl $TLS_alt_delete_keyword = "Delete the keyword?"; $TLS_btn_create_keyword = "Create keyword"; $TLS_btn_edit_keyword = "Edit"; $TLS_btn_import_keywords = "Import"; $TLS_th_keyword = "Keyword"; $TLS_warning_delete_keyword = "Are you sure you want to delete the keyword?"; $TLS_warning_enter_at_least1 = "Please enter at least "; $TLS_warning_enter_at_least2 = " chars."; $TLS_warning_enter_less1 = "Please enter less than"; $TLS_warning_enter_less2 = " chars."; // gui/templates/reqexport.tpl $TLS_title_req_export_to = "Export requirement"; // gui/templates/resultsAllBuilds.tpl $TLS_test_status_blocked = "Blocked"; $TLS_test_status_failed = "Failed"; $TLS_test_status_passed = "Passed"; $TLS_th_build = "Build"; $TLS_th_tc_total = "TC Total"; // gui/templates/resultsBugs.tpl $TLS_date = "Date"; $TLS_printed_by = "Printed by"; $TLS_title_test_case_bugs = "Test case bugs"; $TLS_title_test_case_timestamp = "Test Case timestamp"; $TLS_title_test_case_title = "Test Title"; $TLS_title_test_suite_name = "Test Suite name"; // gui/templates/resultsBuild.tpl $TLS_title_met_of_build = "Metrics of build"; // gui/templates/resultsByStatus.tpl $TLS_info_test_results = "There are only last test results listed. " . "I.e. Test Case is not shown if test result for later " . "build has another status (except not run)."; $TLS_th_bugs = "Bugs"; $TLS_th_date = "Date"; $TLS_th_run_by = "Run by"; // gui/templates/resultsGeneral.tpl $TLS_title_gen_test_rep = "General Test Plan Metrics"; // gui/templates/resultsMoreBuilds_query_form.tpl $TLS_excel_format = "MS Excel"; $TLS_html_format = "HTML"; $TLS_last_status_any = "Any"; $TLS_last_status_blocked = "Blocked"; $TLS_last_status_failed = "Failed"; $TLS_last_status_not_run = "Not Run"; $TLS_last_status_passed = "Passed"; $TLS_select_builds_header = "Select Build(s)"; $TLS_select_components_header = "Select Test Suite(s)"; $TLS_select_keyword_header = "Select Keyword"; $TLS_select_last_result_header = "Show Executions of Status"; $TLS_select_owner_header = "Select Owner"; $TLS_select_report_format_header = "Select Report Format"; $TLS_submit_query = "Submit Query"; $TLS_test_plan_header = "Test Plan "; $TLS_query_metrics_report = "Query Metrics Report"; $TLS_enter_start_time = "Enter Start Time"; $TLS_enter_end_time = "Enter End Time"; $TLS_year = "year"; $TLS_month = "month"; $TLS_day = "day"; $TLS_hour = "hour"; $TLS_search_in_notes = "search for string in notes"; $TLS_executor = "executed by"; // gui/templates/resultsMoreBuilds_report.tpl $TLS_caption_show_collapse = "Show / Collapse"; $TLS_caption_user_selected_query_parameters = "Query Parameters"; $TLS_not_yet_executed = "Not yet executed"; $TLS_show_hide_all = "Show / Hide All"; $TLS_th_builds = "Build(s)"; $TLS_th_execution_ts = "Time"; $TLS_th_last_result = "Last result"; $TLS_th_report_format = "Report type"; $TLS_th_test_plan = "Test plan"; $TLS_th_test_suites = "Suite(s)"; $TLS_th_tester_id = "Tester"; $TLS_th_total_block = "#blocked "; $TLS_th_total_cases = "#Test Cases"; $TLS_th_total_fail = "#failed"; $TLS_th_total_not_run = "#not run"; $TLS_th_total_pass = "#passed"; $TLS_th_start_time = "Start Time"; $TLS_th_end_time = "End Time"; $TLS_th_executor = "Executed By"; $TLS_th_search_notes_string = "notes search string"; $TLS_true = "true"; $TLS_false = "false"; $TLS_display_suite_summaries = "Display Suite Summaries"; $TLS_display_query_params = "Display Query Parameters"; $TLS_display_totals = "Display Totals"; // gui/templates/resultsReqs.tpl $TLS_req_title_blocked = "Blocked Requirements"; $TLS_req_title_failed = "Failed Requirements"; $TLS_req_title_notrun = "Unexecuted Requirements"; $TLS_req_title_passed = "Passed