「Yar's Revenge」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Yar's Revenge - (2011/03/10 (木) 10:59:51) の1つ前との変更点



Yar's Revenge 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 配信日:2011年 DL費用: ジャンル: ☆国内未配信 |Yars' Revenge|Defeated Queen Raktamalina|20| |Multiple-Madness|Get your multiplier above 100 on Normal or Hard|20| |Reaper|Beat a level in Hardcore Mode without dying|15| |Hardcore|Complete all levels in Hardcore Mode|30| |Bee|Beat the game using only the pulse laser on Normal or Hard|25| |Cockroach|Beat the game without dying on Normal or Hard|25| |Gnat|Beat a level without taking damage on Normal or Hard|10| |Mosquito|Kill (1000) enemies with missiles|10| |Wasp|Kill (500) enemies with the railgun|10| |Beetle|Beat a boss using only the pulse laser on Normal or Hard|15| |Boom!|Kill 20 or more enemies in one shot with the Zorlon Cannon|10| |Cloned|Beat every level in Co-Op Mode|10| ----

