「Double Dragon Neon」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Double Dragon Neon - (2012/10/04 (木) 21:30:09) の1つ前との変更点



Double Dragon Neon //ダブルドラゴン ネオン 項目数:30 総ポイント:400 難易度: 初回起動時に1Gの端数実績が付くので注意。1周クリアで19Gの実績が解除される。 公開: 395G (内2項目60Gはローカルcoop専用) |Skullmageddon's Curse|Nyah ha ha! Now finish what you have started!|1| |Bone to Pick|Hit Skullmageddon with a hair pick|5| |A Boo Boo|Knock Abobo into a pit|5| |Fuzzface!!|Befriend everyone's most favoritest helpful character!|5| |Metal Head|Upgrade a song at the Tapesmith|5| |Put Your Heads Together|Grab two enemies at once!|5| |Tossin' on Air|Grab an enemy out of the air 10 times|5| |Is That a Quarter?|Knock Williams into a pit|5| |Weapon Master|Use every weapon once|5| |Bro-merang|Catch a boomerang thrown by your bro!|5| |The Key to Victory|Defeat an enemy by unlocking his potential|5| |Jawsome!!!|Expose the twin bulbs simultaneously|5| |Gleam On!|Dodge and get the Gleam 50 times|10| |Mr. Perfect|Complete any level without taking any damage|10| |Cultured|View all pages of the concept art gallery|10| |You Did What!?|You got 50000 on Double Dragon!?|10| |High Fidelity|Max out a single song to level 50|10| |This Channel Sucks|Break all of the Skullmageddon monitors in the Rocket Dojo|10| |Grand Slam!|Defeat 4 enemies with a single bat swing!|10| |Are You Awake?|Win an airlock battle without attacking|10| |Pick a Winner!|Nail all enemies with the hair pick|15| |Victory!|Defeat Skullmageddon!|19| |Audiophile|Collect one of each mix tape song|20| |Misters Perfect|Complete any level in co-op without taking any damage... with friendly fire enabled!|20| |Later Ro-bros!|Beat every level as a Ro-bro|20| |Tone Deaf|Complete the game without using any Sosetsitsu!|25| |Double Dragon|Finish every stage cooperatively on Double Dragon difficulty with friendly fire enabled!|40| |Max Fidelity|Max out every song to level 50!!|50| |Single Dragon|Finish every stage solo on Double Dragon difficulty!|50| 秘密の実績: 5G |A Foot Face?|Become the hidden idol!|5| ---- ●Are You Awake? ステージ4開始エリアで、打撃を一撃も与えずに全ての敵を エアロックに吸い込ませると解除
Double Dragon Neon //ダブルドラゴン ネオン 項目数:30 総ポイント:400 難易度: 初回起動時に1Gの端数実績が付くので注意。1周クリアで19Gの実績が解除される。 公開: 395G (内2項目60Gはローカルcoop専用) |Skullmageddon's Curse|Nyah ha ha! Now finish what you have started!|1| |Bone to Pick|Hit Skullmageddon with a hair pick|5| |A Boo Boo|Knock Abobo into a pit|5| |Fuzzface!!|Befriend everyone's most favoritest helpful character!|5| |Metal Head|Upgrade a song at the Tapesmith|5| |Put Your Heads Together|Grab two enemies at once!|5| |Tossin' on Air|Grab an enemy out of the air 10 times|5| |Is That a Quarter?|Knock Williams into a pit|5| |Weapon Master|Use every weapon once|5| |Bro-merang|Catch a boomerang thrown by your bro!|5| |The Key to Victory|Defeat an enemy by unlocking his potential|5| |Jawsome!!!|Expose the twin bulbs simultaneously|5| |Gleam On!|Dodge and get the Gleam 50 times|10| |Mr. Perfect|Complete any level without taking any damage|10| |Cultured|View all pages of the concept art gallery|10| |You Did What!?|You got 50000 on Double Dragon!?|10| |High Fidelity|Max out a single song to level 50|10| |This Channel Sucks|Break all of the Skullmageddon monitors in the Rocket Dojo|10| |Grand Slam!|Defeat 4 enemies with a single bat swing!|10| |Are You Awake?|Win an airlock battle without attacking|10| |Pick a Winner!|Nail all enemies with the hair pick|15| |Victory!|Defeat Skullmageddon!|19| |Audiophile|Collect one of each mix tape song|20| |Misters Perfect|Complete any level in co-op without taking any damage... with friendly fire enabled!|20| |Later Ro-bros!|Beat every level as a Ro-bro|20| |Tone Deaf|Complete the game without using any Sosetsitsu!|25| |Double Dragon|Finish every stage cooperatively on Double Dragon difficulty with friendly fire enabled!|40| |Max Fidelity|Max out every song to level 50!!|50| |Single Dragon|Finish every stage solo on Double Dragon difficulty!|50| 秘密の実績: 5G |A Foot Face?|Become the hidden idol!|5| ---- ●Weapon Master ゲーム内で拾える武器を全種類、一回使用する。 拾う前に暴発することの多い手榴弾だけ気をつければ問題ない。 ●Are You Awake? ステージ4開始エリアで、打撃を一撃も与えずに全ての敵を エアロックに吸い込ませると解除