Requirements"; $TLS_title_result_req_testplan = "Test Results based on Requirements Specification"; $TLS_title_test_plan = "Test Plan"; // gui/templates/resultsSend.tpl $TLS_btn_send_report = "Send Report"; $TLS_check_send_to_me = "Send a copy to myself"; $TLS_mail_body = "Body:"; $TLS_mail_report = "Report:"; $TLS_mail_subject = "Subject:"; $TLS_mail_to = "To:"; $TLS_status_for_build = "Status for Build"; $TLS_tp_status = "General Test Plan status"; $TLS_tp_status_for_build = "Test Plan status for Build"; // gui/templates/resultsTC.tpl $TLS_generated_by_TestLink_on="Generated by TestLink on "; // gui/templates/resultsImport.tpl $TLS_results_import_format = "XML File Must be in the following format: "; // gui/templates/tcEdit_m2.tpl // gui/templates/tcPrintNavigator.tpl $TLS_caption_print_opt = "Print Options"; $TLS_tr_td_show_as = "Show as"; // gui/templates/tcReorder.tpl $TLS_no_tc_to_reorder = "There are no Test Cases to reorder!"; $TLS_title_change_tc_order = "Change this Test Suite's Test Case order."; // gui/templates/tcTree.tpl $TLS_button_refresh = "Refresh"; $TLS_button_update_tree = "Update tree"; $TLS_do_auto_update = "Update tree after every operation"; $TLS_no_tc_spec_av = "No Test Specification available!"; // gui/templates/tc_exec_assignment.tpl $TLS_btn_do = "Do"; $TLS_btn_update_selected_tc = "Update selected Test Case(s)"; $TLS_title_tc_exec_assignment = "Assigning Test Case execution tasks for test plan "; $TLS_user = "User"; $TLS_user_bulk_assignment = "Bulk user assignment"; // gui/templates/testSetNavigator.tpl // gui/templates/userInfo.tpl $TLS_btn_change_passwd = "Change password"; $TLS_btn_upd_user_data = "Update"; $TLS_th_new_passwd = "New Password"; $TLS_th_new_passwd_again = "Confirm New Password"; $TLS_th_old_passwd = "Old Password"; $TLS_title_account_settings = "Account Settings"; $TLS_title_change_your_passwd = "Change your password"; $TLS_warning_different_pwd = "Please re-enter your new password. Added values were different."; $TLS_warning_empty_pwd = "The password must not be empty!"; $TLS_your_password_is_external = "Your password is managed by an external system.<br>". "You can not change it using TestLink."; // gui/templates/usersassign.tpl $TLS_TestProject = "Test Project"; $TLS_User = "User"; $TLS_btn_change = "Change"; $TLS_caption_assign_testplan_user_roles = "Assign test plan roles to users"; $TLS_caption_assign_testproject_user_roles = "Assign Test Project user roles"; $TLS_menu_assign_testproject_roles = "Assign Test Project roles"; $TLS_th_roles = "Role"; $TLS_title_assign_roles = "Assign roles"; // gui/templates/usersedit.tpl $TLS_button_reset_password = "Reset password"; $TLS_caption_user_details = "User details"; $TLS_th_password = "Password"; $TLS_warning_empty_first_name = "Please enter a name"; $TLS_warning_empty_last_name = "Please enter a surname"; $TLS_warning_empty_login = "Please enter a login"; // gui/templates/attachmentupload.tpl $TLS_attachment_upload_ok="File uploaded"; $TLS_enter_attachment_title = "Enter title for the attachment"; $TLS_import_was_ok = "The import was ok"; $TLS_max_size_cvs_file = "Max. size of the file is"; $TLS_title_upload_attachment = "Upload attachment"; // gui/templates/rolesview.tpl $TLS_N_A = "N/A"; $TLS_alt_delete_role = "Delete role"; $TLS_alt_edit_role = "Edit role"; $TLS_btn_confirm_delete = "Delete"; $TLS_no_roles = "No roles"; $TLS_title_roles = "Available roles"; $TLS_warning_users_will_be_reset = "The affected users will be resetted to guest role!"; // gui/templates/tcexport.tpl $TLS_export_with_keywords = "Export with keywords"; // gui/templates/buildView.tpl $TLS_alt_active_build = "Active