03 World of You

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|original=ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処
|prev=02 START
|next=04 Wind blows...
A little miracle. A start of something new.
A whole experience. I feel there's something calling.
Holding onto this feeling deep inside me,
I'm running down an unknown road.

Even when all seems to fade, I
Never could let any of it bring me down.
Look at the world all around us.
They will never clear the fire inside my heart.

We're running from the middle of crossing paths.
There's no way to turn back from the choice that we must face.
Erasing inhibition, we keep going on.
As we look toward the sky, we will find a brand new source of light.

It's so mysterious, that whisper in the wind.
So go on seeking it and find the one who's calling.
There is always a way for me to follow.
I'm dreaming of a whole new world.

With every step, I discover all the ways
I can find myself within a world that reminds me of you.
I know that some things may always change
But I will always be loving you, so let us reach out for the stars.

Even on the nights when the stars seem to fade, I
Never could let any of it bring me down.
If you're a part of my world, I'll
Let myself hold onto what I wish for forever.

We're running to the middle of merging paths.
There's no way to turn back from the choice that we have made.
Erasing so-called distance, we'll keep moving on.
As we look up to the sky, even in the darkest night,
All the stars will guide us to the brightest way tonight.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • W
  • FELT
  • Vivienne
  • ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処

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最終更新:2023年08月20日 20:21


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