「Days of Thunder Arcade」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Days of Thunder Arcade - (2011/03/03 (木) 11:01:27) の1つ前との変更点



Days of Thunder: Arcade 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 配信日:2011年2月25日 DL費用:800MSP ジャンル:Racing ☆国内未配信 |Rubbin' is Racin'|Get over 9,000 Points in Rowdy Derby Mode.|20| |Eyes on The Prize|Use Focus 100 times in singleplayer.|10| |Championship Driver|Complete the career mode.|30| |Gear Head|Max out all Performance Points on a car.|10| |Challenger|Complete all the Challenges.|50| |Droppin' The Hammer|Use Hammer 100 times in singleplayer.|20| |Amateur Driver|Complete the Amateur Cup.|10| |Pro Driver|Complete the Pro Cup.|15| |Welcome to the big time.|Start a new career.|20| |Every second countin the minutes|Compete in your first Time Trial.|5| |Don't put yourself into the wall|Compete in your first Derby match.|5| |Let's see how you do in a crowd|Compete in your first Multiplayer Match.|5| ----