build"; $TLS_alt_edit_build = "Click here to edit this build"; $TLS_alt_open_build = "Open build"; $TLS_btn_build_create = "Create"; $TLS_no_builds = "No builds are defined within this Test Plan!"; $TLS_th_description = "Description"; $TLS_th_open = "Open"; $TLS_title_build_list = "List of existing builds"; $TLS_warning_delete_build = "Do really want to delete this build? All dependant data (test results) will also be deleted!"; // gui/templates/planView.tpl $TLS_testplan_alt_delete_tp = "Delete the test plan?"; $TLS_testplan_alt_edit_tp = "Edit the test plan"; $TLS_testplan_msg_delete_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete the complete Test Plan? You can use a deactivation via TP Edit link."; $TLS_testplan_th_delete = "Delete"; $TLS_testplan_title_list = "List of existing Test Plans"; $TLS_testplan_txt_empty_list = "There are no Test Plans defined! Create one to allow test execution functionality"; $TLS_alt_active_testplan = "Active testplan"; // gui/templates/mainPage_left.tpl $TLS_href_assign_user_roles = "ユーザの役割の割り当て"; $TLS_href_browse_tc = "テストケースの閲覧"; $TLS_href_cfields_management = "カスタムフィールドの管理"; $TLS_href_cfields_tproject_assign = "カスタムフィールドの割り当て"; $TLS_href_create_product = "新規テストプロジェクトの作成"; $TLS_href_edit_product = "テストプロジェクトの編集 / 削除"; $TLS_href_edit_tc = "テストケースの編集"; $TLS_href_keywords_assign = "キーワードの割り当て"; $TLS_href_keywords_manage = "キーワードの管理"; $TLS_href_keywords_view = "キーワードの閲覧"; $TLS_href_print_tc = "テストケースの印刷"; $TLS_href_req_assign = "要求の割り当て"; $TLS_href_req_spec = "要求仕様"; $TLS_href_roles_management = "割り当ての管理"; $TLS_href_search_tc = "テストケースの検索"; $TLS_href_user_management = "ユーザの管理"; $TLS_title_requirements = "要求"; $TLS_title_test_spec = "テスト仕様"; $TLS_title_product_mgmt = "テストプロジェクトの管理"; // gui/templates/mainPage_right.tpl $TLS_filter_tp_by_product = "テスト計画をテストプロジェクトでフィルタリング"; $TLS_href_add_test_case = "テストケースの追加"; $TLS_href_build_new = "ビルドの管理"; $TLS_href_execute_test = "テストの実行"; $TLS_href_newest_tcversions = "Show Test Cases newest versions"; $TLS_href_plan_assign_priority = "Assign priorities"; $TLS_href_plan_define_priority = "Define priority rules"; $TLS_href_plan_management = "Test Plan Management"; $TLS_href_plan_mstones = "Milestone Management"; $TLS_href_print_tc_suite = "Print Test Plan"; $TLS_href_remove_test_case = "Remove Test Case(s)"; $TLS_href_rep_and_metrics = "Test reports and Metrics"; $TLS_href_tc_exec_assignment = "Assign Test Case execution"; $TLS_href_upd_mod_tc = "Update modified Test Case(s)"; $TLS_msg_no_rights_for_tp = "<br /> You don't have permissions for any ACTIVE Test Plan"; $TLS_testplan_role = "Test Plan role "; $TLS_title_test_case_suite = "Test Plan contents"; $TLS_title_test_execution = "Test Execution"; $TLS_title_test_plan_mgmt = "Test Plan Management"; // lib/execute/bug_add.php $TLS_bug_added = "Bug added"; $TLS_error_bug_does_not_exist_on_bts="Bug ID does not exist on BTS!"; $TLS_error_wrong_BugID_format = "Wrong Bug ID format!"; // lib/execute/bug_delete.php $TLS_bugdeleting_was_ok = "The bug was successfully deleted!"; // lib/functions/doAuthorize.php $TLS_error_ldap_auth_failed = "LDAP authentication failed"; $TLS_error_ldap_bind_failed = "LDAP binding failed"; $TLS_error_ldap_server_connect_failed = "Connecting to the LDAP server failed"; $TLS_error_ldap_update_failed = "Updating LDAP failed"; $TLS_error_ldap_user_not_found = "LDAP user notfound"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_info_product_delete_fails = "An error occured while deleting the Test Project"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_trep_failing = "Failing"; $TLS_trep_passing = "Passing"; $TLS_trep_status_for_build = "Status for build"; $TLS_trep_status_for_ts = "Status for Test Suite"; $TLS_unassigned = "unassigned"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_bugs = "Related Bugs"; $TLS_builds_selected = "Build(s)"; $TLS_case_not_run_warning = "Test Case Not Run"; $TLS_category_header = "Test Suite ="; $TLS_daterun = "Date Run"; $TLS_last_status = "Last Status"; $TLS_number_blocked = "# Blocked"; $TLS_number_cases = "# Cases"; $TLS_number_executions = "# Test Cases Run"; $TLS_number_failed = "# Failed"; $TLS_number_not_run = "# Not Run"; $TLS_number_passed = "# Passed"; $TLS_owner = "Tester"; $TLS_owner_header = "Tester ="; $TLS_runby = "Run By"; $TLS_test_plan_name = "Test Plan"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_desc_cfield_management = "Custom field management"; $TLS_desc_cfield_view = "Custom field view (read only access)"; $TLS_desc_mgt_modify_key = "Keyword management"; $TLS_desc_mgt_modify_product = "Test Project management"; $TLS_desc_mgt_modify_req = "Requirement management"; $TLS_desc_mgt_modify_tc = "Test Case create/edit"; $TLS_desc_mgt_modify_users = "User management"; $TLS_desc_mgt_view_key = "Keyword view (read only access)"; $TLS_desc_mgt_view_req = "Requirement view (read only access)"; $TLS_desc_mgt_view_tc = "Test Case view (read only access)"; $TLS_desc_role_management = "Role management"; $TLS_desc_testplan_create_build = "Build create/edit"; $TLS_desc_testplan_execute = "Test Plan execute"; $TLS_desc_testplan_metrics = "Test Plan metrics"; $TLS_desc_testplan_planning = "Test Plan planning"; $TLS_desc_user_role_assignment = "Role assignment"; $TLS_error_duplicate_rolename = "There's already a role with that name!"; $TLS_error_role_no_rights = "You cannot save roles without any rights!"; $TLS_error_role_no_rolename = "You must enter a name for the role!"; $TLS_mgt_testplan_create = "Test Plan create/edit"; // lib/functions/testproject.class.php $TLS_error_creating_req_spec = "Error while creating requirement specification"; $TLS_info_product_name_empty = "Empty name is not possible."; $TLS_keyword_already_exists = "This keyword already exists"; $TLS_string_contains_bad_chars = "The string contains bad chars which cannot be used"; $TLS_warning_duplicate_req_title = "There's already a requirement with this title!"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_conflict = "Conflict"; $TLS_error_deleting_req = "Error while deleting requirements"; $TLS_error_inserting_req = "Error while inserting requirements"; $TLS_error_updating_req = "Error while updating requirements"; $TLS_error_updating_reqspec = "Error while updating requirement specification"; $TLS_file_is_not_xml = "File is not well-formed XML. Cannot be used"; $TLS_ok = "OK"; $TLS_req_import_format_description1 = " - CSV type requires three fields for each row: 'req_doc_id','title','description'"; $TLS_req_import_format_description2 = " - CSV exported from DOORS requires header row."; $TLS_req_import_result_overwritten = "overwritten!"; $TLS_req_import_result_skipped = "skipped"; $TLS_req_state_not_testable = "Not testable"; $TLS_req_state_valid = "Valid"; $TLS_the_format_req_xml_import = "Wrong XML Format for requirement import"; $TLS_warning_duplicate_reqdoc_id = "Duplicate document id"; // lib/functions/testsuite.class.php $TLS_component_name_already_exists = "There's already a Test Suite with that name"; $TLS_testsuite = "Test Suite"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_test_results_submitted = "Test Results submitted."; // lib/functions/ $TLS_author = "Author"; $TLS_printed_by_TestLink_on = "Printed by TestLink on"; $TLS_title_toc = "Table Of Contents"; $TLS_passfail = "Pass / Fail"; $TLS_testnotes = "Test Notes"; // lib/functions/testcase.class.php $TLS_testcase_name_already_exists = "There's already a Test Case with this title!"; $TLS_the_format_tc_xml_import = ""; // lib/functions/ $TLS_email_sent_message = "Your mail has been sent"; // lib/functions/ $TLS_Unknown = "Unknown"; $TLS_duplicate_login = "A user with that login already exists!"; $TLS_login_must_not_be_empty = "Login must not be empty!"; $TLS_wrong_old_password = "Wrong old password!"; // lib/functions/email_api.php $TLS_stmp_host_unconfigured = "SMTP host not properly configured!"; // lib/functions/common.php // lib/functions/configCheck.php $TLS_attachments_dir = "directory for attachments:"; $TLS_bts_connection_problems = "バグトラキングシステムとの通信に失敗:<br> システムの構成を確認してください。<br> この問題はTestLinkのパフォーマンスを低下させる可能性があるので注意してください。"; $TLS_but_directory_is_not_writable = "ディレクトリに書き込み権限がありません!"; $TLS_directory_is_writable = "ディレクトリに書き込み権限があります"; $TLS_does_not_exist = "存在しません"; $TLS_exists = "存在します"; $TLS_ldap_extension_not_loaded="Login method is configured as LDAP<br>" . "but PHP LDAP extension is not loaded => " . "You will not be able to login.<br>". "Please contact your TestLink administrator"; $TLS_sec_note_admin_default_pwd = "'admin' アカウントのパスワードを変更してください!"; $TLS_sec_note_remove_install_dir = "インストールディレクトリを削除してください!"; // lib/general/frmWorkArea.php $TLS_create_a_build = "Create a new build"; $TLS_no_build_warning_part1 = "There are no Builds created for this Test Plan "; $TLS_no_build_warning_part2 = "Please create it first or ask your administrator."; // lib/general/myTPInfo.php $TLS_no_testplans_available = "I'm sorry there are no Test Plans available"; // lib/general/ // lib/keywords/ $TLS_empty_keyword_no = "You cannot enter an empty keyword!"; $TLS_keywords_char_not_allowed = "Commas and quotes aren't allowed within keywords!"; $TLS_tc_kw_update_fails1 = "Test Case"; $TLS_tc_kw_update_fails2 = "fails"; $TLS_the_format_keyword_csv_import = "keyword;notes"; $TLS_the_format_keyword_xml_import = "&lt;keywords>&lt;keyword name=\"name\">Notes&lt;/keyword>&lt;/keywords>"; // lib/keywords/keywordsView.php $TLS_kw_delete_fails = "Keyword delete operation fails!"; $TLS_kw_update_fails = "Update fails"; // lib/keywords/keywordsAssign.php $TLS_assigned_kword = "Assigned Keywords"; $TLS_available_kword = "Available Keywords"; // lib/plan/buildNew.php $TLS_cannot_add_build = "The build cannot be added!"; $TLS_cannot_delete_build = "The build cannot be deleted!"; $TLS_cannot_update_build = "Error while updating build!"; $TLS_warning_duplicate_build = "There is already a build with this identifier"; // lib/plan/ //$TLS_warning_empty_milestone_name = "You cannot enter a Milestone without a name!"; $TLS_warning_enter_valid_date = "You have to enter a valid date!"; $TLS_warning_invalid_percentage_value = "Percentage values must range from 0 to 100%"; $TLS_warning_milestone_date = "Milestones have to be created at today's date or greater!"; $TLS_warning_percentage_value_higher_than_100 = "All percentage values summed up cannot be higher than 100"; // lib/plan/planMilestones.php $TLS_milestone_delete_fails = "The milestone couldn't be deleted!"; $TLS_warning_milestone_add_failed = "Milestone cannot be added!"; $TLS_warning_milestone_update_failed = "The milestone couldn't be updated!"; // lib/plan/planOwner.php $TLS_opt_imp_high = "High"; $TLS_opt_imp_low = "Low"; $TLS_opt_imp_medium = "Medium"; // lib/plan/planTestersEdit.php $TLS_title_assign_tp = "Assign Test Plans to the user "; $TLS_title_assign_users = "Assign Users to the Test Plan "; // lib/plan/planTestersNavigator.php $TLS_nav_test_plan = "Navigator - Test Plans"; $TLS_nav_users = "Navigator - Users"; // lib/plan/planUpdateTC.php $TLS_category_has_changed = "Test Suite has changed"; $TLS_component_has_changed = "Test Suite has changed"; $TLS_deleted = "deleted"; $TLS_different_versions = "Diff. Versions"; $TLS_plan_update_no_tc_updated = "No Test Cases were updated"; $TLS_planupdate_tc_deleted1 = "Test Case"; $TLS_planupdate_tc_deleted2 = "has been deleted."; $TLS_planupdate_tc_updated1 = "Test Case"; $TLS_planupdate_tc_updated2 = "has been updated."; $TLS_tcorder_has_changed = "The order of the tc's was changed"; $TLS_updated = "updated"; // lib/plan/testSetNavigator.php $TLS_title_test_plan_navigator = "Test plan navigator"; // lib/plan/testSetRemove.php $TLS_tcase_removed_from_tplan="Test Case removed from Test Plan"; $TLS_multiple_tcase_removed_from_tplan="Test Cases removed from Test Plan"; // lib/plan/planEdit.php $TLS_testplan_created_ok = "Test Plan was created"; $TLS_update_tp_failed1 = "Update of Test Plan '"; $TLS_update_tp_failed2 = "' failed"; $TLS_warning_duplicate_tplan_name = "There is already a Test Plan with this name. Please choose another name!"; // lib/print/selectData.php $TLS_opt_show_doc_header = "Show Document Header"; $TLS_opt_show_tc_body = "Show Test Case Body"; $TLS_opt_show_tc_summary = "Show Test Case Summary"; $TLS_opt_show_toc = "Show Table of Contents"; $TLS_opt_show_tc_author = "Show Test Case Author"; $TLS_opt_show_passfail = "Show Pass/Fail and Notes"; $TLS_title_tc_print_navigator = "Navigator - Print Test Specification"; $TLS_title_tp_print_navigator = "Navigator - Print Test Plan "; // lib/project/projectedit.php $TLS_error_product_name_duplicate = "There's already Test Project named %s. <br>Please choose a different name"; $TLS_info_no_more_prods = "No more Test Projects."; $TLS_info_product_activated = "The Test Project was activated."; $TLS_info_product_inactivated = "The Test Project was deactivated."; $TLS_info_product_not_deleted_check_log = "Test Project was not deleted. Please check TestLink log."; $TLS_info_product_was_deleted = "The Test Project was successfully deleted."; $TLS_refer_to_log = " Please refer to TestLink log for more information."; $TLS_test_project_activated = "Test Project %s was succesfully activated"; $TLS_test_project_created = "Test Project %s was succesfully created"; $TLS_test_project_deleted = "Test Project %s was succesfully deleted"; $TLS_test_project_inactivated = "Test Project %s was succesfully inactivated"; $TLS_test_project_updated = "Test Project %s was succesfully updated"; $TLS_test_project_update_failed = "Update of Test Project %s failed!"; // lib/results/charts.php $TLS_maani_copyright = "flash technology provided by"; $TLS_graphical_reports = "Graphical Reports"; $TLS_overall_metrics = "Overall Metrics"; $TLS_results_by_keyword = "Results by Keyword"; $TLS_results_by_tester = "Results by Tester"; $TLS_results_top_level_suites = "Results for Top Level Suites"; // lib/req/reqImport.php $TLS_file_is_not_ok_for_import_type = "File seems to be incompatible with the import type selected"; $TLS_file_is_not_text = "File is not a text file. Cannot be used"; $TLS_please_choose_req_file = "Please choose the file to upload"; $TLS_req_import_finished = "The import is finished!"; // lib/req/reqSpecView.php $TLS_cant_create_tc_from_req_nothing_sel = "Please select a requirement!"; $TLS_req_created = "Requirement %s was successfully created"; // lib/req/reqTcAssign.php $TLS_req_msg_noselect = "Nothing selected"; $TLS_req_msg_notupdated_coverage = "Coverage was not updated for Requirements "; // lib/results/resultsBugs.php $TLS_title_test_report_all_builds = "Test Report: Results of Test