「Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL - (2011/12/06 (火) 20:01:40) の1つ前との変更点



Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度: ★国内未発売 北米のみ |Couch Potato|Beat Story Mode|100| |Chowder Fan|Finished the Chowder theme in story mode|10| |Ben 10 Fan|Finished the Ben 10 theme in story mode|10| |Flapjack Fan|Finished the Flapjack theme in story mode|10| |KND Fan|Finished the KND theme in story mode|15| |PPG Fan|Finished the Powerpuff Girls theme in story mode|15| |Foster’s Fan|Finished the Foster’s Home theme in story mode|15| |Dexter’s Lab Fan|Finished the Dexter’s Lab theme in story mode|20| |Billy & Mandy Fan|Finished the Grim Adventure’s theme in story mode|20| |Samurai Jack Fan|Finished the Samurai Jack theme in story mode|20| |No Big Deal|Beat Story Mode on the Hard difficulty setting|50| |Cartoon Collector|Unlocked all characters|50| |Costume Collector|Unlocked all costumes|30| |Unreal Estate Collector|Unlocked all arenas|40| |Big Money!|Collected 1000 points from a single level|20| |It’s over 9000!|Collected 9001 points|25| |Frenemies|Defeated Kevin boss using Ben without dying|30| |Samurai’s Journey|Defeated Aku boss using Jack without dying|35| |Professional Hero|efeated the Final boss without dying|50| |“Yes!”|Activated Ben’s synergy assist|5| |It’s Hero Time!|Won the Bellwood fight in story mode with Ben or Young Ben in under a minute|20| |Vengeance of Vilgax|Won five fights as Vilgax against Ben and Young Ben|5| |Ugly Finish|Scored four consecutive knockouts using Kevin’s PTE|20| |Chicken Ball Z|Scored four knockouts after using Billy and Mandy’s PTE|20| |Freedom!!!|Won the Toadblatt’s level in story mode with Grim in under two minutes|20| |Like a Hoss|Won the Endsville Cemetery level in story mode with Hoss Delgado without dying|30| |I am not your Boyfriend|Activated Panini’s assist while fighting against Chowder|5| |Adventure!|Won the first Flapjack Pier level in story mode with Flapjack and K’nuckles in under three minutes|30| |Dexo Robo 2000|Scored two knockouts using Dexter’s PTE|10| |What Does This Button Do?|Activated DeeDee’s assist while fighting against Dexter|5| |AH-ha-ha! AH-ha-HA ha-ha!|Activated Mandark’s assist while fighting against Dexter|5| |Dial M for Monkey|Won ten fights as Monkey in his alternate costume|15| |Way of the Samurai|Scored five knockouts after activating Jack’s PTE|25| |Ninjas Beat Pirates|Won a fight as Jack in his alternate costume with Flapjack and K’nuckles as opponents|10| |Master of Darkness|Won five fights as Aku with Jack as an opponent|10| |Viking God of Rock|Scored two consecutive knockouts with Aku’s synergy assist|15| |Meet My Beautiful Wife|Activated Scotsman's PTE and Peppermint Larry’s Assist in the same fight|15| |Go Mac Go|Won ten fights as Mac and Bloo in their alternate costumes|15| |S.E.C.T.O.R. V.|Completed Kids Next Door Platformer under 5 minutes|20| |Father is Number One|Won five fights as Father with Numbuh One as an opponent|10| |Flame Broiled|Scored a knockout using Father’s synergy assist|10| |Flushed|Scored two simultaneous knockouts using Toiletnator’s PTE |15| |A great Big Hug|Activated Bubbles’ synergy assist |5| |Not Powerpuff, Rowdyruff!|Won a fight with each Powerpuff in alternate costume against a Powerpuff in normal outfit|20| |Planet of the Ape|Won ten fights as Mojo Jojo against a Powerpuff girl|15| |Him Diddle Riddle|Won ten fights as Him against a Powerpuff girl|15| |P90 Him |Won nine fights as Him in his alternate costume|15| |The power is yours!|Scored three simultaneous knockouts using Captain Planet’s PTE|15| |Disco Fever|Scored two consecutive knockouts using Captain Planet’s synergy assist|10| |Do the Monkey |Activated Johnny’s synergy assist|5| スマブラ風対戦アクション。風というかスマブラそのもの。よって、経験者ならすんなりプレイできるはず(但しボタン配置の違いで戸惑うかも)。 ストーリーはハードでも、強技ゴリ押しでなんとでもなるレベル。 ----
Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ ★国内未発売 北米のみ  リージョンプロテクトの為、日本版本体で起動不可 スマブラ風対戦アクション。風というかスマブラそのもの。よって、経験者ならすんなりプレイできるはず(但しボタン配置の違いで戸惑うかも)。 ストーリーはハードでも、強技ゴリ押しでなんとでもなるレベル。 実績解除としては、ストーリーをハードでクリア後、残りをこなすことになる。 海外フォーラムでは8~10時間とのことだが、ポイント稼ぎとかあるので、実際にはそれに+2時間ぐらいかかるように思う。 参考:海外フォーラム http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=345867 |Couch Potato|Beat Story Mode|100| |Chowder Fan|Finished the Chowder theme in story mode|10| |Ben 10 Fan|Finished the Ben 10 theme in story mode|10| |Flapjack Fan|Finished the Flapjack theme in story mode|10| |KND Fan|Finished the KND theme in story mode|15| |PPG Fan|Finished the Powerpuff Girls theme in story mode|15| |Foster’s Fan|Finished the Foster’s Home theme in story mode|15| |Dexter’s Lab Fan|Finished the Dexter’s Lab theme in story mode|20| |Billy & Mandy Fan|Finished the Grim Adventure’s theme in story mode|20| |Samurai Jack Fan|Finished the Samurai Jack theme in story mode|20| |No Big Deal|Beat Story Mode on the Hard difficulty setting|50| |Cartoon Collector|Unlocked all characters|50| |Costume Collector|Unlocked all costumes|30| |Unreal Estate Collector|Unlocked all arenas|40| |Big Money!|Collected 1000 points from a single level|20| |It’s over 9000!|Collected 9001 points|25| |Frenemies|Defeated Kevin boss using Ben without dying|30| |Samurai’s Journey|Defeated Aku boss using Jack without dying|35| |Professional Hero|efeated the Final boss without dying|50| |“Yes!”|Activated Ben’s synergy assist|5| |It’s Hero Time!|Won the Bellwood fight in story mode with Ben or Young Ben in under a minute|20| |Vengeance of Vilgax|Won five fights as Vilgax against Ben and Young Ben|5| |Ugly Finish|Scored four consecutive knockouts using Kevin’s PTE|20| |Chicken Ball Z|Scored four knockouts after using Billy and Mandy’s PTE|20| |Freedom!!!|Won the Toadblatt’s level in story mode with Grim in under two minutes|20| |Like a Hoss|Won the Endsville Cemetery level in story mode with Hoss Delgado without dying|30| |I am not your Boyfriend|Activated Panini’s assist while fighting against Chowder|5| |Adventure!|Won the first Flapjack Pier level in story mode with Flapjack and K’nuckles in under three minutes|30| |Dexo Robo 2000|Scored two knockouts using Dexter’s PTE|10| |What Does This Button Do?|Activated DeeDee’s assist while fighting against Dexter|5| |AH-ha-ha! AH-ha-HA ha-ha!|Activated Mandark’s assist while fighting against Dexter|5| |Dial M for Monkey|Won ten fights as Monkey in his alternate costume|15| |Way of the Samurai|Scored five knockouts after activating Jack’s PTE|25| |Ninjas Beat Pirates|Won a fight as Jack in his alternate costume with Flapjack and K’nuckles as opponents|10| |Master of Darkness|Won five fights as Aku with Jack as an opponent|10| |Viking God of Rock|Scored two consecutive knockouts with Aku’s synergy assist|15| |Meet My Beautiful Wife|Activated Scotsman's PTE and Peppermint Larry’s Assist in the same fight|15| |Go Mac Go|Won ten fights as Mac and Bloo in their alternate costumes|15| |S.E.C.T.O.R. V.|Completed Kids Next Door Platformer under 5 minutes|20| |Father is Number One|Won five fights as Father with Numbuh One as an opponent|10| |Flame Broiled|Scored a knockout using Father’s synergy assist|10| |Flushed|Scored two simultaneous knockouts using Toiletnator’s PTE |15| |A great Big Hug|Activated Bubbles’ synergy assist |5| |Not Powerpuff, Rowdyruff!|Won a fight with each Powerpuff in alternate costume against a Powerpuff in normal outfit|20| |Planet of the Ape|Won ten fights as Mojo Jojo against a Powerpuff girl|15| |Him Diddle Riddle|Won ten fights as Him against a Powerpuff girl|15| |P90 Him |Won nine fights as Him in his alternate costume|15| |The power is yours!|Scored three simultaneous knockouts using Captain Planet’s PTE|15| |Disco Fever|Scored two consecutive knockouts using Captain Planet’s synergy assist|10| |Do the Monkey |Activated Johnny’s synergy assist|5| -Couch Potato -~ Fan(9種類) ストーリー実績。ストーリーモードを進めれば解除される。 -No Big Deal ハードでストーリークリア。下位難易度クリア後、レベルセレクトで全エリアハードクリアしてもダメ。下位難易度でクリアした場合は再度初めからハードでストーリーを始める必要がある。 上記の通り、ハードは酷いほど難しくない。実績「Big Money!」を達成したら、闘う必要のない敵を全て無視で進めていくといい。 -Big Money! ひとつのエリアで1000ポイント以上入手。きっちり敵を倒して進んでいけば序盤で達成できるはず。 -It’s over 9000! 所持しているポイントが合計9001ポイント以上になれば解除。 ストーリーを進めている最中にアイテム購入をしなければ終わりまでに達成できるはず。 -Cartoon Collector -Costume Collector -Unreal Estate Collector キャラとエリアはストーリーを進めると増えるもの+ショップで購入。コスチュームは全てショップ購入。 「Cartoon Collector 」で10500pts、「Costume Collector」で13000pts、「Unreal Estate Collector」で5000pts、合計で28500pts必要。ちなみにムービーも購入できるが実績的には必要なし。 ポイントを稼ぐ方法として、「バトルモード⇒カスタムモード」でライフ100個勝負、エリアはPowerpuff Girlsの1面でローカル2P対戦を始める。後のロボがエリアの左右を破壊したら、あとは稼ぎたい方が、相手をひたすら投げ落とす。 ----

