05 Carefree Circulator

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|album=文 -BUN-
|lyric=Blue E
|arrange=Swing Holic Band
|original=風の循環 ~ Wind Tour
Day and day, I search for the scoops that anyone does
Strange thing happens, I hurry to the place just where it does
It's fine day, I wanna say just "Hi, good morning to all !"
Straight feeling day, I don't have my work on today in fact

To the sky, To the ground, it's alright with no purpose
Turn the right, Turn the left, freedom is only rule now
Upside down, Downside up, Hey, Mr.Breezing, call me !
Twist & Sing, Fly as Dance, Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

Oh, far away, my press holiday
Ah, my destination is around this world
Cafree wind
Oh, Sky Blue Sky like my heart never die
Please listen to the song from the sky with love !

Priceless time, enjoy myself freely as possible, yeah
Strange thing happens, it's no matter to me at all today
Grateful day, getting to be myself more and more, Ooh yeah
Straight feeling day, I can play away as I want to play

To the sky, To the ground, it's alright with no purpose
Turn the right, Turn the left, freedom is only rule now
Upside down, Downside up, Hey, Mr.Breezing, call me !
Twist & Sing, Fly as Dance, Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

Oh, far away, my press holiday
Ah, my destination is around this world
Cafree wind
Oh, Sky Blue Sky like my heart never die
Please listen to the song from the sky with love !

To the sky, To the ground, it's alright with no purpose
Turn the right, Turn the left, freedom is only rule now
Upside down, Downside up, Hey, Mr.Breezing, call me !
Twist & Sing, Fly as Dance, Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

Oh, far away, my press holiday
Ah, my destination is around this world
Cafree wind
Oh, Sky Blue Sky like my heart never die
Please listen to the song from the sky with love !
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • C
  • 文 -BUN-
  • A~YA
  • 風の循環 ~ Wind Tour

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最終更新:2020年11月26日 12:10


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