Cases for all Builds"; // lib/results/resultsAllBuilds.php $TLS_title_metrics_x_build = "Overall Build Status"; // lib/results/resultsByStatus.php $TLS_list_of_blocked = "Blocked Test Cases"; $TLS_list_of_failed = "Failed Test Cases"; $TLS_list_of_not_run = "Not Run Test Cases"; // lib/results/resultsTC.php // lib/results/resultsNavigator.php $TLS_link_charts="Charts"; $TLS_link_report_blocked_tcs = "Blocked Test Cases"; $TLS_link_report_failed = "Failed Test Cases"; $TLS_link_report_general_tp_metrics = "General Test Plan Metrics"; $TLS_link_report_metrics_active_build = "Metrics of Active Build"; $TLS_link_report_metrics_more_builds = "Query Metrics"; $TLS_link_report_not_run="Not run Test Cases"; $TLS_link_report_overall_build = "Overall Build Status"; $TLS_link_report_reqs_coverage = "Requirements based Report"; $TLS_link_report_test = "Test Report"; $TLS_link_report_total_bugs = "Total Bugs For Each Test Case"; // lib/results/resultsSend.php $TLS_send_to_empty_email_warning = "I'm sorry but email cannot be sent with a blank to field. Please enter a valid address."; $TLS_warning_create_build_first = "You must create builds or import data at first."; // lib/results/displayMgr.php $TLS_error_sendreport_no_email_credentials = "Email for this user is not specified, please edit email credentials in 'Personal' tab"; // lib/testcases/ // lib/testcases/listTestCases.php // lib/testcases/tcImport.php $TLS_please_choose_file_to_import = "Please choose file to import"; $TLS_title_tc_import_to = "Import Test Case(s)"; $TLS_title_tsuite_import_to = "Import Test Suite"; $TLS_wrong_xml_tcase_file = "Wrong xml Test Case file"; $TLS_wrong_xml_tsuite_file = "Wrong xml Test Suite file"; // lib/testcases/tcexport.php $TLS_no_testcases_to_export = "There are no Test Cases to export"; $TLS_no_testsuites_to_export = "There are no Test Suites to export"; $TLS_title_tc_export = "Export Test Case"; $TLS_title_tc_export_all = "Export all Test Cases"; $TLS_title_tsuite_export = "Export Test Suite"; $TLS_title_tsuite_export_all = "Export all Test Suites"; // lib/testcases/containerEdit.php $TLS_delete = "Delete"; $TLS_delete_notice = "Warning: All Related Execution Results will be deleted"; $TLS_warning_empty_com_name = "Please give a name to Test Suite"; // lib/testcases/tcEdit.php $TLS_current = "current"; $TLS_delete_linked = "Links to test plans will be removed"; $TLS_delete_linked_and_exec = "Links to test plans, and execution related information will be removed"; $TLS_error_tc_add = "There was an error while adding the Test Case"; $TLS_title_del_tc = "Delete Test Case "; // lib/usermanagement/rolesview.php $TLS_error_role_deletion = "The role couldn't be deleted!"; // lib/usermanagement/usersassign.php $TLS_no_test_projects = "There are no Test Projects defined"; $TLS_no_test_plans = "There are no Test Plans defined for this Test Project"; $TLS_test_project_user_roles_updated = "User Roles updated"; $TLS_test_plan_user_roles_updated = "User Roles updated"; // lib/usermanagement/usersedit.php $TLS_user_created = "User %s was successfully created"; $TLS_user_deleted = "User %s was successfully deleted"; $TLS_user_not_added = "The user wasn't added!"; // lib/usermanagement/rolesedit.php $TLS_error_role_creation = "The role couldn't be created!"; $TLS_error_role_update = "The role couldn't be updated!"; // lib/cfields/cfields_edit.php $TLS_cf_name_exists = "Custom field name already exists. Please choose a new one"; $TLS_error_creating_cf = "The custom field couldn't be created!"; $TLS_do_update = "updated"; $TLS_do_delete = "deleted"; $TLS_do_add = "added"; ?>




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